Dr Maria Miklaucich
Maria has a wide range of knowledge skills and experience in nursing and nurse education. Initial nurse training was undertaken at The Hospital for Sick Children Great Ormond Street London caring for sick children. Maria then commenced a career pathway at St Peters Hospital in Chertsey as a staff nurse and working in the Medical Unit and achieved a Mentoring qualification, became an NVQ Assessor, achieved NVQ L5 in Management and a Diploma in Nursing (London). Maria then became a Ward Sister and for 6 years developing team approaches to educational and Audit services. While enjoying this role very much her interest in student nurse education and training increased. Maria then took the post of Practice Development Sister and qualified herself as a Nurse Tutor undertaking a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Adult) achieving an MSc in Nursing Science. Maria's MSc research identified the adjustment process made by women following an acute angina attack and her publication has been cited several times.
In 2003 Maria took the post as a Nurse Tutor at Surrey University (teaching in areas as set out below). Subsequently Maria achieved a Doctorate in Education with a research focus on Reflection and Reflective Practice advancing strategy in post graduate nurse education. Maria has recently achieved a Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy and is currently engaged with many teaching and learning activities within the School of Health Sciences and active in NMC curricula review of programs currently for return to practice. Motivated as an educator and researcher Maria continues to support the development of healthcare practitioners both pre- and post-registration from a range of perspective for the development of safe informed nursing practice.
Research interests
Nurse Education and practice.
CI for PRIMER ICT International Project designing three modules of learning and teaching for older people supporting their interaction, engagement and active participation in society to improve wellbeing.
Intensive Programme Project Summer School Maribor Slovenia exploration preparation for the Erasmus Programme.
Currently Maria is a PI for a study exploring into the benefits of 'Masked Education' Simulation in nurse education and training.
Maria is part of a project team exploring models of best practice for suffers of Multiple Sclerosis.
Module Leader Return to PracticeModule Leader PreceptorshipModule Leader Orientation to UK Health PracticesResearch for Professional Practice Supervision BSc and MSc
Module Team Care Provision in Long Term Conditions (and Accelerated)Module Team Understanding ResearchModule Team Understanding the complexities of caring for older peopleModule Team Practice Module 2 and Elective
Departmental duties
Practice Liaison Tutor Locality 2
'Limitations on Life - Woman's Lived Experiences of Angina' Journal Of Advanced Nursing (1998) 28 (6) 1207 - 1215