Emily Burr
Emily is a lecturer on the BSc Adult Nursing Programme and the Foundation Year to Nursing Programme. Emily is also Year 1 Curriculum Lead and Cohort Lead 23'.
After graduating from the University of Surrey with a BSc Hons in Adult Nursing, Emily worked clinically in respiratory and high dependency/acute care. Here, she gained the role of Sister and Student Link Nurse, mentoring students including those from Surrey, whilst leading the nursing team throughout the covid-19 pandemic. Emily has worked clinically across both ward settings and acute units with a specialist interest in respiratory medicine.
Here at the University of Surrey, Emily teaches across all undergraduate years but mainly across first and second year curriculums. She enjoys teaching through simulation based methods, encouraging students to feel like confident and competent practitioners when caring for a patient in a safe and positive environment.
Areas of specialism
University roles and responsibilities
- Curriculum Year 1 Lead
- Foundation Year Programme Nursing Link
- OSCE lead
- Insight Initiative Lead