Nathan McNamee

Dr Nathan McNamee

Postgraduate Research (PhD) Student in Finance
+44 (0)1483 682117
78 MS 02



Nathan joined the Surrey Business School in January 2014 as a PhD Researcher in Finance. He holds an MBA with emphasis in Accounting and Finance from the University of Edinburgh Business School (UK) and a BSc in Business from Brigham Young University (US).Nathan brings roughly 10 years of experience in the investment and financial services industry with the last four years serving in executive roles. In this capacity, he has led out on several successful financial services firm mergers and acquisitions and has significant regulatory and compliance knowledge. Additionally, Nathan has consulted for companies in various industries on corporate finance issues and the selection and implementation of accounting and information systems.

Research interests

Mergers and Acquisitions, Asset Sales, Sources of Corporate Financing, Private Equity, Alternative Investments, and Asset Management


Corporate Finance (MSc) Seminars

Departmental duties


Selected by PGR office to mentor two undergraduate students.

Student quote: "I've just been offered a 3 month internship at JP Morgan...I just want to show my gratitude and thank you for all the help you have given me. I don't think I'll be in this position without any of your help, thank you!"



  • American Finance Association (AFA)
  • Financial Management Association (FMA)
  • Multinational Finance Society (MFS)


'Selling to Buy: Asset Sales as a Source of Financing in Mergers and Acquisitions'(1) Finance and Accounting Department Seminar, University of Surrey, UK, 2015(2) Post Graduate Research Conference, University of Surrey, UK, 2015

PhD Supervisors

Professor Dimitris PetmezasDr. Christos Mavis



'Selling to Buy: Asset Sales and Method of Payment in M&As', (2015), (with Christos Mavis, Dimitris Petmezas, and Nickolaos G. Travlos), Under Review