Dr Juha Silvanto
I received my PhD in 2007 at University College London, followed by fellowships at Harvard Medical School and Helsinki University of Technology. I have led a research group focusing on brain stimulation and visual perception since 2011. I was awarded a European Research Council (ERC) starting grant in 2013 and have generated over 3 million pounds of research income over the past 10 years. My research is currently funded by the Economic and Social studies Research Council (ESRC).
I'm currently on the Editorial board of NeuroImage and was Chief Editor of Frontiers in Consciousness Research 2016-2019.
University roles and responsibilities
- Programme Leader for MSc Research Methods in Psychology
ResearchResearch interests
My research has two main focuses. Firstly, I'm interested in the neural basis of visual processes - including motion perception, symmetry, consciousness, working memory and imagery. I study these functions using brain stimulation (TMS, tDCS) and neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG) techniuqes.
My second focus involves the methodology of brain stimulation, particularly state-dependent brain stimulation, with the aim of enhancing the specificity of obtained effects.
Research interests
My research has two main focuses. Firstly, I'm interested in the neural basis of visual processes - including motion perception, symmetry, consciousness, working memory and imagery. I study these functions using brain stimulation (TMS, tDCS) and neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG) techniuqes.
My second focus involves the methodology of brain stimulation, particularly state-dependent brain stimulation, with the aim of enhancing the specificity of obtained effects.
PSY3118 Treatment protocols for neurological conditions (convener)
PSY130 Academic research training (convener)