Dr Nan Holmes
Nan is a chartered clinical psychologist and Clinical Director of the PsychD Programme in Clinical Psychology. Her job is to take responsibility, with the Programme Director and Research Director, for ensuring the systematic provision of a high quality doctoral level training in Clinical Psychology across Surrey, West Sussex and South West London. Nan's particular role on the Programme is to organise the clinical component of the Training Programme including establishing and monitoring standards for clinical training, developing, organising and monitoring clinical placements and placement supervision. The work also includes ensuring that high quality supervisor training and support is provided; and that those appointed as supervisors of the trainee clinical psychologists meet the requirements of the British Psychological Society and Health and Care Professions Council. She and her colleagues on the PsychD Programme at the university offer a range of training events for supervisors including a four day new supervisor training programme. Nan is also involved in delivering the supervisor training programme for supervisors of the IAPT (Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies) therapists being trained at the university. Recently she has begun collaborating in the supervision of a trainee research project on attachment in the supervisory relationship.Nan worked for many years in the NHS as a consultant psychologist in services for people with learning disabilities. Her particular interests are in the development and provision of high quality services for people with learning disabilities. This interest arose from the research she undertook with the Medical Research Council's Social Psychiatry Unit into the deinstitutionalisation of people with learning disabilities from long stay hospitals and the quality of life of adults with Downs Syndrome and adults with autism and their families. At the university, she has offered supervision to trainee clinical psychologists undertaking research with people with learning disabilities, people with autistic spectrum disorder and with carers e.g. the experience of social situations by people with Asperger syndrome, rule-bound behaviour of staff working with people with learning disabilities etc.