Professor Juliet Wright
Professor Juliet Wright graduated from Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospitals in 1994 and trained in general and geriatric medicine in the South West Thames region. She was awarded her MD from the University of Surrey for a study investigating recombinant human growth hormone in older patients undergoing elective knee replacement surgery.
Juliet was appointed to Brighton and Sussex Medical School in 2007 and to the position of Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning in 2015, leading the school to excellence in student satisfaction with scores in the National Student Survey in excess of 95% over the last seven years. She has been executive sponsor of the BSMS medical school expansion, leading a full curriculum and assessment review to deliver Outcomes for Graduates and the MLA. Juliet led the curriculum development of the Time for Dementia programme, which won five national awards. She has recently been appointed to the Medical School Council MLA AKT Board. She is passionate about the student experience and has been awarded Best Teacher for the whole BSMS course on eight occasions.
Her main research interests focus on medical education and in the assessment of frailty in the elderly HIV population and in older oncology patients. She has supervised six doctorates in medical education in the domains of autism, dementia, frailty, anaesthetics, palliative medicine and preparation for practice. Alongside the clinical team at BSUH she has supported the development of the Silver clinic for older patients with HIV. This innovative service is the first of its type in the UK. Juliet was a co-applicant on a successful NIHR programme development grant investigating how to develop NHS services in order to meet the needs of an ageing population with HIV and has supervised a number of PhDs in this field.
Study Medicine at Surrey and meet the medical school team: Prof. Juliet Wright
Preoperative anaemia is a risk factor for adverse postoperative outcomes after cardiac surgery. Iron deficiency is a frequent cause of low preoperative haemoglobin. An effective treatment for preoperative anaemia associated with iron deficiency has not been determined. We conducted a single-centre, open-label, pragmatic randomised trial, enrolling 156 elective cardiac surgery patients who had low preoperative haemoglobin (100–130 g L−1) with iron deficiency (serum ferritin
Introduction: Older patients with early breast cancer (EBC) derive modest survival benefit from chemotherapy but have increased toxicity risk. Data on the impact of chemotherapy for EBC on quality of life in older patients are limited, but this is a key determinant of treatment acceptance. We aimed to investigate its effect on quality of life in older patients enrolled in the Bridging the Age Gap study.Materials and methods: A prospective, multicentre, observational study of EBC patients ≥70 years old was conducted in 2013–2018 at 56 UK hospitals. Demographics, patient, tumour characteristics, treatments and adverse events were recorded. Quality of life was assessed using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of-Life Questionnaires (EORTC-QLQ) C30, BR23 and ELD 15 plus the Euroqol-5D (eq-5d) over 24 months and analysed at each time point using baseline adjusted linear regression analysis and propensity score-matching.Results: Three thousand and four hundred sixteen patients were enrolled in the study; 1520 patients undergoing surgery and who had high-risk EBC were included in this analysis. 376/1520 (24.7%) received chemotherapy. At 6 months, chemotherapy had a significant negative impact in several EORTC-QLQ-C30 domains, including global health score, physical, role, social functioning, cognition, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, dyspnoea, appetite loss, diarrhoea and constipation. Similar trends were documented on other scales (EORTC-QLQ-BR23, EORTC-QLQ-ELD15 and EQ-5D-5L). Its impact was no longer significant at 18–24 months in unmatched and matched cohorts.Conclusions: The negative impact of chemotherapy on quality-of-life is clinically and statistically significant at 6 months but resolves by 18 months, which is crucial to inform decision-making for older patients contemplating chemotherapy.Trial registration number ISRCTN 46099296.
OBJECTIVE Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is reported to be more common in people living with HIV (PLWH). Clinical guidelines recommend screening for diabetes in PLWH, but there is no agreed method due to studies reporting HbA1c is falsely low in PLWH. These studies were performed in the early HIV era when participants were taking older preparations of antiretroviral therapy that are rarely used today. We aimed to investigate whether HIV serostatus influences HbA1c. RESEARCH DESIGNS AND METHODS We conducted a prospective cohort study of PLWH and age- and sex-matched HIV-negative participants who were purposely recruited from clinics in Brighton, U.K. Each participant wore a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for up to 10 days, had glucose measured during an oral glucose tolerance test, and fructosamine and paired HbA1c were measured. We performed regression analysis to assess the influence of HIV on HbA1c and used a separate model for CGM glucose, venous glucose, and fructosamine. In addition, we included predictor variables used in previous studies that explored HbA1c discrepancy. RESULTS We recruited 60 PLWH (90% men, 50% with T2D, mean ± SD age 57 ± 10.7 years, 100% undetectable viral load) and 48 people without HIV (92% men, 30% with T2D, mean age 57.7 ± 8.9 years). We found that HIV serostatus did not have a significant influence on HbA1c within the regression models. CONCLUSIONS We performed a comprehensive assessment of glycemia to assess whether HIV serostatus influences HbA1c. We did not find any strong evidence that HIV serostatus influenced HbA1c. The results of our study support incorporating HbA1c into routine clinical blood work in PLWH.
Background and objectives: There is a need to ensure that the future healthcare workforce has the necessary knowledge and skills to deliver high quality compassionate care to the increasing number of people with dementia. Our programme has been set up to address this challenge. In the programme, undergraduate healthcare students (nursing, medical and paramedic) visit a family (person with dementia and their carer) in pairs over a 2-year period. This qualitative study sought to understand the student experience of the programme. Methods: Participants were undergraduate healthcare students who were undertaking our programme at two universities. We sampled for variation in the student participants in order to generate a framework for understanding the student experience of the programme. Students were invited to take part in the qualitative study, and written consent was obtained. Interviews and focus group transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Thirty-nine (nursing, medical and paramedic) student participants took part in individual in-depth qualitative interviews and 38 took part in five focus groups. Four key themes were identified from the analysis; relational learning, insight and understanding, challenging attitudes and enhanced dementia practice. Discussion: Student experience of our programme was shown to be positive. The relationship between the students and family was most impactful in supporting student learning, and the subsequent improvement in knowledge, attitudes and practice. Our model of undergraduate dementia education has applicability for other long-term conditions.
BACKGROUNDOlder patients are at an increased risk of developing adverse drug reactions (ADR). Of particular concern are the oldest old, which constitute an increasingly growing population. Having a validated clinical tool to identify those older patients at risk of developing an ADR during hospital stay would enable healthcare staff to put measures in place to reduce the risk of such an event developing. The current study aimed to (1) develop and (2) validate an ADR risk prediction model. METHODSWe used a combination of univariate analysis and multivariate binary logistic regression to identify clinical risk factors for developing an ADR in a population of older people from a UK teaching hospital. The final ADR risk model was then validated in a European population (European dataset). RESULTSSix-hundred-ninety patients (median age 85 years) were enrolled in the development stage of the study. Ninety-five reports of ADR were confirmed by independent review in these patients. Five clinical variables were identified through multivariate analysis and included in our final model; each variable was attributed a score of 1. Internal validation produced an AUROC of 0.74, a sensitivity of 80%, and specificity of 55%. During the external validation stage the AUROC was 0.73, with sensitivity and specificity values of 84% and 43% respectively. CONCLUSIONSWe have developed and successfully validated a simple model to use ADR risk score in a population of patients with a median age of 85, i.e. the oldest old. The model is based on 5 clinical variables (≥8 drugs, hyperlipidaemia, raised white cell count, use of anti-diabetic agents, length of stay ≥12 days), some of which have not been previously reported.
