Dr Nana-Fatima Ozeto
Academic and research departments
Social Psychology Research Group, School of Psychology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.About
I am a Lecturer in the School of Psychology teaching a variety of topics, primarily in Social Psychology.
I completed my BSc in Psychology at Swansea University, MSc in Foundations of Clinical Psychology at the University of Southampton, and PhD in Psychology at the University of Surrey.
My qualifications
ResearchResearch interests
My key interests lie in the development of the social self and its role in shaping interactions within culturally diverse societies. I am particularly interested in how individuals, especially children, navigate multiple social identities (e.g., gender, migration status, race, and religion) and how the sociocultural context influences their reasoning about social issues embedded in prejudice. By exploring how these intersecting identities shape judgments and experiences of the social world, I aim to contribute to a broader understanding of intergroup relations and social inclusion.
Research interests
My key interests lie in the development of the social self and its role in shaping interactions within culturally diverse societies. I am particularly interested in how individuals, especially children, navigate multiple social identities (e.g., gender, migration status, race, and religion) and how the sociocultural context influences their reasoning about social issues embedded in prejudice. By exploring how these intersecting identities shape judgments and experiences of the social world, I aim to contribute to a broader understanding of intergroup relations and social inclusion.
PSY1019: Social Psychology with Research Methods 1 (Contributing Lecturer)
PSY1017: Cognitive Psychology with Research Methods 1 (Tutor)
PSY2016: Social Psychology with Research Methods 2 (Contributing Lecturer)
PSY3128 Forensic Clinical Psychology (Tutor)
PSYM112: Cognitive Psychology with Research Methods (Tutor)
PSYM147: Advanced Research Methods and Design (Tutor)
PSYM093: Fundamental Concepts in Social Psychology with Research Methods (Contributing Lecturer)
PSYM171: Personality, Intelligence, and Psychopathology (ONLINE) (Module Convenor)
PSYM170: Key Questions in Environmental Psychology (ONLINE) (Module Convenor)
Support for children’s rights is greater among children raised in democratic environments. The present two studies examined children’s endorsements and predictors of children’s rights. Five democratic competences taken from the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture served as predictors. We tested the models in a sample of children raised in five European countries and a sample raised in an African country, seeking to extend our model beyond the Global North. In Study 1, we found four of these five competences, namely, higher valuing of cultural diversity, civic-mindedness, cultural openness, and empathy significantly predicted higher endorsements of rights in children from Bulgaria, Italy, Norway, Romania, and Spain (7 – 11-year-olds, N = 292). In Study 2, we found higher valuing of cultural diversity significantly predicted higher endorsements of rights in Nigerian children (7 – 14-year-olds, N = 84). Supporting social cognitive domain theory, children in both studies endorsed nurturance rights more than self-determination rights. Inclusion of children from the Global North and South enabled us to determine whether patterns of rights endorsements were similar for children from both samples. Overall, this research presents novel findings on the salience of valuing cultural diversity in support for children’s rights.
This pilot study is the first to examine whether a novel curriculum based on the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) could increase children's endorsement and knowledge of children's rights. We conducted a pre-test-post-test design with an intervention and a comparison school. Pupils (n = 172) from Bulgaria, Italy, Norway, Romania, and Spain attended schools in which the curriculum was taught, whereas pupils in the comparison group (n = 120) attended schools in the same city where the curriculum was not taught. Both groups were tested on their endorsement and knowledge of rights before and at the end of the intervention. Children in the intervention group increased in endorsing children's rights at post-test more than did children in the intervention group. Most children believed that children had rights. Children in the intervention group showed modest increases in their knowledge of rights. Future ways of implementing the RFCDC are suggested.
Additional publications
Fitzgerald, S., Ozeto, N. T., Jinnah, J., Rodrigo, S., & Shanahan, P. (2024). Adults with learning disabilities’ use of health promotion initiatives. Nursing Times, 120(6).
Ozeto, N. T., & Allan, T. (2021). Investigating a relationship between perceived stress, religious coping, and religiosity in migrant Muslim women. Journal of Muslim Mental Health 15(1). doi: 10.3998/jmmh.265