Dr Luigina Jessica Montano

PhD Researcher

Academic and research departments

Surrey Hospitality and Tourism Management.


My research project

Sustainable development goals

My research interests are related to the following:

Good Health and Well-being UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 logo
Decent Work and Economic Growth UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 logo
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure UN Sustainable Development Goal 9 logo
Sustainable Cities and Communities UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 logo
Responsible Consumption and Production UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 logo
Climate Action UN Sustainable Development Goal 13 logo


Luigina Jessica Montano, Xavier Font, Corinna Julia Elsenbroich, Manuel Alector Ribeiro (2024)Harnessing the power of stories: Evaluating complex tourism interventions through a ‘most significant change’ approach, In: Annals of tourism research empirical insights5(2) Elsevier Ltd

This study explores the power of the story-based ‘Most Significant Change’ evaluation method to evidence the impacts of a complex sustainable tourism intervention implemented through the cross-border EU-INTERREG ‘EXPERIENCE’ project across six regions on the French-English Channel. The method provides a participatory evaluation framework to capture contextual changes by collecting and analysing personal stories of change considered significant by those directly affected. As intervention-driven changes are often unpredictable and non-linear, the method supports researchers in exploring and learning about unexpected or complex outcomes emerging from the stories. Findings highlight the effectiveness of this narrative approach in capturing complex, unforeseen changes that may not be quantifiable through pre-defined performance indicators. The study contributes to evaluating EU-funded regional development programmes in tourism. •Explore the power of ‘Most Significant Change’ technique as a story-based evaluation tool.•The method boosts ownership of evaluation amongst project partners.•The study uncovers less-known impacts of tourism intervention on local communities.•Challenges faced by small local authorities in evaluating tourism interventions.

Luigina Jessica Montano, Xavier Font, Corinna Elsenbroich, Manuel Alector Ribeiro (2023)Co-learning through participatory evaluation: an example using Theory of Change in a large-scale EU-funded tourism intervention, In: Journal of sustainable tourismahead-of-print(ahead-of-print)pp. 1-20 Routledge

Tourism interventions, as tools for social change and preservation of natural and cultural assets are inherently complex. This study presents an improved method for the evaluation of complex tourism interventions. We argue that participatory methods can promote a culture of evaluation that supports partners throughout evidencing project impacts, eliminating negative attitudes to evaluation resulting from fear of being judged on performance. We demonstrate that Theory of Change (ToC) is an effective tool that allows organisations to actively co-create and own an evaluation strategy to ensure the delivery of project outcomes. We show how ToC can be applied as a useful process and impact evaluation tool. This paper represents a novel methodological application of ToC based on participatory approaches to evaluation to disseminate knowledge and to improve decision-making in the field of tourism interventions and tourism policy making.