Background: Rates of surgery and adjuvant therapy for breast cancer vary widely between breast units. This may contribute to differences in survival. This cluster RCT evaluated the impact of decision support interventions (DESIs) for older women with breast cancer, to ascertain whether DESIs influenced quality of life, survival, decision quality, and treatment choice. Methods: A multicentre cluster RCT compared the use of two DESIs against usual care in treatment decision-making in older women (aged at least >= 70 years) with breast cancer. Each DESI comprised an online algorithm, booklet, and brief decision aid to inform choices between surgery plus adjuvant endocrine therapy versus primary endocrine therapy, and adjuvant chemotherapy versus no chemotherapy. The primary outcome was quality of life. Secondary outcomes included decision quality measures, survival, and treatment choice. Results: A total of 46 breast units were randomized (21 intervention, 25 usual care), recruiting 1339 women (670 intervention, 669 usual care). There was no significant difference in global quality of life at 6 months after the baseline assessment on intention-to-treat analysis (difference -0.20, 95 per cent confidence interval (C.I.) -2.69 to 2.29; P = 0.900). In women offered a choice of primary endocrine therapy versus surgery plus endocrine therapy, knowledge about treatments was greater in the intervention arm (94 versus 74 per cent; P = 0.003). Treatment choice was altered, with a primary endocrine therapy rate among women with oestrogen receptor-positive disease of 21.0 per cent in the intervention versus 15.4 per cent in usual-care sites (difference 5.5 (95 per cent C.I. 1.1 to 10.0) per cent; P = 0.029). The chemotherapy rate was 10.3 per cent at intervention versus 14.8 per cent at usual-care sites (difference -4.5 (C.I. -8.0 to 0) per cent; P = 0.013). Survival was similar in both arms. Conclusion: The use of DESIs in older women increases knowledge of breast cancer treatment options, facilitates shared decision-making, and alters treatment selection.
A current issue in workforce planning is ensuring healthcare professionals are both competent and willing to work with older adults with complex needs. This includes dementia care, which is widely recognised as a priority. Yet research suggests that working with older people is unattractive to undergraduate healthcare students. The aim of this systematic review and narrative synthesis is to explore the factors related to healthcare (medical and nursing) student preferences' for working with older people and people with dementia. Searches were conducted in five databases: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINHAL, BNI, ERIC. Screening, data extraction and quality appraisal were conducted by two independent reviewers. A narrative, data-based convergent synthesis was conducted. One thousand twenty-four papers were screened (139 full texts) and 62 papers were included for a narrative synthesis. Factors were grouped into seven categories; student characteristics, experiences of students, course characteristics, career characteristics, patient characteristics, work characteristics and the theory of planned behaviour. Health educators should review their role in cultivating student interest in working with older adults, with consideration of student preparation and the perceived value of this work. There is a lack of evidence about the career preferences of students in relation to dementia, and this warrants further research.
Background: In the UK there is variation in the treatment of older women with breast cancer, with up to 40% receiving primary endocrine therapy (PET), which is associated with inferior survival. Case mix and patient choice may explain some variation in practice but clinician preference may also be important. Methods: A multicentre prospective cohort study of women aged >70 with operable breast cancer. Patient characteristics (health status, age, tumour characteristics, treatment allocation and decision-making preference) were analysed to identify whether treatment variation persisted following case-mix adjustment. Expected case-mix adjusted surgery rates were derived by logistic regression using the variables age, co-morbidity, tumour stage and grade. Concordance between patients' preferred and actual decision-making style was assessed and associations between age, treatment and decision-making style calculated. Results: Women (median age 77, range 70-102) were recruited from 56 UK breast units between 2013 and 2018. Of 2854/3369 eligible women with oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer, 2354 were treated with surgery and 500 with PET. Unadjusted surgery rates varied between hospitals, with 23/56 units falling outside the 95% confidence intervals on funnel plots. Adjusting for case mix reduced, but did not eliminate, this variation between hospitals (10/56 units had practice outside the 95% confidence intervals). Patients treated with PET had more patient-centred decisions compared to surgical patients (42.2% vs 28.4%, p < 0.001). Conclusions: This study demonstrates variation in treatment selection thresholds for older women with breast cancer. Health stratified guidelines on thresholds for PET would help reduce variation, although patient preference should still be respected. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
BackgroundAutistic adults and children experience considerable health inequalities and have high rates of premature mortality, hospital admissions and emergency department visits. This is in part due to a lack of autism awareness in the healthcare and social care workforce. A new educational programme, Time for Autism (TfA), for medical students is being developed to address this challenge. This qualitative study was undertaken to support the development of the new programme in order to (1) understand the medical care experiences of parents of autistic children and (2) assess their views on the acceptability of the new TfA programme and willingness to be involved.MethodsA convenience sample of 11 parents of autistic children were recruited across the South of England. The ages of the autistic children ranged from 3 to 17 years. Semistructured interviews were completed between October and December 2019. Interview transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis.ResultsThree key themes were identified: diagnosis, experiences of doctors and TfA considerations. There was support for and willingness to take part in a dedicated autism education programme for medical students, and constructive feedback to inform and improve its delivery.ConclusionThe findings from this study provide insights into the medical care experiences of parents/carers of autistic children. Understanding how parents/carers of autistic children would like medical care to be improved can be used to develop TfA and other autism programmes. Parental/carer support for the development of and involvement in an autism medical education programme enhances the feasibility of the new programme.
ObjectivesTo investigate the level of medical student anxiety in caring for a dying patient and their family and identify influencing factors.MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional survey in a UK medical school to measure medical student anxiety using a validated Thanatophobia Scale questionnaire.ResultsIn total, 332 questionnaires were completed. Mean thanatophobia score was 19.5 (SD 7.78, range 7–49). Most respondents were female (67.4%) and did not have a previous undergraduate degree (56%). Median student age was 22 years (IQR 20–24). Year of study influenced anxiety level, with second year students displaying an increase in mean thanatophobia score of 6.088 (95% CI 3.778 to 8.398, p
Aims Advances in type 1 diabetes management are enabling more to reach older ages. Frailty is known to complicate type 2 diabetes. However, frailty in people with type 1 diabetes has not been extensively researched. This review summarises the available evidence on frailty in those with type 1 diabetes. Methods A systematic search strategy was applied to multiple databases (Medline, Embase, CINAHL and Cochrane) including grey literature (Scopus, OAIster, OpenGrey, dissertation and thesis database). All evidence types were considered. English articles published after 2001 were eligible. For inclusion, participants must have been over 55 with type 1 diabetes. Frailty must have been clearly defined or assessed. The results were synthesised into a descriptive format to identify key themes. Results Of 233 papers subject to full-text review, 23 were included. Older adult diabetes research frequently does not specify the type of diabetes; 100 articles were excluded for this reason. No articles were found specifically researching frailty in older adults with type 1 diabetes. Fourteen different definitions and nine assessments of frailty were outlined. Generally, the papers supported relaxation of glucose targets and greater adoption of diabetes technology. Conclusions This review highlights the paucity of evidence in older adults with type 1 diabetes and frailty. Consensus on standardised definitions and assessments of frailty would aid future research, which is urgently needed as more people with type 1 diabetes reach older ages. Identifying and addressing the key issues in this population is vital to support individuals through the challenges of ageing.
Objectives The future healthcare workforce needs the skills, attitudes, and empathy to better meet the needs of those with dementia. Time for Dementia (TFD) is an educational programme in which healthcare students from a range of professional groups visit a person with dementia and their family carer over a two-year period. The aim of this study was to evaluate its impact on student attitudes, knowledge and empathy towards dementia. Methods Measures of dementia knowledge, attitudes and empathy were administered to healthcare students at five universities in the south of England before and after (24 months) they completed the TFD programme. Data were also collected at equivalent time points for a control group of students who had not taken part in the programme. Outcomes were modelled using multilevel linear regression models. Results 2,700 intervention group students, and 562 control group students consented to participate. Students undertaking the TFD programme had higher levels of knowledge and positive attitudes at follow-up compared to equivalent students who did not undertake the programme. Our findings indicate a positive relationship between the number of visits undertaken and increasing dementia knowledge and attitudes. No substantial differences in the development of empathy was observed between groups. Conclusion Our findings suggest that TFD may be effective across professional training programmes and universities. Further research into the mechanisms of action is needed.
