Dr Joanna Gough

Lecturer in Translation Studies
10 LC 03
Tuesday 9.30-10.30 am, Wednesday 10.00 -11.00 am


Areas of specialism

collaborative translation; translation process research; translation technologies; collaborative translation platforms; translation-oriented research activities; tools and resources for translators; individual differences; business and industry aspects of the translation profession

University roles and responsibilities

  • Industry liaison
  • Professional Engagement Portfolio
  • CTS Seminar Series
  • Employability and Careers Fair

    My qualifications

    MA English Philology
    Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
    MA Translation
    University of Surrey, UK
    PhD in Translation Studies
    University of Surrey, UK

    Affiliations and memberships

    ITI Professional Development Committee
    ITI PDC organises and provides training courses, workshops and other learning events that count towards members' CPD activities. The committee provides information and useful resources about career development.
    I have been a member of the ITI PDC for the last 10 years and have helped with the development of the CDP provision and writing for the ITI publications.
    ITI is an independent professional membership association for practising translators, interpreters and all those involved in supplying language services. It seeks to promote the highest standards in the profession, supporting our members and representing our industry at the very top level.

    I hold an academic ITI membership.


    Research interests


    Postgraduate research supervision




    Gough, J., Temizoz, Ö., Hieke, G., Zilio, L. (2023). Concurrent Translation on Collaborative Platforms. Translation Spaces. John Benjamins Publishing Company. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1075/ts.22027.gou

    Gough, Joanna (2019) Developing translation-oriented research competence: what can we learn from professional translators?, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 13:3, 342-359, DOI: 10.1080/1750399X.2019.1656404

    The technologisation and industrialisation of the translation process, together with the growth and expansion of the internet, and, recently, AI technologies, have had an impact on translation practice and, consequently, on the way translators carry out their translation-related research. This necessitates a response from the research communities to examine this impact and the ensuing changes in translation practice, with translator training and the development of relevant competences being one of the biggest considerations. This paper reports on a study of the research activities of 16 freelance professional translators during a translation task in their natural working environment. It examines patterns associated with these activities with regard to the nature of resources, research direction and research strategies adopted by the participants and the distribution of research activities within a translation task. It reports on findings relevant to translator training in terms of competences associated with information acquisition and utilisation during the translation process to inform the development of these competences. More specifically, a spectrum of the translator resource behaviour as well as patterns of research distribution are identified, highlighting their relevance for the changing nature of the translation process in new technological environments. New areas of interest for translator trainers are suggested, including diversification of student practice with regard to search strategies and the use of external resources, distribution of research phases, as well as raising awareness of how technological innovations may impact translation-oriented research activities.

    Herbert, Sarah; Do Carmo, Félix; Gough, Joanna and Carnegie-Brown, Anu (2023) From responsibilities to responsibility: a study of the effects of translation workflow automation

    This article studies the effects of automating a job allocation system, in a translation company of approximately 130 employees. Perceptions of the effects of automation on roles and responsibilities were collected through a short survey, answered by 38 project managers and translators. This evolved to an analysis of effects on the deeper notion of professional responsibility, related to accountability, control, engagement and understanding of a translation workflow. The results first reflect on positive and negative effects of automation, notably indicating that automation can both restrict and enhance professional roles and autonomy. The focus then turns to perceptions of workers’ main responsibilities, when impacted by a new automated process. One key result suggests increased difficulty in prioritising these duties. Furthermore, translators prefer not being restricted by their specialisations and favour the development of new skills. Another relevant finding of the study shows in-house translators as being the group who alludes more frequently to concepts related to responsibility. The article contributes to the study of socio-technical changes in the translation industry, suggesting that responsibility plays an important part in highlighting the effects of technology, not only on professional and organisational practices, but also on individual perceptions of accountability and job satisfaction.