Pascoa Mario

Professor Mario Pascoa

Professor of Economics
Tuesday 16.00-18.00



Research interests


Non-cooperative Equilibrium and Chamberlinian Monopolistic Competition, Journal of Economic Theory, 60 (1993), 335-353;

Approximate Equilibrium in Pure Strategies for Non-Atomic Games, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 22 (1993), 223-241;

On the Differentiability of the Consumer Demand Function (with P. Monteiro and S. Werlang), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 25 (1996), 247-261;

Infinite Horizon Incomplete Markets with a Continuum of States (with A. Araujo and P. Monteiro), Mathematical Finance, 6 (1996), 119-132;

Monopolistic Competition and Non-Neighboring Goods, Economic Theory, 9 (1997), 129-142;

Incomplete Markets, Continuum of States and Default (with A. Araujo and P. Monteiro), Economic Theory, 11 (1998), 205-213;

Nash Equilibrium and the Law of Large Numbers, International Journal of Game Theory, 27 (1998), 83-92;

Determinacy of Equilibria in Nonsmooth Economies (with S. Werlang), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 32 (1999), 289-302;

Manipulation-Proof Equilibrium in Atomless Economies with Commodity Differentiation (with Herves-Beloso and Moreno-Garcia), Economic Theory, 14 (1999), 545-563;

Discreteness of Equilibria in Incomplete Markets with a Continuum of States (with P. K. Monteiro), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 33 (2000), 229-237;

Equilibrium with Default and Endogenous Collateral (with A. Araujo and J. Orrillo), Mathematical Finance, 10 (2000), 1-21;

Blocking Efficacy of Small Coalitions in Myopic Economies (with Herves-Beloso, Moreno-Garcia e Nuñez-Sanz) , Journal of Economic Theory, 93 (2000), 72-86;

Overlapping Generations Models with Incomplete Markets (with M. Florenzano and P. Gourdel), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 36 (2001), 201-218;

Collateral Avoids Ponzi Schemes in Incomplete Markets (with A. Araujo and TorresMartinez), Econometrica, 70 (2002), 1613-1638;

Bankruptcy in a Model of Unsecured Claims (with A. Araujo), Economic Theory, 20 (2002), 455-481;

Non-manipulability in Walrasian Cost Games (with M. Faias and Moreno-Garcia), Review of Economic Design, 7 (2002), 93-104;

Real Indeterminacy of Equilibria and Manipulability in Incomplete Markets (with M. 3 Faias and E. Moreno-Garcia), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 37 (2002), 325-340;

Endogenous Collateral (with A. Araujo and J. Fajardo), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 41 (2005), 439-462;

Harsh Default Penalties Lead to Ponzi Schemes, Games and Economic Behavior (with A. Seghir), 65 (2009), 270-286;

Fiat Money and the Value of Binding Portfolio Constraints (with M. Petrassi and J. P. Torres-Martinez), Economic Theory, 46 (2011), 189-209; 

General Equilibrium, Wariness and Bubbles (with A. Araujo and R. Novinski), Journal of Economic Theory, 146 (2011), 785-811;

Long Lived Collateralized Assets and Bubbles (with A. Araujo and J.P. TorresMartinez), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 47 (2011), 260-271;

Security Markets Theory : Possession, Repo and Re-Hypothecation (with J.M. Bottazzi and J. Luque), Journal of Economic Theory, 147 (2012), 477-500;

Endogenous Discounting, Wariness and Efficient Capital Taxation (with A. Araujo, J.P. Gama and R. Novinski), Journal of Economic Theory, 183 (2019), 520–545;

Crashing of Efficient Stochastic Bubbles (with A. Araujo and J.P. Gama), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 84 (2019), 136-143:

Recourse Loans and Ponzi Schemes (with A. Seghir), Economic Theory, 70 (2020), 527-550.