Background The global prevalence of autism is reported to be at least 1% and is rising. Autistic people have a range of comorbidities resulting in a high use of health services. Doctors of nearly all specialties are likely to encounter autistic people in their practice. Autistic people report dissatisfactory care and encounter disproportionately worse health-related outcomes than non-autistic people, which in part has been attributed to a lack of skill and awareness in the medical workforce. At present, autism education is not always included in undergraduate medical curricula. In England, the Department of Health and Social Care has mandated that autism education should be included in all undergraduate medical curricula but current evidence relating to the delivery and receipt of autism education is poor. A greater understanding of medical student perceptions of autism education is required to inform curriculum development. This qualitative study sought to explore the perceptions of autism education in final year medical students at a medical school in South-East England by 1) assessing their perceived preparedness to care for autistic people once they have graduated from medical school , post-qualification and 2) determining their perceived acceptability of a new undergraduate 18 education programme, Time for Autism (TfA). Materials and methods A purposeful sample of ten final-year medical students were recruited. Students completed in-depth, individual interviews. Data was analysed using thematic analysis. Results Four key themes were identified: Learning environment, Exposure, Relevance and Curricular priority. The findings of this study indicate that medical students perceived that greatest value in autism education was when it was directly relevant to developing preparedness for practice. Value was influenced by the perceived curricular priority attached to autism education. The new autism programme, Time for Autism was perceived to add relevance and priority to autism education in the existing curriculum in this medical school setting. Discussion The study findings shed new light on medical education literature, emphasising the importance of congruence between the provision of autism education and the prioritisation of autism education within the curriculum. Consideration of relevance and curricular priority can be used to support the development of autism education in future medical curricula.
Objectives The aims of the study were to determine the rates, types, severity and preventability of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in a hospitalized population of very elderly patients (over 80 years of age) and to identify factors that predispose the very elderly to an ADR. Methods An observational study was conducted in patients over 80 years of age admitted to four care of the elderly wards in Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust. The main outcome measures were the incidence of ADRs during inpatient stay in older patients and the identification of the major drug classes involved and the risk factors contributing to the occurrence of ADRs. Results A total of 560 very elderly patients were recruited, 74 of whom experienced one or more ADR (83 in total), representing an incidence of 13.2% (95% CI 10.4, 16). Sixty-three percent of all ADRs were considered preventable, with 57 classified as serious and three as life threatening. The drug classes frequently implicated in ADRs were cardiovascular agents (34%), analgesic medications (18%) and anti-diabetic drugs (10%). Five variables were established as independent predictors of ADRs: number of medications, use of hypoglycaemic agents, history of hyperlipidaemia, raised white cell count on admission, and length of stay. Conclusions The ADR incidence reported in this population was no greater than that seen in other studies for both general medical patients and those elderly patients over 65 years of age. A significant proportion of ADRs were preventable, and this suggests that closer monitoring of high-risk elderly patients is needed to address this problem.
As life expectancy in people living with HIV (PLWH) has increased, the focus of management has shifted to preventing and treating chronic illnesses, but few services exist for the assessment and management of these individuals. Here, we provide an initial description of a geriatric service for people living with HIV and present data from a service evaluation undertaken in the clinic. We conducted an evaluation of the first 52 patients seen in the clinic between 2016 and 2019. We present patient demographic data, assessment outcomes, diagnoses given, and interventions delivered to those seen in the clinic. The average age of attendees was 67. Primary reasons for referral to the clinic included management of complex comorbidities, polypharmacy, and suspected geriatric syndrome (falls, frailty, poor mobility, or cognitive decline). The median (range) number of comorbidities and comedications (non-antiretrovirals) was 7 (2-19) and 9 (1-15), respectively. All attendees had an undetectable viral load. Geriatric syndromes were observed in 26 (50%) patients reviewed in the clinic, with frailty and mental health disease being the most common syndromes. Interventions offered to patients included combination antiretroviral therapy modification, further health investigations, signposting to rehabilitation or social care services, and in-clinic advice. High levels of acceptability among patients and healthcare professionals were reported. The evaluation suggests that specialist geriatric HIV services might play a role in the management of older people with HIV with geriatric syndromes.
Background: Historically the elderly have been under-represented in non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) management trials. Aims: The aim of this trial was to demonstrate that an intervention-guided strategy is superior to optimal medical therapy (OMT) alone for treating NSTEMI in elderly individuals. Methods: Patients (>= 80 years, chest pain, ischaemic ECG, and elevated troponin) were randomised 1:1 to an intervention-guided strategy plus OMT versus OMT alone. The primary endpoint was a composite of all-cause mortality and non-fatal myocardial reinfarction at 1 year. Ethics approval was obtained by the institutional review board of every recruiting centre. Results: From May 2014 to September 2018, 251 patients (n=125 invasive vs n=126 conservative) were enrolled. Almost 50% of participants were female. The trial was terminated prematurely due to slow recruitment. A Kaplan-Meier estimate of event-free survival revealed no difference in the primary endpoint at 1 year (invasive 18.5% [23/124] vs conservative 22.2% [28/126]; p=0.39). No significant difference persisted after Cox proportional hazards regression analysis (hazard ratio 0.79, 95% confidence interval 0.45-1.35; p=0.39). There was greater freedom from angina at 3 months (p
Introduction Mobile applications (Apps) are popular in medical education; yet, the actual benefits for students are yet to be formally researched. Clinical And Professional Studies Unique Learning Environment (CAPSULE) is an App created by Brighton and Sussex Medical School. The App provides 650 cases offered to students in their final two years of the undergraduate programme. The App performed consistently well in student feedback, and therefore, a study into the educational benefits of the App was constructed. Methods A cross-sectional study was performed following two years of use by students to investigate the relationship between App usage and decile ranking. Results The study found that the students who completed more cases tended to score higher per case (p value=0.0037). The study also found a trend between having higher case scores and being part of a stronger decile (p value=0.019). Conclusions Greater App usage was linked with performing better in the App itself and this was further associated with being in a stronger decile rank. From a user perspective, the data generated from the App could help with identifying students who are underperforming or help students to recognise areas on which they need to focus.
Oncologists should recognise the need to move beyond the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG PS) score. ECOG PS is a longstanding and ubiquitous feature of oncology. It was evolved 40 years ago as an adaption of the 70-year-old Karnofsky performance score. It is short, easily understood and part of the global language of oncology. The wide prevalence of the ECOG PS attests to its proven utility and worth to help triage patient treatment. The ECOG PS is problematic. It is a unidimensional functional score. It is mostly physician assessed, subjective and therefore open to bias. It fails to account for multimorbidity, frailty or cognition. Too often the PS is recorded only once in wilful ignorance of a patient's changing physical state. As modern oncology offers an ever-widening array of therapies that are 'personalised' to tumour genotype, modern oncologists must strive to better define patient phenotype. Using a wider range of scoring and assessment tools, oncologists can identify deficits that may be reversed or steps taken to mitigate detrimental effects of treatment. These tools can function well to identify those patients who would benefit from comprehensive assessment. This overview identifies the strengths of ECOG PS but highlights the weaknesses and where these are supported by other measures. A strong recommendation is made here to move to routine use of the Clinical Frailty Score to start to triage patients and most appropriately design treatments and rehabilitation interventions. (C) 2020 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Primary endocrine therapy may be an alternative treatment for less fit women with oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer. This study compared quality-of-life (QoL) outcomes in older women treated with surgery or primary endocrine therapy. Methods: This was a multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study of surgery or primary endocrine therapy in women aged over 70 years with operable breast cancer. QoL was assessed using European Organisation for Research and Treatment of cancer QoL questionnaires QLQ-C30, BR23, and ELD14, and the EuroQol Five Dimensions 5L score at baseline, 6 weeks, and 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. Propensity score matching was used to adjust for baseline variation in health, fitness, and tumour stage. Results: The study recruited 3416 women (median age 77 (range 69-102) years) from 56 breast units. Of these, 2979 (87.2 per cent) had ER-positive breast cancer; 2354 women had surgery and 500 received primary endocrine therapy (125 were excluded from analysis due to inadequate data or non-standard therapy). Median follow-up was 52 months. The primary endocrine therapy group was older and less fit. Baseline QoL differed between the groups; the mean(s.d.) QLQ-C30 global health status score was 66.2(21.1) in patients who received primary endocrine therapy versus 77.1(17.8) among those who had surgery plus endocrine therapy. In the unmatched analysis, changes in QoL between 6 weeks and baseline were noted in several domains, but by 24 months most scores had returned to baseline levels. In the matched analysis, major surgery (mastectomy or axillary clearance) had a more pronounced adverse impact than primary endocrine therapy in several domains. Conclusion: Adverse effects on QoL are seen in the first few months after surgery, but by 24 months these have largely resolved. Women considering surgery should be informed of these effects.
