Dr Llorenc Mila i Canals
Academic and research departments
Centre for Environment and Sustainability, School of Sustainability, Civil and Environmental Engineering.About
Llorenç Milà i Canals worked in the Centre for Environment and Sustainability (CES) from November 2004 to December 2007 as a research fellow on a RELU funded project assessing the gains and losses associated with expanded domestic fruit and vegetables production. Llorenç has academic qualifications in environmental sciences and had previously worked teaching and researching on life cycle assessment (LCA) and eco-design related issues in three different university schools in Barcelona (Spain).
His research interests focus on the sustainability of consumption and production systems in general, and more specifically on the assessment of land use impacts and freshwater within LCA. After a brief period in a Spanish research centre on organic waste management, Llorenç moved on to a new job in Unilever in March 2008, where he worked as a sustainability scientist contributing to the development of methods for the quantification of Unilever’s environmental footprint and engaging agricultural suppliers in the reduction of their impacts.
In August 2013 he moved to Paris to work in The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to coordinate the LCA activities in UNEP, including the Life Cycle Initiative. Key areas of work here include the application of life cycle approaches to plastics pollution and other sectors, as well as guiding policy development to key areas of unsustainable consumption and production in countries.
Additional publications
- Aurisano N, Huang L, Milà i Canals L, Jolliet O, Fantke P (2021) Chemicals of concern in plastic toys Environment International (2021) 146(11):106194.
- Jolliet O, Antón A; Boulay A-M; Cherubini F; Fantke P; Levasseur A; McKone T; Michelsen O; Milà i Canals L; Motoshita M; Pfister S; Verones F; Vigon B; Frischknecht R (2018) Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: Impacts of climate change, fine particulate matter formation, water consumption and land use Int J Life Cycle Assess (2018) 23, 2189–2207
- Vigon B, Sonnemann G, Asselin A, Schrijvers D, Ciroth A, Chen SS, Braga T, Poolsawad N, Mungkalasiri J, Boureima F, Milà i Canals L, (2017) Review of LCA datasets in three emerging economies: a summary of learnings The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22(2017),1658–1665
- Valdivia S, Sonnemann G, Milà i Canals L, (2017) LCA mainstreaming conditions in Latin America—based on learnings from 2005 to 2014 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22(2017),485–491
- Clift R, Sim S, King H, Chenoweth JL, Christie I, Clavreul J, Mueller C, Posthuma L, Boulay A-M, Chaplin-Kramer R, Chatterton J, DeClerck F, Druckman A, France C, Franco A, Gerten D, Goedkoop M, Hauschild MZ, Huijbregts MAJ, Koellner T, Lambin EFB, Lee J, Mair S, Marshall S, McLachlan M, Milà i Canals L, Mitchell C, Price E, Rockström J, Suckling J, Murphy R (2017) Planetary Boundaries as a Basis for Strategic Decision-making in Companies with Global Supply Chains Sustainability (2017) 9, 279
- Curran MP, Maia de Souza D, Antón A, Teixeira RFM, Michelsen O, Vidal-Legaz B, Sala S, Milà i Canals L (2016) How well does LCA model land use impacts on biodiversity?—A comparison with approaches from ecology and conservation. Env Sci Technol 50(6), 2782–2795
- Frischknecht R, Fantke P, Tschümperlin L, Niero M, Antón A, Bare J, Boulay A-M, Cherubini F, Hauschild MZ, Henderson A, Levasseur A, McKone TE, Michelsen O, Mila i Canals L, Pfister S, Ridoutt B, Rosenbaum RK, Verones F, Vigon B, Jolliet O (2016) Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: Progress and case study Int J Life Cycle Assess 21(3), 429-442
- Ridoutt B, Pfister S, Manzardo A, Bare J, Boulay A-M, Cherubini F, Fantke P, Frischknecht R, Hauschild M, Henderson A, Jolliet O, Levasseur A, Margni M, McKone T, Michelsen O, Milà i Canals L, Page G, Pant R, Raugei M, Sala S, Verones F (on-line 8 December 2015) Area of concern: a new paradigm in life cycle assessment for the development of footprint metrics Int J Life Cycle Assess 21(2), 276-280
