Dr Lori Hoy
Academic and research departments
Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences, Surrey Hospitality and Tourism Management, Centre for Sustainability and Wellbeing in the Visitor Economy.About
Lori is a Post Graduate Researcher (PGR) in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management and is interested in the role and impacts of companion animals in travel and hospitality. Under the supervision of Dr Brigitte Stangl and Professor Nigel Morgan, she is currently exploring what cognitive dimensions impact the decision to travel with dogs and how social and community benefits impact guardians' feelings toward leisure participation with their dogs. The aim of Lori’s PhD research thesis is to investigate how dog guardianship affects the consumer decision-making process and wellbeing in tourism, leisure, and hospitality while identifying opportunities for improved communication and service innovation including in the post COVID-19 environment.
Prior to joining the University of Surrey, Lori has worked in Marketing for over 15 years in various industries including in advertising, consumer products, corporate litigation, recruitment, and hospitality. She had the opportunity to work for hospitality organisations such as Hilton Worldwide, glh. Hotels, and Occidental Hotels & Resorts where she created marketing strategy, managed online and traditional marketing campaigns, and worked extensively on digital and social media marketing initiatives to achieve the strategic objectives.
University roles and responsibilities
- Marketing Ambassador - Post Graduate Research Programmes
- Graduate Teaching Assistant
My qualifications
Affiliations and memberships
ResearchResearch interests
- Role of Dog Guardianship in Leisure, Hospitality, & Tourism
- Well-being
- Consumer Decision Making Process
- Communication
- Service Innovation
- Marketing
Research interests
- Role of Dog Guardianship in Leisure, Hospitality, & Tourism
- Well-being
- Consumer Decision Making Process
- Communication
- Service Innovation
- Marketing
The impacts of companion animals on human well-being have been receiving increased media and research attention, especially in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously, there have been calls for research to consider the major components of subjective well-being separately and for research designs to include assessments over time. In line with this suggestion, the purpose of this study was to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how being a dog guardian can impact affect and contribute to the overall assessment of subjective well-being. This study used a seven-day diary design to capture 31 dog guardians’ day-to- day feelings and thoughts during the UK’s first COVID-19 lockdown—an example of a time of considerable stress and crisis. Closed-ended questions examined the impact of dog behavior, feelings toward dogs, participation in dog-related activities, and guardians’ subjective well-being, while open-ended prompts were used to explore guardians’ positive and negative affect. Results suggest that dog guardianship impacted subjective well-being during this time of stress and crisis. Findings indicate that dogs’ behavior, feelings toward dogs, and participation in dog-related activities impacted the overall day-to- day subjective well-being of guardians. Additionally, six themes emerged related to positive and negative affect: amusement, joy, calm, frustration, worry, and guilt. These positive and negative affect findings help to explain some of the previous inconsistencies in pet effect–related research confirming that companion animals do impact subjective well-being. However, the effect is not always positive or consistent, and may be transient. In times of stress and crisis, companion animal guardians can face unique circumstances and could benefit from preparation, guidance, and clear communication about caring for their companion animals.
This study examined visits to shared outdoor leisure spaces (SOLS) with dogs, such as parks, woodlands, and beaches in the UK. Based on past qualitative and descriptive data, hypotheses and a conceptual model were developed. An online survey of dog guardians (n = 602) was analyzed using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to test the impacts of human intrinsic motivation; dog well-being; the community benefit; and social bonding on the components of leisure involvement (attraction, centrality, and self-expression), and subsequently intention and visiting behavior in relation to SOLS. The results showed that human intrinsic motivation and community benefit had a positive impact on all aspects of leisure involvement, while dog well-being only affected attraction, and social bonding impacted centrality and self-expression. These findings contribute to a better understanding of dog guardians’ behavior of visiting SOLS in the UK, providing insights for stakeholders responsible for designing, managing, and promoting these spaces.
Increases in dog guardianship and the demand for dog-friendly travel services present an opportunity for tourism providers, but this market can still be undervalued or taken for granted. A better understanding of the social behavior and experiences of traveling with dogs is required to discern what impacts guardians' behavioral tendencies to travel with their dogs. Built on past literature and the reflective-impulsive model (RIM) of social behavior, a conceptual model was developed based on four social representations/perceptions (human–dog symbiotic relationship, dog well-being beliefs, information acquisition, and perceived risks) that influence guardians' motivational orientation (intrinsic motivation) and behavioral tendencies (intention and behavioral schema) to travel with their dogs. A mixed methods design, with an online survey (N = 611) to test the model using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and semi-structured interviews (N = 34), was used to develop a better understanding of the social representations and experiences of guardians traveling with their dogs. Results from the quantitative analysis show that dog well-being beliefs had the strongest positive impact, while both dog well-being beliefs and information acquisition impacted motivation and behavioral tendencies. Perceived risks had a negative effect only on behavioral schema, while the human–dog symbiotic relationship required intrinsic motivation to drive behavioral patterns. Qualitative findings highlight the lived experiences of those traveling with their dogs, emphasizing that human and dog well-being and enjoyment are important to guardians, while issues persist with guardians finding adequate dog-friendly travel information and concerns regarding risks remain. Theoretical and managerial implications are provided.
This study utilizes Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory (CEST) to examine the underserved, but flourishing, market of travelers seeking dog-friendly accommodation. Extant hospitality research has not examinedthe evaluation/judgment of using specialty OTAs as an information source. CEST allows for an investigation of how experiential and analytic processing of emotion-driven and logic-driven dispositions impact affective and cognitive responses, resulting in the consumer behavioral tendency to use a specialty OTA. Results based on 697 questionnaires from people who had previously traveled with their dogs show that human well-being beliefs impact peoples’ attitude (affective response) and intention to use the specialty OTA. Interestingly expertise has no impact on attitude or usage intention. Further, institutional trust and risk attitude impact the perceived usefulness (cognitive response) and usage intention. A novel, empirically tested model to predict the specialty OTA usage of those wishing to book dog-friendly leisure accommodation is presented.Managerial implications are provided.
Shared outdoor leisure spaces (SOLS) such as parks, recreation grounds, woodlands, public footpaths, and beaches provide mental, physical, and social well-being benefits for multiple users including many people with their dogs. This study explores the importance of SOLS for dog guardians, which was highlighted during the UK’s first COVID-19 restrictions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with dog guardians (n = 34). Thematic analysis was used to analyse the transcripts. Five themes were generated: one related to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions; two related to the motivators to visit, namely human intrinsic motivation and dog wellbeingbenefits; and two related to the importance of SOLS as valuable community amenities and as places that provideopportunities for social interaction. Overall, results found that these spaces are very important to the daily lives of dog guardians and highly valued leisure spaces. These findings provide insights for stakeholders engaged in designing, managing, preserving, and promoting these spaces.