Purpose All UK medical schools are required to include frailty in their curriculum. The term is open to interpretation and associated with negative perceptions. Understanding and recognising frailty is a prerequisite for consideration of frailty in the treatment decision-making process across clinical specialities. The aim of this survey was to describe how frailty has been interpreted and approached in UK undergraduate medical education and provide examples of educational strategies employed. Methods All UK medical schools were invited to complete an electronic survey. Schools described educational strategies used to teach and assess frailty and provided frailty-related learning outcomes. Learning Outcomes were grouped into categories and mapped to the domains of Outcomes for Graduates (knowledge, skills and values). Results 25/34 Medical schools (74%) participated. The interpretation of what frailty is vary widely and the diversity of teaching strategies reflect this. The most common Learning outcomes included as “Frailty” are about the concept of frailty, Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments and Roles of the MDT. Frailty teaching is predominantly opportunistic and occurred within geriatric medicine rotations in all medical schools. Assessments focus on frailty syndromes such as falls and delirium. Conclusion There is variation regarding how frailty has been interpreted and approached by medical schools. Frailty is represented in an array of teaching and assessment methods, with a lack of constructive alignment to related learning outcomes. Consensus should be agreed as to what frailty means in medical education. Further research is required to explore which frailty-specific educational strategies in undergraduate medical education enhance learning.
Background Traditional healthcare education typically focuses on short block clinical placements based on acute care, investigations and technical aspects of diagnosis and treatment. It may therefore fail to build the understanding, compassion and person-centred empathy needed to help those with long-term conditions, like dementia. Time for Dementia was developed to address this. Method Parallel group comparison of two cohorts of UK medical students from universities, one participating in Time for Dementia (intervention group) and one not (control group). In Time for Dementia students visit a person with dementia and their family in pairs for 2 hours three times a year for 2 years, the control group received their normal curriculum. Results In an adjusted multilevel model (intervention group n = 274, control n = 112), there was strong evidence supporting improvements for Time for Dementia participants in: total Approaches to Dementia Questionnaire score (coefficient: 2.19, p = 0.003) and its person-centredness subscale (1.32, p = 0.006) and weaker evidence in its hopefulness subscale (0.78, p = 0.070). There was also strong evidence of improvement in the Dementia Knowledge Questionnaire (1.63, p < 0.001) and Dementia Attitudes Scale (total score: 6.55, p < 0.001; social comfort subscale: 4.15, p < 0.001; dementia knowledge subscale: 3.38, p = 0.001) scores. No differences were observed on the Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Scale, the Medical Condition Regard Scale or the Jefferson Scale of Empathy. Discussion Time for Dementia may help improve the attitudes of medical students towards dementia promoting a person-centred approach and increasing social comfort. Such patient-focused programmes may be a useful complement to traditional medical education.
Background: Despite a decline in the number of new HIV infections in the UK overall, the number and proportion of new HIV diagnoses in people aged >= 50 years continues to increase. People aged >= 50 years are disproportionately affected by late diagnosis, which is associated with poorer health outcomes, increased treatment complexity and increased healthcare costs. Late HIV diagnosis also has significant public health implications in terms of onward HIV transmission. It is not fully understood what factors affect the decision of an older person to test for HIV. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with testing for HIV in people aged >= 50 years who tested late for HIV. Methods: We interviewed 20 people aged >= 50 years diagnosed late with HIV to identify factors associated with HIV testing. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed. Results: Seven themes associated with HIV testing in people aged >= 50 years were identified: experience of early HIV/AIDS campaigns, HIV knowledge, presence of symptoms and symptom attribution, risk and risk perception, generational approaches to health and sexual health, stigma, and type of testing and testing venue. Conclusion: Some factors associated with testing identified in this study were unique to older individuals. People aged >= 50 years often do not perceive themselves to be at risk of HIV. Further, stigma and a lack of knowledge of how to access HIV testing suggest a need for health promotion and suggest current sexual health services may need to adapt to better meet their needs.
ObjectivesOf all doctors, Foundation Year 1 trainees spend the most time caring for dying patients yet report poor preparation and low confidence in providing this care. Despite documented effectiveness of simulation in teaching end-of-life care to undergraduate nurses, undergraduate medicine continues to teach this subject using a more theoretical, classroom-based approach. By increasing undergraduate exposure to interactive dying patient scenarios, simulation has the potential to improve confidence and preparedness of medical students to care for dying patients. The main study objective was to explore whether simulated experience of caring for a dying patient and their family can improve the confidence and preparedness of medical students to provide such care.MethodsA mixed-methods interventional study simulating the care of a dying patient was undertaken with serial measures of confidence using the Self Efficacy in Palliative Care (SEPC) tool. Significance testing of SEPC scores was undertaken using paired t-tests and analysis of variance. Post-simulation focus groups gathered qualitative data on student preparedness. Data were transcribed using NVivo software and interpreted using Thematic Analysis.ResultsThirty-eight 4th-year students participated. A statistically significant post-simulation increase in confidence was seen for all SEPC domains, with sustained confidence observed at 6 months. Focus group data identified six major themes: current preparedness, simulated learning environment, learning complex skills, patient centredness, future preparation and curriculum change.ConclusionUsing simulation to teach medical students how to care for a dying patient and their family increases student confidence and preparedness to provide such care.
The transformation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from a rapidly fatal disease to a chronic manageable illness has resulted in annual increases in the numbers of people living with HIV. The HIV cohort is therefore ageing, with numbers of older adults with HIV climbing, through both prolonged survival and late acquisition of the disease. Associated with ageing is an accumulation of HIV-associated non-AIDS related comorbidities, creating a complex patient group affected by multi-morbidity along with polypharmacy, functional decline and complex social issues. With this in mind, this review seeks to explore areas where HIV (diagnosed or undetected) may impact on the work of clinical geriatricians.
Background: understanding how best to provide palliative care for frail older people with non-malignant conditions is an international priority. We aimed to develop a community-based episodic model of short-term integrated palliative and supportive care (SIPS) based on the views of service users and other key stakeholders in the United Kingdom. Method: transparent expert consultations with health professionals, voluntary sector and carer representatives including a consensus survey; and focus groups with older people and carers were used to generate recommendations for the SIPS model. Discussions focused on three key components of the model: potential benefit of SIPS, timing of delivery and processes of integrated working between specialist palliative care and generalist practitioners. Content and descriptive analysis was employed and findings were integrated across the data sources. Findings: we conducted two expert consultations (n = 63), a consensus survey (n = 42) and three focus groups (n = 17). Potential benefits of SIPS included holistic assessment, opportunity for end of life discussion, symptom management and carer reassurance. Older people and carers advocated early access to SIPS, while other stakeholders proposed delivery based on complex symptom burden. A priority for integrated working was the assignment of a key worker to co-ordinate care, but the assignment criteria remain uncertain. Interpretation: key stakeholders agree that a model of SIPS for frail older people with non-malignant conditions has potential benefits within community settings, but differ in opinion on the optimal timing and indications for this service. Our findings highlight the importance of consulting all key stakeholders in model development prior to feasibility evaluation.