- Teixeira, RFM, Maia de Souza D, Curran M, Antón A, Michelsen O, Milà i Canals, L (2016) Towards consensus on land use impacts on biodiversity in LCA: UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative preliminary recommendations based on expert contributions. Journal of Cleaner Production 20 January 2016, 112(5), 4283–4287
- Martínez-Blanco J, Inaba A, Quiros A, Valdivia S, Milà i Canals L, Finkbeiner M (on-line June 2015) Organizational LCA: the new member of the LCA family—introducing the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative guidance document Int J Life Cycle Assess August 2015, 20(8) 1045-1047
- Vargas Moreno OA, Swarr TE, Asselin A-C, Milà i Canals L, Colley T, Valdivia S (2015) Implementation of life cycle management practices in a cluster of companies in Bogota, Colombia Int J Life Cycle Assess June 2015, 20(6) 723-730
- Chaplin-Kramer B, Sharp R, Mandle L, Sim S, Johnson J, Butnar I, Milà i Canals L, Eichelberg B, Ramler I, Mueller C, McLachlan N, Yousefi A, King H, Kareiva PM (June 2015) Understanding how spatial patterns of agricultural expansion impact biodiversity and carbon storage at a landscape level PNAS 112(24) 7402-7407
- Ridoutt B, Fantke P, Pfister S, Bare J, Boulay A-M, Cherubini F, Frischknecht R, Hauschild M, Hellweg S, Henderson A, Jolliet O, Levasseur A, Margni M, McKone T, Michelsen O, Milà i Canals L, Page G, Pant R, Raugei M, Sala S, Saouter E, Verones F, Wiedmann T (2015) Viewpoint: Making sense of the minefield of footprint indicators Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49 (5), pp 2601–2603
- Keller E, Chin M, Chorkulak V, Clift R, Faber Y, King H, Lee J, Milà i Canals L, Stabile M, Stickler C, Viart N (2014) Footprinting farms: a comparison of three GHG calculators Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management 4(2-4)
- Hellweg S, Milà i Canals L (2014) Emerging approaches, challenges and opportunities in life cycle assessment Science 344(6188) 1109-1113 DOI:10.1126/science.1248361
- Bessou C., Chase L.D.C., Henson I.E., Abdul-Manan A.F.N., Milà i Canals L., Agus F., Sharma M., Chin M. (2014). Pilot application of PalmGHG, the RSPO greenhouse gas calculator for oil palm products. Journal of Cleaner Production 73 136-145
- Jolliet O, Frischknecht R, Bare J, Boulay A-M, Bulle C, Fantke P, Gheewala S, Hauschild M, Itsubo N, Margni M, McKone TE, Milà i Canals L, Postuma L, Prado-Lopez V, Ridoutt B, Sonnemann G, Rosenbaum RK, Seager T, Struijs J, van Zelm R, Vigon B, Weisbrod A with contributions of the other workshop participants (2014) Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: findings of the scoping phase Int J Life Cycle Assess 19, Issue 4, 962-967
- Muñoz I, Flury K, Jungbluth N, Rigarlsford G, Milà i Canals L, King H (2014) Life Cycle Assessment of bio-based ethanol produced from different agricultural feedstocks Int J Life Cycle Assess 19, Issue 1, 109-119
- Keller E, Milà i Canals L, King H, Lee J, Clift R (2013) Agri-food certification schemes: how do they address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management 3(3-4):85-106
- Milà i Canals L, Rigarlsford G, Sim S. 2013. Land use impact assessment of Margarine Int J LCA 18 (6) 1265-1277
- Brandão M, Milà i Canals L. 2013. Global characterisation factors to assess land use impacts on biotic production Int J Life Cycle Assess 18 (6, July) 1243-1252
- Koellner T, de Baan L, Brandão M, Civit B, Margni M, Milà i Canals L, Saad R, Maia de Souza D, Beck T, Müller-Wenk R. 2013. UNEP-SETAC Guideline on Global Land Use Impact Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in LCA Int J Life Cycle Assess 18 (6, July) 1188-1202
- Kounina A, Margni M, Bayart J-B, Boulay A-M, Berger M, Bulle C, Frischknecht R, Koehler A, Milà i Canals L, Motoshita M, Nunez M, Peters G, Pfister S, Ridoutt B, van Zelm R, Verones F, Humbert S. 2013. Review of methods addressing freshwater use in life cycle inventory and impact assessment Int J Life Cycle Assess 18 (3, March) 707-721
- Muñoz I, Rigarlsford G, Milà i Canals L, King H. 2013. Accounting for greenhouse-gas emissions from the degradation of chemicals in the environment Int J Life Cycle Assess 18 (1, January) 252-262
- Jefferies D, Muñoz I, Hodges J, King VJ, Aldaya M, Ercin AE, Milà i Canals L, Hoekstra AY. 2012. Water Footprint and Life Cycle Assessment as approaches to assess potential impacts of products on water consumption. Key learning points from pilot studies on tea and margarine. J Cleaner Prod 33 (September 2012) 155-166
