Emmanuel Ibekwe
My research project
Mapping the illicit Car Trade in Nigeria:Implications for the Political Economy of NigeriaThe positive impacts of globalization are counter balanced by the dark side which is often destructive to sovereign states and their citizens. Illicit international trade is an important example of this. However, this has only been incompletely researched as an aspect of political economy. This is largely because the issue has fallen uneasily across a variety of disciplines, such as Economics, Criminology and Politics. This thesis aimed to add to existing understanding by addressing this gap. Therefore, this research focused on mapping illicit car trade and its implications for the political economy of Nigeria. The specific objectives of this research are to show the nature of illicit car trade in Nigeria; the factors facilitating illicit car trade in Nigeria and the impacts of illicit car trade on Nigeria’s political economy.
The positive impacts of globalization are counter balanced by the dark side which is often destructive to sovereign states and their citizens. Illicit international trade is an important example of this. However, this has only been incompletely researched as an aspect of political economy. This is largely because the issue has fallen uneasily across a variety of disciplines, such as Economics, Criminology and Politics. This thesis aimed to add to existing understanding by addressing this gap. Therefore, this research focused on mapping illicit car trade and its implications for the political economy of Nigeria. The specific objectives of this research are to show the nature of illicit car trade in Nigeria; the factors facilitating illicit car trade in Nigeria and the impacts of illicit car trade on Nigeria’s political economy.
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Illicit trade is one issue that is of concern to countries globally. What is worrisome is that it is a problem that can be created territorially based on the prohibition regimes in place. In Nigeria, one aspect of illicit activity that has not received adequate attention in literature is the illicit car trade. This paper therefore examines the fight against illicit car trade in Nigeria and tries to find out how integrated the third level of government is in the process. This paper made used of modelling as the primary source of data collection and complimented with secondary sources. The data were analyzed qualitatively. This paper observed that the local government is not fully integrated in the fight against illicit car trade in Nigeria, and argues that local government is very essential in combating illicit car trade. This is because crime generally thrives with collaboration of local inhabitants. Hence, there is need to properly integrate the local government by extention the local people in the fight against all forms of illicit trade and car trade in particular.
Keywords: Illicit Trade, Illicit Car Trade, Local Government.
This paper critically examines the process of globalization as a challenge to counter- terrorism in Nigeria. It aims to show how globalization poses a strong challenge to Nigerian government's efforts on counter terrorism and the ways to solve the problem of globalization in order to adequately combat Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria. The secondary source of data collection was adopted. And the data were analyzed qualitatively. This paper adopted the hyper globalist theory as a framework of analysis. This work observed that globalization poses a strong challenge to the Nigerian government's efforts towards combating the Boko Haram insurgency. This is because, with the advantage of globalization via the use of information and communication technology, the Boko Haram has been able to establish effective link with other international terrorist organizations; made adequate use of information sharing and networking among members and possession of modem arms and ammunitions etc. It was recommended that for Nigeria government to effectively counter terrorism, it need to take advantage of the process of globalization through: proper adoption of modern technological gadgets (ICT); strengthen the collaboration between Nigeria and other countries in the region and in the international community; strengthening of inter-security agency collaborations etc