The ageing population poses new challenges globally. Cancer care for older patients is one of these challenges, and it has a significant impact on societies. In the United Kingdom (UK), as the number of older cancer patients increases, the management of this group has become part of daily practice for most oncology teams in every geographical area. Older cancer patients are at a higher risk of both under- and over-treatment. Therefore, the assessment of a patient’s biological age and effective organ functional reserve becomes paramount. This may then guide treatment decisions by better estimating a prognosis and the risk-to-benefit ratio of a given therapy to anticipate and mitigate against potential toxicities/difficulties. Moreover, older cancer patients are often affected by geriatric syndromes and other issues that impact their overall health, function and quality of life. Comprehensive geriatric assessments offer an opportunity to identify and address health problems which may then optimise one’s fitness and well-being. Whilst it is widely accepted that older cancer patients may benefit from such an approach, resources are often scarce, and access to dedicated services and research remains limited to specific centres across the UK. The aim of this project is to map the current services and projects in the UK to learn from each other and shape the future direction of care of older patients with cancer.
Chemotherapy improves outcomes for high risk early breast cancer (EBC) patients but is infrequently offered to older individuals. This study determined if there are fit older patients with high-risk disease who may benefit from chemotherapy. A multicentre, prospective, observational study was performed to determine chemotherapy (±trastuzumab) usage and survival and quality-of-life outcomes in EBC patients aged ≥70 years. Propensity score-matching adjusted for variation in baseline age, fitness and tumour stage. Three thousands four hundred sixteen women were recruited from 56 UK centres between 2013 and 2018. Two thousands eight hundred eleven (82%) had surgery. 1520/2811 (54%) had high-risk EBC and 2059/2811 (73%) were fit. Chemotherapy was given to 306/1100 (27.8%) fit patients with high-risk EBC. Unmatched comparison of chemotherapy versus no chemotherapy demonstrated reduced metastatic recurrence risk in high-risk patients(hazard ratio [HR] 0.36 [95% CI 0.19-0.68]) and in 541 age, stage and fitness-matched patients(adjusted HR 0.43 [95% CI 0.20-0.92]) but no benefit to overall survival (OS) or breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS) in either group. Chemotherapy improved survival in women with oestrogen receptor (ER)-negative cancer (OS: HR 0.20 [95% CI 0.08-0.49];BCSS: HR 0.12 [95% CI 0.03-0.44]).Transient negative quality-of-life impacts were observed. Chemotherapy was associated with reduced risk of metastatic recurrence, but survival benefits were only seen in patients with ER-negative cancer. Quality-of-life impacts were significant but transient. ISRCTN 46099296.
Background In breast cancer management, age-related practice variation is widespread, with older women having lower rates of surgery and chemotherapy than younger women, based on the premise of reduced treatment tolerance and benefit. This may contribute to inferior outcomes. There are currently no age- and fitness-stratified guidelines on which to base treatment recommendations. Aim We aimed to optimise treatment choice and outcomes for older women (aged ≥ 70 years) with operable breast cancer. Objectives Our objectives were to (1) determine the age, comorbidity, frailty, disease stage and biology thresholds for endocrine therapy alone versus surgery plus adjuvant endocrine therapy, or adjuvant chemotherapy versus no chemotherapy, for older women with breast cancer; (2) optimise survival outcomes for older women by improving the quality of treatment decision-making; (3) develop and evaluate a decision support intervention to enhance shared decision-making; and (4) determine the degree and causes of treatment variation between UK breast units. Design A prospective cohort study was used to determine age and fitness thresholds for treatment allocation. Mixed-methods research was used to determine the information needs of older women to develop a decision support intervention. A cluster-randomised trial was used to evaluate the impact of this decision support intervention on treatment choices and outcomes. Health economic analysis was used to evaluate the cost–benefit ratio of different treatment strategies according to age and fitness criteria. A mixed-methods study was used to determine the degree and causes of variation in treatment allocation. Main outcome measures The main outcome measures were enhanced age- and fitness-specific decision support leading to improved quality-of-life outcomes in older women (aged ≥ 70 years) with early breast cancer. Results (1) Cohort study: the study recruited 3416 UK women aged ≥ 70 years (median age 77 years). Follow-up was 52 months. (a) The surgery plus adjuvant endocrine therapy versus endocrine therapy alone comparison: 2854 out of 3416 (88%) women had oestrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer, 2354 of whom received surgery plus adjuvant endocrine therapy and 500 received endocrine therapy alone. Patients treated with endocrine therapy alone were older and frailer than patients treated with surgery plus adjuvant endocrine therapy. Unmatched overall survival and breast-cancer-specific survival were higher in the surgery plus adjuvant endocrine therapy group (overall survival: hazard ratio 0.27, 95% confidence interval 0.23 to 0.33; p
Background there is little research on preferences in students and newly qualified healthcare professionals for working with people with dementia. Understanding the development of these preferences can help inform strategies to increase workforce capacity in response to current suboptimal dementia care and the increasing numbers of people with dementia. Objective to explore the factors that influence career preferences in relation to working with people with dementia. Specifically, to understand how these factors relate to early career doctors' and nurses' preferences and how they influence decisions and perspectives on their careers. Methods qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 27 newly qualified doctors and nurses within 2 years of graduation. This included a subset of participants that had taken part in a dementia educational intervention during their undergraduate training. Transcripts were analysed using grounded theory methods. Results the results present six main categories representing complex interlinked factors influencing preferences for working with people with dementia as well as exploring the definition of a career working with people with dementia. The factors include the importance of making a difference; seeing dementia care as a different type of care; its perceived alignment with personal characteristics; perceptions of people with dementia; care environments and career characteristics. Discussion this is the first study to explore the factors influencing preferences for working with people with dementia in newly qualified healthcare professionals. It provides useful data to inform workforce planning, and curriculum and practice development to stimulate interest and drive improved quality of care.
Age-related breast cancer treatment variance is widespread with many older women having primary endocrine therapy (PET), which may contribute to inferior survival and local control. This propensity-matched study determined if a subgroup of older women may safely be offered PET. Multicentre, prospective, UK, observational cohort study with propensity-matched analysis to determine optimal allocation of surgery plus ET (S+ET) or PET in women aged ≥70 with breast cancer. Data on fitness, frailty, cancer stage, grade, biotype, treatment and quality of life were collected. Propensity-matching (based on age, health status and cancer stage) adjusted for allocation bias when comparing S+ET with PET. A total of 3416 women (median age 77, range 69–102) were recruited from 56 breast units—2854 (88%) had ER+ breast cancer: 2354 had S+ET and 500 PET. Median follow-up was 52 months. Patients treated with PET were older and frailer than patients treated with S+ET. Unmatched overall survival was inferior in the PET group (hazard ratio, (HR) 0.27, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.23–0.33, P 85 with comorbidities or frailty) individualised decision making regarding PET versus S+ET may be appropriate and safe to offer. The Age Gap online decision tool may support this decision-making process (https://agegap.shef.ac.uk/). ISRCTN: 46099296.
Background Individuals aged >= 50 years continue to be disproportionately affected by late HIV diagnosis, which is associated with poorer health outcomes and onward transmission. Despite HIV testing guidelines and high acceptability of HIV testing among all patients, clinicians are less likely to offer a test to an older individual. The aim of this study was to identify clinician-related factors associated with offering HIV testing to patients aged >= 50 years. Methods Twenty clinicians who had been involved in the care of an older patient diagnosed late with HIV were interviewed. Results Thematic analysis identified seven factors associated with offering HIV testing to older people: knowledge, stigma, stereotyping and perception of risk, symptom attribution, discussing HIV with patients, consent procedures and practical issues. Conclusions Although some factors are not unique to older patients, some are unique to this group. Many clinicians lack up-to-date HIV-related knowledge, feel anxious discussing HIV with older patients and perceive asexuality in older age. In order to increase the offer of HIV testing to this group, we identified clinician-related barriers to test offer that need to be addressed.