- Nemecek T, Weiler K, Plassmann K, Schnetzer J, Gaillard G, Jefferies D, García–Suárez T, King H, Milà i Canals L. 2012. Estimation of the variability in global warming potential of global crop production using a modular extrapolation approach (MEXALCA) J Cleaner Prod 31 (August 2012) 106-117
- Flynn HC, Milà i Canals L, Keller E, King H, Sim S, Hastings A, Wang S, Smith P. 2012. Quantifying global greenhouse gas emissions from land use change for crop production. Global Change Biology 18 (5, May) 1622–1635
- Milà i Canals L, Azapagic A, Doka G, Jefferies D, King H, Mutel C, Nemecek T, Roches A, Sim S, Stichnothe H, Thoma G, Williams A. 2011. Approaches for addressing LCA data gaps for bio-based products. J Ind Ecol 15(5) 707-725
- Brandão M, Milà i Canals L, Clift R. 2011. Soil Organic Carbon changes in the cultivation of energy crops: implications for GHG balances and soil quality for use in LCA. Biomass Bioenerg 35(2011) 2323-2336
- Hillier J, Walter C, Malin D, Garcia-Suarez T, Milà i Canals L, Smith P. 2011. A farm-focused calculator for emissions from crop and livestock production. Environmental Modelling and Software 26 (September 2011) 1070-1078
- Milà i Canals L, Sim S, García-Suárez T, Neuer G, Herstein K, Kerr C, Rigarlsford G, King H. 2011. Estimating the greenhouse gas footprint of Knorr. Int J Life Cycle Assess 16(1) 50-58
- Muñoz I, Milà i Canals L, Fernández-Alba A. 2010. Life Cycle Assessment of water supply in the Spanish Mediterranean basin: the Ebro river water transfer versus the AGUA Program. J Ind Ecol 14(6) 902-918
- Roches A, Nemecek T, Gaillard G, Sim S, King H, Milà i Canals L. 2010. MEXALCA: A modular method for the extrapolation of crop LCA. Int J Life Cycle Ass 15(8) 842-854
- Milà i Canals L, Chapagain AK, Orr S, Chenoweth J, Antón A, Clift R. 2010. Assessing Freshwater Use Impacts in LCA, Part II: Case study for broccoli production in the UK and Spain. Int J Life Cycle Ass 15(6) 598-607
- Koerber G, Jones DL, Hill PW, Milà i Canals L, Nyeko P, York EH, Edwards-Jones G. 2009. Geographical variation in carbon dioxide fluxes from soils in agro-ecosystems and its implications for life cycle assessment. J Appl Ecol 46 306-
- Edwards-Jones G, Plassmann K, York EH, Hounsome B, Jones DL, Milà i Canals L. 2009. Vulnerability of Exporting Nations to the Development of a Carbon Label in the United Kingdom. Environ Sci Policy 12 479-490
- Milà i Canals L, Chenoweth J, Chapagain AK, Orr S, Antón A, Clift R. 2009. Assessing Freshwater Use Impacts in LCA Part I: Inventory Modelling and Characterisation Factors for the Main Impact Pathways. Int J Life Cycle Ass 14(1) 28-42
- Edwards-Jones G, Milà i Canals L, Hounsome N, Truninger M, Koerber G, Hounsome B, Cross P, York EH, Hospido A, Plassmann K, Harris IM, Edwards RT, Day GAS, Tomos AD, Cowell SJ, Jones DL. 2008. Testing the assertion that ‘local food is best’: the challenges of an evidence based approach. Trends Food Sci Tech 19 (2008) 265-274
- Milà i Canals L, Cowell SJ, Sim S, Basson L. 2007. Comparing Local versus Imported Apples: A Focus on Energy Use. Env Sci Pollut Res 14(5) 338-344
- Milà i Canals L, Romanyà J, Cowell SJ. 2007. Method for assessing impacts on life support functions (LSF) related to the use of ‘fertile land’ in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Journal of Cleaner Production. 15 1426-1440
- Milà i Canals L, Bauer C, Depestele J, Dubreuil A, Freiermuth Knuchel R, Gaillard G, Michelsen O, Müller-Wenk R, Rydgren B. 2007. Key elements in a framework for land use impact assessment in LCA. Int J LCA 12(1) 5-15
- Milà i Canals L, Burnip GM, Cowell SJ. 2006. Evaluation of the environmental impacts of apple production using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): case study in New Zealand. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 114 226-238
- Muñoz I, Rieradevall J, Domènech X, Milà i Canals L. 2004 LCA Application to Integrated Waste Management Planning in Gipuzkoa (Spain). Int J LCA 9 (4) 272-280
- Milà i Canals L, Domènech X, Rieradevall J, Fullana P, Puig R. 2002. Use of Life Cycle Assessment for the Establishment of the Ecological Criteria for the Catalan Eco-label of Leather, Int J LCA 7(1) 39-46.
- Milà i Canals L, Domènech X, Rieradevall J, Fullana P, Puig R. 1998. Application of Life Cycle Assessment to Footwear, Int J LCA 3 (4) 203-208.