James Davies
James Davies is the author of several works of poetry including Plants, A Dog, Snow and Acronyms. His most recent title stack, published by Carcanet, is a volume-length poem which documents a range of minimal interventions - doings familiar and unfamiliar. A novel, When Two Are in Love or As I Came to Behind Frank's Transporter, co-written with Philip Terry, is forthcoming in 2018 from Crater Press. He edits the poetry press if p then q and co-organises The Other Room reading series in Manchester. His ongoing experiences of drawing yellow lines on sheets of A4 paper and filing them into brown cardboard boxes can be viewed on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lncpdY7JweU&t=11s
Website - www.jamesdaviespoetry.com
Kate Bush - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7vL3ZgOvho
Reading Robert Lax - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MPs7D48xTE