The purpose of the study was to determine whether older patients with metastatic cancer continue to take medications for the treatment of pre-existing co-morbidities after the diagnosis of metastatic disease. Between November 2008 and June 2009, patients over the age of 65 with metastatic cancer were interviewed. Medical records were reviewed in order to ascertain current medication use and relevant past medical history. Classes of medication of interest were prospectively defined; these were anti-hypertensives, lipid-lowering drugs, anti-platelet agents, anti-coagulants and bisphosphonates. One hundred patients were recruited, with a median age of 73.5 years (range 65-88); 52% were women. The primary cancer sites were breast, 36%; prostate, 27%; colon, 14%; other, 23%. The median performance status of the patients was 2. The median number of medications was 7 (range 1-17). Eighty-one percent of patients were found to be taking one or more of the predefined medications for treatment of a long-term co-morbidity. Overall 52% of patients had side effects attributed to these medications. Patients with metastatic cancer continue to take drugs for prevention of co-morbidities which are associated with side effects and inconvenience. The benefits of these drugs are likely to be minimal, and medication reviews should be undertaken to address their appropriateness.
ObjectivesTo describe the prevalence and predictors of frailty in individuals with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) using systematic review methodology. DesignReview. SettingCommunity. ParticipantsOlder adults with HIV. MeasurementsMedline, CINAHL, EMBASE, PsychInfo, and PubMed were searched for original observational studies with populations including individuals with HIV in which frailty was assessed using the frailty phenotype or a variant thereof. Studies were examined for frailty prevalence and predictors of the syndrome in those with HIV. ResultsThirteen of 322 citations were included for full review. All demonstrated the presence of frailty in individuals with HIV, with prevalence ranging from 5% to 28.6% depending on population studied. HIV was a risk factor for frailty. Predictors of frailty included older age, comorbidities, diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and low current CD4(+) cell count. ConclusionHIV appears to be an independent risk factor for frailty, with frailty occurring in individuals with HIV at rates comparable with older individuals without HIV. Heterogeneity in study populations and frailty assessment measures hamper accurate description of the problem. Future longitudinal work with standardized methodology is needed to describe prevalence accurately and confirm predictors.
Aims HbA(1c) is reported to underestimate glycaemia in people living with HIV (PLHIV). There is not an internationally agreed screening method for diabetes. The primary aim was to identify which tests are performed to diagnose and monitor diabetes in PLHIV. Secondary aims were to identify whether prevalence or incidence of diabetes differs according to marker of glycaemia and how figures compare in PLHIV compared to people without. Methods Electronic databases were searched for studies investigating diabetes in PLHIV, not pregnant, aged >= 18 years. Narrative analysis and descriptive statistics were used to describe which markers of glycaemia, and their frequency, were employed in the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes in PLHIV. Diagnostic studies provided prevalence or incidence of diabetes. Results In all, 45 of 1028 studies were included. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), fasting glucose (FG), HbA(1c) and Fructosamine were used to investigate diabetes. In total, 27 studies described diagnosing diabetes, 14 using OGTT, 12 FG and 7 HbA1c. All 18 studies monitoring diabetes used HbA1c. Prevalence ranged from 1.3% to 26% and incidence 2.9% to 12.8%. Studies using glucose and HbA(1c) reported HbA(1c) to diagnose fewer people with diabetes, monitoring studies found HbA(1c) to underestimate glycaemia levels. Controlled studies demonstrate diabetes was more common in PLHIV. Conclusion OGTT was used most frequently to diagnose diabetes, and HbA(1c) to monitor known diabetes. Prevalence and incidence varied depending on marker of glycaemia used. Studies reported a discrepancy in accuracy of HbA(1c) in PLHIV, to address this, well-designed, prospective studies, providing individual-level data on HbA(1c) levels and an additional marker of glycaemia in PLHIV are needed.
Radiotherapy reduces in-breast recurrence risk in early breast cancer (EBC) in older women. This benefit may be small and should be balanced against treatment effect and holistic patient assessment. This study described treatment patterns according to fitness and impact on health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL). A multicentre, observational study of EBC patients aged ≥ 70 years, undergoing breast-conserving surgery (BCS) or mastectomy, was undertaken. Associations between radiotherapy use, surgery, clinico-pathological parameters, fitness based on geriatric parameters and treatment centre were determined. HRQoL was measured using the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) questionnaires. In 2013–2018 2811 women in 56 UK study centres underwent surgery with a median follow-up of 52 months. On multivariable analysis, age and tumour risk predicted radiotherapy use. Among healthier patients (based on geriatric assessments) with high-risk tumours, 534/613 (87.1%) having BCS and 185/341 (54.2%) having mastectomy received radiotherapy. In less fit individuals with low-risk tumours undergoing BCS, 149/207 (72.0%) received radiotherapy. Radiotherapy effects on HRQoL domains, including breast symptoms and fatigue were seen, resolving by 18 months. Radiotherapy use in EBC patients ≥ 70 years is affected by age and recurrence risk, whereas geriatric parameters have limited impact regardless of type of surgery. There was geographical variation in treatment, with some fit older women with high-risk tumours not receiving radiotherapy, and some older, low-risk, EBC patients receiving radiotherapy after BCS despite evidence of limited benefit. The impact on HRQoL is transient.
There is a recognised need to improve undergraduate education within dementia care. UK medical schools provide dementia-specific teaching, but this has previously been found to focus more on student knowledge and skills rather than behaviours and attitudes and does not often involve the wider multidisciplinary team. A simulation day was established, based on communicating with a person with dementia in a number of scenarios. This article aims to identify if this method of teaching within dementia care is successful. It is a qualitative study and draws on data from postcourse questionnaire responses and field notes of the simulation day. The data offered rich insights into how the session allowed participants to be challenged and taken to their perceived thresholds of capability. It highlights that behaviours and skills can be learnt via simulation and leads to a transformative change in the language learners used, suggesting that learning may happen through threshold concepts.
Introduction: Comorbidities are increasingly common among people living with HIV (PLWH) as they age. There is no evidence regarding models of care. We aimed to assess feasibility of a novel methodology to investigate care processes for serious medical events in PLWH. Method: The method was based on the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD). Data were extracted from medical records and questionnaires completed by general practitioners (GPs), HIV physicians, and non-HIV specialist physicians. A panel reviewed anonymized cases and gave feedback on the review process. Results: Eleven of 13 patients consented to the study. Questionnaires were completed by 64% of HIV physicians, 67% of non-HIV specialist physicians, and 55% of GPs. The independent review panel (IRP) advised improvement in the methodology including data presentation and timing. Conclusion: This method was acceptable to patients and secondary care physicians. Further work is needed to the improve GP responses and facilitate IRP.
Background: Antibiotic-associated diarrhoea (AAD) is a side-effect of antibiotic consumption and probiotics have been shown to reduce AAD. Methods: A multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial was conducted to evaluate the role of Lactobacillus casei DN114001 (combined as a drink with two regular yoghurt bacterial strains) in reducing AAD and Clostridioides difficile infection in patients aged over 55 years. The primary outcome was the incidence of AAD during 2 weeks of follow-up. Results: A total of 1127 patients (mean age +/- standard deviation: 73.6 +/- 10.5) were randomized to the active group (N = 549) or placebo group (N = 577). Both groups were followed up as per protocol. The proportion of patients experiencing AAD during follow-up was 19.3% (106/549) in the probiotic group vs 17.9% (103/577) in the placebo group (unadjusted odds ratio 1.10, 95% confidence interval 0.82-1.49, P = 0.53). Conclusions: No significant evidence was found of a beneficial effect of the specific probiotic formulation in preventing AAD in this elderly population drawn from a number of different UK hospitals. However, in the UK and in many other healthcare systems there have, in recent years, been many changes in antibiotic stewardship policies, an overall decrease in incidence in C. difficile infection, as well as an increased awareness of infection prevention, and modifications in nursing practice. In light of these factors, it is impossible to conclude definitively from the current trial that the study-specific probiotic formulation has no role in preventing AAD, and it is our view that further trials may be indicated, controlling for these variables. (C) 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Healthcare Infection Society.
