Dr Mariam Cirovic
Academic and research departments
Computer Science Research Centre, School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering.About
Mariam is currently a Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science. She completed her MSc in Computer Science at UCL and then her PhD in Computing at University of Surrey. Her PhD research was in the area of Ontological Engineering and was carried out in conjunction with the SoCIS (Scene of Crime Information System) project. After that she worked as a Research Fellow on ASPIC (Argumentation Service Platform with Integrated Components). Her teaching interests lie in Database Systems, Business Intelligence and Software Engineering, and she teaches on the BSc Computer Science and CBM as well as the MSc Data Science programmes.
University roles and responsibilities
- Senior Programme Lead
- Personal Tutor
- COM1025 - Web and Database Systems (Module Leader)
- COM1028 - Software Engineering (Co-Module Convener)
- COMM051- Database Systems (Co-Module Convener)
- COM3001 - Professional Project Supervisor