Dr Juerong (Nicole) Li
ResearchResearch interests
Nicole is a Postdoctoral Research Associate and the project manager on COMPASSS (each role contributes 50%). As a PDRA, her work involves implantation, fabrication and characterisation of few and single dopant atom devices such as single electron transistor structures, via electrical and microwave measurements, with the aim of using them for applications in quantum information and spintronics. As a project manager, She looks after a £8.1 million budget and responsible for facilitating the successful delivery of projects on time and to the agreed specification, cost and quality. By working closely with the team and collaborators she ensures smooth running of finances, of publicity and of outward facing business development activities.
Research interests
Nicole is a Postdoctoral Research Associate and the project manager on COMPASSS (each role contributes 50%). As a PDRA, her work involves implantation, fabrication and characterisation of few and single dopant atom devices such as single electron transistor structures, via electrical and microwave measurements, with the aim of using them for applications in quantum information and spintronics. As a project manager, She looks after a £8.1 million budget and responsible for facilitating the successful delivery of projects on time and to the agreed specification, cost and quality. By working closely with the team and collaborators she ensures smooth running of finances, of publicity and of outward facing business development activities.
Spectroscopic data, such as precise γ-ray branching and E2/M1 multipole-mixing ratios, provide vital constraints when performing multi-dimensional Coulomb-excitation analyses. Consequently, as part of our new Coulomb-excitation campaign aimed at investigating the role of exotic non-axial (triaxial) deformations in the unstable refractory Ru-Mo isotopes, additional beta-decay data was obtained. These measurements make use of ANL's CARIBU facility, which provides intense beams of radioactive refractory isotopes along with the excellent efficiency and angular resolution of the GRETINA γ-ray tracking array. In this article, we report on the analysis of the A = 110 decay chain, focussing on the identification of previously unreported states in 110Ru following the decay of 110Tc.
The discovery of presolar grains in primitive meteorites has launched a new era of research in the study of stellar nucleosynthesis. However, the accurate classification of presolar grains as being of specific stellar origins is particularly challenging. Recently, it has been suggested that sulfur isotopic abundances may hold the key to definitively identifying presolar grains with being of nova origins and, in this regard, the astrophysical Cl33 ( p,γ ) Ar34 reaction is expected to play a decisive role. As such, we have performed a detailed γ -ray spectroscopy study of Ar34 . Excitation energies have been measured with high precision and spin-parity assignments for resonant states, located above the proton threshold in Ar34 , have been made for the first time. Uncertainties in the Cl33 ( p,γ ) reaction have been dramatically reduced and the results indicate that a newly identified ℓ=0 resonance at Er=396.9 ( 13 ) keV dominates the entire rate for T=0.25–0.40 GK . Furthermore, nova hydrodynamic simulations based on the present work indicate an ejected S 32/ S 33 abundance ratio distinctive from type-II supernovae and potentially compatible with recent measurements of a presolar grain.
We report on the electrical detection of spin dependent photoconductivity in 500 nm wide InSb quantum well nanowires using the optical orientation of electron spins. By applying weak magnetic fields (≈ 200 mT), we observe a spin filtering effect of classical origin caused by spin dependent back scattering of electrons from the sidewalls. Spin dependent features in the longitudinal photovoltage decay with temperature and disappears at characteristic energy (≈ 50 K) consistent with the theoretical spin splitting and the thermal level broadening. We show that the observed signal is due to the inversion asymmetry of the quantum well, with an additional Zeeman contribution. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
We have performed a high field magneto-absorption spectroscopy on silicon doped with a variety of single and double donor species. The magnetic field provides access to an experimental magnetic length, and the quadratic Zeeman effect in particular may~be used to extract the wavefunction radius without reliance on previously determined effective mass parameters. We were therefore able to determine the limits of validity for the standard one-band anisotropic effective mass model. We also provide improved parameters and use them for an independent check on the accuracy of effective mass theory. Finally, we show that the optically accessible excited state wavefunctions have the attractive property that interactions with neighbours are far more forgiving of position errors than (say) the ground state.
The 24 Mg + 12 C fusion reaction was used to perform a detailed γ-ray spectroscopy study of the astrophysically important nucleus 34 Ar. In particular, an experimental setup, coupling the advanced γ-ray tracking array GRETINA with the well-established Argonne fragment mass analyzer (FMA), was employed to obtain excitation energies and spin-parity assignments for excited states in 34 Ar, both above and below the proton separation energy. For the first time, an angular distribution analysis of in-beam γ rays from fusion-evaporation reactions, using a tracking array, has been performed and Coulomb energy differences of analog states in the T = 1, A = 34 mirror system, explored from 0 to 6 MeV. Furthermore, we present a comprehensive discussion of the astrophysical 33 Cl(p, γ) stellar reaction rate, together with implications for the identification of nova presolar grains from sulfur isotopic abundances.
We measure transverse magnetically focused photocurrent signals in an InSb/InAlSb quantum well device. Using optical spin orientation by modulated circularly polarized light an electron spin-dependent signal is observed due to the spin-orbit interaction. Simulations of the focusing signal are performed using a classical billiard ball model, which includes both spin precession and a spin-dependent electron energy. The simulated data suggest that a signal dependent on the helicity of the incident light is expected for a Rashba parameter α > 0.1 eVÅ and that a splitting of the focusing signal is not expected to be observed in linear polarized photocurrent and purely electrical measurements.