Background: Older people continue to be disproportionately affected by late HIV diagnosis, which results in increased morbidity and mortality. Despite high acceptance of HIV testing generally, older people are less likely to undergo testing than younger people. Two previous studies have been conducted, one focussing on patient-related and one focussing on clinician-related factors associated with HIV testing in older age (>= 50 years) Objective: This study is an integrated analysis from two linked studies - one focussed on patients, and one focussed on clinicians - to understand overlap in views and experiences of HIV testing in older age, to outline the clinical implications of the findings, and to highlight potential interventions to improve testing in this group. Methods: This qualitative study utilised semi-structured interviews conducted with 20 clinicians who were not HIV care specialists, but who had recently seen an older person prior to their HIV diagnosis, and 20 people who had been diagnosed late with HIV aged 50+. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed. The combined synthesis reported here was planned a priori as part of a sequential design. Results: Seven clinician- and seven patient-related themes were associated with undergoing HIV testing in older age. This article discusses the four themes that were common to both groups: poor knowledge, incorrect symptom attribution, inaccurate perception of risk, and stigma. Conclusion: Both clinician and patient factors associated with testing will have to be addressed in order to increase HIV testing in older people, and reduce the likelihood of late diagnosis. Findings from overlapping themes suggest several areas for intervention: (1) routine screening as part of existing clinical contacts aimed at older people to eliminate the need to attribute symptoms to HIV or assess risk; (2) specific and tailored education materials for clinicians and older people which utilise appropriate modalities; (3) tailored HIV testing services: either specific clinics for older people at existing sexual health services, or dedicated services in primary care.
BackgroundThe General Medical Council expects medical graduates to care for dying patients with skill, clinical judgement and compassion. UK surveys continually demonstrate low confidence and increasing distress amongst junior doctors when providing care to the dying.AimThis systematic review aims to determine what has been evidenced within worldwide literature regarding medical undergraduate confidence to care for dying patients.DesignA systematic electronic search was undertaken. Data extraction included measurements of baseline confidence, associated assessment tools and details of applied educational interventions. Pre/postintervention confidence comparisons were made. Factors influencing confidence levels were explored.Data sourcesMEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, ISI Web of Science, ERIC, PsycINFO, British Education Index and Cochrane Review databases were accessed, with no restrictions on publication year. Eligible studies included the terms ‘medical student’, ‘confidence’ and ‘dying’, alongside appropriate MeSH headings. Study quality was assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool.ResultsFifteen eligible studies were included, demonstrating a diversity of assessment tools. Student confidence was low in provision of symptom management, family support, and psycho-spiritual support to dying patients. Eight interventional studies demonstrated increased postinterventional confidence. Lack of undergraduate exposure to dying patients and lack of structure within undergraduate palliative care curricula were cited as factors responsible for low confidence.ConclusionThis review clarifies the objective documentation of medical undergraduate confidence to care for the dying. Identifying where teaching fails to prepare graduates for realities in clinical practice will help inform future undergraduate palliative care curriculum planning.PROSPERO registration numberCRD42019119057.
This paper describes the development and use of the bespoke digital learning resource CAPSULE (Clinical and Professional Studies Unique Learning Environment) which was launched UK wide in May 2020 to facilitate the delivery of core learning content for UK medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic. CAPSULE is a digital learning resource comprising case-based scenarios and multiple-choice questions, encompassing all undergraduate medical specialities and supported by a pan-speciality editorial board. Following the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and loss of face-to-face learning opportunities, CAPSULE was made available to all UK medical schools in May 2020. Following a global content review and edit and UK wide rollout, over 41,000 medical students and 3200 faculty registered as users. Approximately 1.5 million cases were completed in the first 12 months of use by up to 4500 distinct monthly users. Feedback from both students and faculty has been highly positive. CAPSULE continues to be used within UK medical schools and has allowed an entire cohort of medical students to access core curriculum content and progress their studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Future directions may include further integration into UK medical school curricula, enhancement of platform functionality and potential expansion on an international scale.
Background Globally, a rising number of people live into advanced age and die with multimorbidity and frailty. Palliative care is advocated as a person-centred approach to reduce health-related suffering and promote quality of life. However, no evidence-based interventions exist to deliver community-based palliative care for this population. Aim To evaluate the impact of the short-term integrated palliative and supportive care intervention for older people living with chronic noncancer conditions and frailty on clinical and economic outcomes and perceptions of care. Design Single-blind trial with random block assignment to usual care or the intervention and usual care. The intervention comprised integrated person-centred palliative care delivered by multidisciplinary palliative care teams working with general practitioners and community nurses. Main outcome was change in five key palliative care symptoms from baseline to 12-weeks. Data analysis used intention to treat and complete cases to examine the mean difference in change scores and effect size between the trial arms. Economic evaluation used cost-effectiveness planes and qualitative interviews explored perceptions of the intervention. Setting/participants Four National Health Service general practices in England with recruitment of patients aged ≥75 years, with moderate to severe frailty, chronic noncancer condition(s) and ≥2 symptoms or concerns, and family caregivers when available. Results 50 patients were randomly assigned to receive usual care (n = 26, mean age 86.0 years) or the intervention and usual care (n = 24, mean age 85.3 years), and 26 caregivers (control n = 16, mean age 77.0 years; intervention n = 10, mean age 77.3 years). Participants lived at home (n = 48) or care home (n = 2). Complete case analysis (n = 48) on the main outcome showed reduced symptom distress between the intervention compared with usual care (mean difference -1.20, 95% confidence interval -2.37 to -0.027) and medium effect size (omega squared = 0.071). Symptom distress reduced with decreased costs from the intervention compared with usual care, demonstrating cost-effectiveness. Patient (n = 19) and caregiver (n = 9) interviews generated themes about the intervention of ‘Little things make a big difference’ with optimal management of symptoms and ‘Care beyond medicines’ of psychosocial support to accommodate decline and maintain independence. Conclusions This palliative and supportive care intervention is an effective and cost-effective approach to reduce symptom distress for older people severely affected by chronic noncancer conditions. It is a clinically effective way to integrate specialist palliative care with primary and community care for older people with chronic conditions. Further research is indicated to examine its implementation more widely for people at home and in care homes. Trial registration: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN 45837097 Tweetable abstract: Specialist palliative care integrated with district nurses and GPs is cost-effective to reduce symptom distress for older people severely affected by chronic conditions.
ObjectivesTo identify factors associated with end-of-life (EoL) transition from usual place of care to the hospital as place of death for people aged 75 and older. DesignPopulation-based mortality follow-back survey. SettingDeaths over 6 months in 2012 in two unitary authorities in England covering 800 square miles with more than 1 million residents. ParticipantsA random sample of people aged 75 and older who died in a care home or hospital and all those who died at home or in a hospice unit (N = 882). Cases were identified from death registrations. The person who registered the death (a relative for 98.9%) completed the survey. MeasurementsThe main outcome was EoL transition to the hospital as place of death versus no EoL transition to the hospital. Multivariable modified Poisson regression was used to examine factors (illness, demographic, environmental) related to EoL transition to the hospital. ResultsFour hundred forty-three (50.2%) individuals responded, describing the care of the people who died. Most died from nonmalignant conditions (76.3%) at a mean age of 87.4 6.4. One hundred forty-six (32.3%) transitioned to the hospital and died there. Transition was more likely for individuals with respiratory disease than for those with cancer (prevalence ratio (PR) = 2.07, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.42-3.01) and for people with severe breathlessness (PR = 1.96, 95% CI = 1.12-3.43). Transition was less likely if EoL preferences had been discussed with a healthcare professional (PR = 0.60, 95% CI = 0.42-0.88) and when there was a key healthcare professional (PR = 0.74, 95% CI = 0.58-0.95). ConclusionTo reduce EoL transition to the hospital for older people, there needs to be improved management of breathlessness in the community and better access to a key healthcare professional skilled in coordinating care, communication, facilitating complex discussions, and in planning for future care.
