Dr Mar Sanchez
Academic and research departments
Literature and Languages, Mobilities in Literature and Culture Research Centre.About
My research project
Beyond children's literature: children's agency and activism in cartonera publishingInterdisciplinary PhD project exploring the role of children and children’s literature in Latin American community publishing collectives known as cartoneras. Cartoneras are grassroots publishers who make books out of discarded materials (‘cartón’/cardboard) in contexts of resource-scarcity to give a voice to marginalized communities in Latin America. Though children’s literature and workshops are a staple of most cartonera publishers, the role of children in their practices has largely been overlooked in scholarship. This project will advance the field of literary studies by accompanying the latest innovations in cartonera publishing through action-based ethnographic research, starting with the firsts texts written by children for children.
Interdisciplinary PhD project exploring the role of children and children’s literature in Latin American community publishing collectives known as cartoneras. Cartoneras are grassroots publishers who make books out of discarded materials (‘cartón’/cardboard) in contexts of resource-scarcity to give a voice to marginalized communities in Latin America. Though children’s literature and workshops are a staple of most cartonera publishers, the role of children in their practices has largely been overlooked in scholarship. This project will advance the field of literary studies by accompanying the latest innovations in cartonera publishing through action-based ethnographic research, starting with the firsts texts written by children for children.