We have measured the near-infrared photoluminescence spectrum of phosphorus doped silicon (Si: P) and extracted the donor-bound exciton (D0X) energy at magnetic fields up to 28 T. At high field the Zeeman effect is strongly nonlinear because of the diamagnetic shift, also known as the quadratic Zeeman effect (QZE). The magnitude of the QZE is determined by the spatial extent of the wave-function. High field data allows us to extract values for the radius of the neutral donor (D0) ground state, and the light and heavy hole D0X states, all with more than an order of magnitude better precision than previous work. Good agreement was found between the experimental state radius and an effective mass model for D0. The D0X results are much more surprising, and the radius of the mJ=±3/2 heavy hole is found to be larger than that of the mJ=±1/2 light hole.
Electron spin relaxation times have been measured in InSb and InAs quantum wells and epi-layers in a moderate (
Laboratory spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen in a magnetic flux density of 10(5) T (1 gigagauss), the maximum observed on high-field magnetic white dwarfs, is impossible because practically available fields are about a thousand times less. In this regime, the cyclotron and binding energies become equal. Here we demonstrate Lyman series spectra for phosphorus impurities in silicon up to the equivalent field, which is scaled to 32.8 T by the effective mass and dielectric constant. The spectra reproduce the high-field theory for free hydrogen, with quadratic Zeeman splitting and strong mixing of spherical harmonics. They show the way for experiments on He and H(2) analogues, and for investigation of He(2), a bound molecule predicted under extreme field conditions.
This study reports the effect of an increasing ion dose on both the electrical activation yield and the characteristic properties of implanted bismuth donors in silicon. A strong dependence of implant fluence is observed on both the yield of bismuth donors and the measured impurity diffusion. This is such that higher ion concentrations result in both a decrease in activation and an enhancement in donor migration through interactions with mobile silicon lattice vacancies and interstitials. Furthermore, the effect of implant fluence on the properties of the Si:Bi donor bound exciton, D0X, is also explored using photoluminescence (PL) measurements. In the highest density sample, centers corresponding to the PL of bismuth D0Xs within both the high density region and the lower concentration diffused tail of the implanted donor profile are identifiable.
Doping of silicon via phosphine exposures alternating with molecular beam epitaxy overgrowth is a path to Si:P substrates for conventional microelectronics and quantum information technologies. The technique also provides a new and well-controlled material for systematic studies of two-dimensional lattices with a half-filled band. We show here that for a dense (ns = 2.8 × 1014 cm−2 ) disordered two-dimensional array of P atoms, the full field angle-dependent magnetostransport is remarkably well described by classic weak localization theory with no corrections due to interaction effects. The two- to three-dimensional cross-over seen upon warming can also be interpreted using scaling concepts, developed for anistropic three-dimensional materials, which work remarkably except when the applied fields are nearly parallel to the conducting planes.
The low-spin structure of the semimagic Ni-64 nucleus has been considerably expanded: combining four experiments, several 0(+) and 2(+) excited states were identified below 4.5 MeV, and their properties established. The Monte Carlo shell model accounts for the results and unveils an unexpectedly complex landscape of coexisting shapes: a prolate 0(+) excitation is located at a surprisingly high energy (3463 keV), with a collective 2(+) state 286 keV above it, the first such observation in Ni isotopes. The evolution in excitation energy of the prolate minimum across the neutron N = 40 subshell gap highlights the impact of the monopole interaction and its variation in strength with N.
This study reports on high energy bismuth ion implantation into silicon with a particular emphasis on the effect that annealing conditions have on the observed hyperfine structure of the Si:Bi donor state. A suppression of donor bound exciton, D0X, photoluminescence is observed in implanted samples which have been annealed at 700 °C relating to the presence of a dense layer of lattice defects that is formed during the implantation process. Hall measurments at 10 K show that this implant damage manifests itself at low temperatures as an abundance of p‐type charge carriers, the density of which is observed to have a strong dependence on annealing temperature. Using resonant D0X photoconductivity, we are able to identify the presence of a hyperfine structure in samples annealed at a minimum temperature of 800 °C; however, higher temperatures are required to eliminate effects of implantation strain.
Two long-standing puzzles in the decay of ¹⁸⁵Bi, the heaviest known proton-emitting nucleus are revisited. These are the nonobservation of the 9/2(-) state, which is the ground state of all heavier odd-A Bi isotopes, and the hindered nature of proton and alpha decays of its presumed 60-mu s 1/2(+) ground state. The ¹⁸⁵Bi nucleus has now been studied with the ⁹⁵Mo(⁹³Nb, 3n) reaction in complementary experiments using the Fragment Mass Analyzer and Argonne Gas-Filled Analyzer at Argonne National Laboratory's ATLAS facility. The experiments have established the existence of two states in ¹⁸⁵Bi; the short-lived T-1/2 = 2.8(-1.0)(+2.3) mu s, proton- and alpha-decaying ground state, and a 58(2)-mu s gamma-decaying isomer, the half-life of which was previously attributed to the ground state. The reassignment of the ground-state lifetime results in a proton-decay spectroscopic factor close to unity and represents the only known example of a ground-state proton decay to a daughter nucleus (¹⁸⁴Pb) with a major shell closure. The data also demonstrate that the ordering of low- and high-spin states in ¹⁸⁵Bi is reversed relative to the heavier odd-A Bi isotopes, with the intruder-based 1/2(+) configuration becoming the ground, similar to the lightest At nuclides.
To define the mechanism of p47(phox) phosphorylation in regulating endothelial cell response to tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) stimulation.