Major depressive disorder (MDD) in older people is a relatively common, yet hard to treat problem. In this study, we aimed to establish if a single nucleotide polymorphism in the 5-HT 1A receptor gene (rs6295) determines antidepressant response in patients aged > 80 years (the oldest old) with MDD. Nineteen patients aged at least 80 years with a new diagnosis of MDD were monitored for response to citalopram 20 mg daily over 4 weeks and genotyped for the rs6295 allele. Both a frequentist and Bayesian analysis was performed on the data. Bayesian analysis answered the clinically relevant question: ‘What is the probability that an older patient would enter remission after commencing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment, conditional on their rs6295 genotype?’ Individuals with a CC (cytosine–cytosine) genotype showed a significant improvement in their Geriatric Depression Score ( p = 0.020) and cognition ( p = 0.035) compared with other genotypes. From a Bayesian perspective, we updated reports of antidepressant efficacy in older people with our data and calculated that the 4-week relative risk of entering remission, given a CC genotype, is 1.9 [95% highest-density interval (HDI) 0.7–3.5], compared with 0.52 (95% HDI 0.1–1.0) for the CG (cytosine–guanine) genotype. The sample size of n = 19 is too small to draw any firm conclusions, however, the data suggest a trend indicative of a relationship between the rs6295 genotype and response to citalopram in older patients, which requires further investigation.
Approximately 13% of people living with HIV in the UK are unaware of their infection. New diagnoses among people ≥50 years is increasing. Unique factors may be associated with testing in this group. This systematic review aims to identify patient and clinician-related barriers/facilitators to HIV testing in people aged ≥50 years. A systematic electronic search was conducted. Papers were assessed for eligibility and data from eligible studies were extracted. Barriers/facilitators were grouped, and the number of times they were reported was noted. Because of considerable heterogeneity, a narrative approach has been undertaken to synthesise data. In total, 17 studies were included. Main barriers to testing were low perceived risk and clinicians' preconceptions about older people. Main facilitators were regular use of healthcare services or being offered/encouraged to test by a healthcare provider. Although being encouraged to test was a common facilitator, clinicians' preconceptions about older people was the biggest barrier. This shows a divide between clinicians' preconceptions and patients' expectations, which may impact on testing rates. This review is an important first step in identifying potential barriers/facilitators for further study or to be addressed in the design of future interventions.
Introduction: Older patients with early breast cancer (EBC) derive modest survival benefit from chemotherapy but have increased toxicity risk. Data on the impact of chemotherapy for EBC on quality of life in older patients are limited, but this is a key determinant of treatment acceptance. We aimed to investigate its effect on quality of life in older patients enrolled in the Bridging the Age Gap study. Materials and methods: A prospective, multicentre, observational study of EBC patients >= 70 years old was conducted in 2013-2018 at 56 UK hospitals. Demographics, patient, tumour characteristics, treatments and adverse events were recorded. Quality of life was assessed using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of-Life Questionnaires (EORTC-QLQ) C30, BR23 and ELD 15 plus the Euroqol-5D (eq-5d) over 24 months and analysed at each time point using baseline adjusted linear regression analysis and propensity score-matching. Results: Three thousand and four hundred sixteen patients were enrolled in the study; 1520 patients undergoing surgery and who had high-risk EBC were included in this analysis. 376/ 1520 (24.7%) received chemotherapy. At 6 months, chemotherapy had a significant negative impact in several EORTC-QLQ-C30 domains, including global health score, physical, role, social functioning, cognition, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, dyspnoea, appetite loss, diarrhoea and constipation. Similar trends were documented on other scales (EORTC-QLQ-BR23, EORTC-QLQ-ELD15 and EQ-5D-5L). Its impact was no longer significant at 18-24 months in unmatched and matched cohorts. Conclusions: The negative impact of chemotherapy on quality-of-life is clinically and statistically significant at 6 months but resolves by 18 months, which is crucial to inform decisionmaking for older patients contemplating chemotherapy.
Abstract Background Hospital antimicrobial stewardship strategies, such as ‘Start Smart, Then Focus’ in the UK, balance the need for prompt, effective antibiotic treatment with the need to limit antibiotic overuse using ‘review and revise’. However, only a minority of review decisions are to stop antibiotics. Research suggests that this is due to both behavioural and organizational factors. Objectives To develop and optimize the Antibiotic Review Kit (ARK) intervention. ARK is a complex digital, organizational and behavioural intervention that supports implementation of ‘review and revise’ to help healthcare professionals safely stop unnecessary antibiotics. Methods A theory-, evidence- and person-based approach was used to develop and optimize ARK and its implementation. This was done through iterative stakeholder consultation and in-depth qualitative research with doctors, nurses and pharmacists in UK hospitals. Barriers to and facilitators of the intervention and its implementation, and ways to address them, were identified and then used to inform the intervention’s development. Results A key barrier to stopping antibiotics was reportedly a lack of information about the original prescriber’s rationale for and their degree of certainty about the need for antibiotics. An integral component of ARK was the development and optimization of a Decision Aid and its implementation to increase transparency around initial prescribing decisions. Conclusions The key output of this research is a digital and behavioural intervention targeting important barriers to stopping antibiotics at review (see http://bsac-vle.com/ark-the-antibiotic-review-kit/ and http://antibioticreviewkit.org.uk/). ARK will be evaluated in a feasibility study and, if successful, a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial at acute hospitals across the NHS.
Background Cholinesterase inhibitors produce small improvements in cognitive and global assessments in Alzheimer's disease. We aimed to determine whether donepezil produces worthwhile improvements in disability, dependency, behavioural and psychological symptoms, carers' psychological wellbeing, or delay in institutionalisation. If so, which patients benefit, from what dose, and for how long? Methods 565 community-resident patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease entered a 12-week run-in period in which they were randomly allocated donepezil (5 mg/day) or placebo. 486 who completed this period were rerandomised to either donepezil (5 or 10 mg/day) or placebo, with double-blind treatment continuing as long as judged appropriate. Primary endpoints were entry to institutional care and progression of disability, defined by loss of either two of four basic, or six of 11 instrumental, activities on the Bristol activities of daily living scale (BADLS). Outcome assessments were sought for all patients and analysed by logrank and multilevel models. Findings Cognition averaged 0.8 MMSE (mini-mental state examination) points better (95% Cl 0.5-1.2; p
Background Internationally there are too few suitably skilled registered nurses to meet the demands for dementia care. Research has established low preferences in undergraduate nursing students for working with older people. However, there is limited research on preferences for dementia care. Understanding career preferences is one component of ensuring future workforce capacity. Objective To assess student nurses' preferences during undergraduate training in relation to working with people with dementia. Methods Data from a longitudinal survey collected at two UK universities were analysed (n = 488). Measures included career preferences, demographics, participation in a dementia educational intervention, and measures of attitude, knowledge, and empathy to dementia. Open text responses were also included to explore the students' reasons for their preferences. Results The preference for working with older people and people with dementia was low and decreased during training. A linear regression analysis supports a strong relationship of preferences with attitudes to dementia. Content analysis of students' reasons for their preferences found that perceived difficulty and lack of confidence contributes to the negative evaluation of working with people with dementia. Conclusion Undergraduate nursing education needs to continue to review its contribution to preparing the dementia workforce and act to support positive attitudes to working with people with dementia across nursing specialties.