Michael Humbracht

Dr Michael Humbracht

Associate Lecturer

Academic and research departments

Surrey Hospitality and Tourism Management.


Areas of specialism

Visiting friends and relatives mobility; Transnational Intimacy ; Tourism Futures; Tourism and migration

My qualifications

Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in International Studies
University of Wyoming, USA
Masters in Applied in Cultural Analysis
University of Lund, Sweden
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Surrey, UK
Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning
University of Surrey, UK


Research interests




  • Humbracht, M., Williams, A., & Cohen, S. (2023) Cruel (Im)mobilities: Nearly Utopian Intimacies in Italian Personal Relationships. Global Networks. 23, 188–202.
  • Humbracht, M., Cohen, S., & Williams, A. (2022) Aspirational Intimacy in Visiting Friends and Relatives. Annals of Tourism Research, 94.  
  • Cohen, S., Stienmetz, J., Hanna, P., Humbracht,. & Debbie Hopkins (2020) Shadowcasting tourism knowledge through media: Self-driving sex cars?, Annals of Tourism Research, 85. 
  • Munoz J, Griffin T, Humbracht M. 2017. Towards a new definition for “visiting friends and relatives’. International Journal of Tourism Research. 19 (5). Pgs 477-485.
  • Humbracht M, Hyun I, Lundin S. 2016. Managing hope and spiritual distress: the centrality of the doctor patient relationship in combating stem cell travel. In Zeiler K and Malmqvist E, Sharing within and Across Borders. Routledge. 
  • Book Review: Humbracht M. 2015. Lifestyle Mobilities Intersections of Travel, Leisure and Migration, by Duncan T, Cohen C & Thulemark M. Tourism Analysis, 20(1).
  • Humbracht M. 2015. Reimagining Transnational Relations: the Embodied Politics of Visiting Friends and Relatives Mobilities. Population, Space and Place. 21 (7).
  • Povrzanovic Frykman M, Humbracht M. 2013. Making Palpable Connections, Objects in Migrants Transnational Lives. Ethnologia Scandinavica, Vol.43.