Dr Debbie Gooch
I completed my undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of York in 2004 followed by an MSc in Reading, Language and Cognition. Since completing my PhD at the University of York (2005-2009) I have held several postdoctoral and lecturing roles. Most recently I worked as postdoctoral project manager on the Surrey Communication and Language in Education Study (SCALES) at Royal Holloway/University College London. I joined the University of Surrey as a Lecturer in Developmental Psychology in September 2017.
University roles and responsibilities
- Psychology Year 2 Tutor
ResearchResearch interests
My research spans typical and atypical development of language, literacy, attention/behaviour and executive function. I am interested in understanding the cognitive underpinnings of neurodevelopmental disorders such as Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), Dyslexia and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Specifically I am interested in understanding why these neurodevelopmental disorders co-occur and how this affects children's educational and social, emotional and mental health outcomes. I have worked with children with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders and have experience using both experimental and longitudinal methodologies.
Google Scholar: https://tinyurl.com/dgooch-googlescholar
Research projects
Executive function, language skills and social emotional mental health (SEMH): cause, consequence, or correlate?This project was funded by the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Research Support Fund at the University of Surrey (2017-2018).
Surrey Communication and Language in Education Study (SCALES)Predictive relationships between Language and Social, Emotional Mental Health (ESRC grant awarded to Prof. C Norbury (UCL), E Simonoff and A Pickles (Co-Is); D Gooch (project partner))
Perceptual and cognitive predictors of reading abilities in adult readers of alphabetic languages.This project is funded by the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Research Support Fund at the University of Surrey (awarded to Y Wong, A Wong & D Gooch)
Research collaborations
I am a member of DEVELOP and GoGDev research groups at the University of Surrey.
I am also a member of the LiLaC research group based at University College London and the 'virtual' Center for Reading and Language.
I collaborate with Prof. Courtenay Norbury on Surrey Communication and Language in Education Study (SCALES) and with Prof. Maggie Snowling and Prof. Charles Hulme on the Wellcome Language & Reading project.
Indicators of esteem
Lewis Elton Award for Educational innovation (2019)
Research interests
My research spans typical and atypical development of language, literacy, attention/behaviour and executive function. I am interested in understanding the cognitive underpinnings of neurodevelopmental disorders such as Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), Dyslexia and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Specifically I am interested in understanding why these neurodevelopmental disorders co-occur and how this affects children's educational and social, emotional and mental health outcomes. I have worked with children with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders and have experience using both experimental and longitudinal methodologies.
Google Scholar: https://tinyurl.com/dgooch-googlescholar
Research projects
This project was funded by the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Research Support Fund at the University of Surrey (2017-2018).
Predictive relationships between Language and Social, Emotional Mental Health (ESRC grant awarded to Prof. C Norbury (UCL), E Simonoff and A Pickles (Co-Is); D Gooch (project partner))
This project is funded by the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Research Support Fund at the University of Surrey (awarded to Y Wong, A Wong & D Gooch)
Research collaborations
I am a member of DEVELOP and GoGDev research groups at the University of Surrey.
I am also a member of the LiLaC research group based at University College London and the 'virtual' Center for Reading and Language.
I collaborate with Prof. Courtenay Norbury on Surrey Communication and Language in Education Study (SCALES) and with Prof. Maggie Snowling and Prof. Charles Hulme on the Wellcome Language & Reading project.
Indicators of esteem
Lewis Elton Award for Educational innovation (2019)
Postgraduate research supervision
I would be particularly interested to hear from potential PhD students interested in understanding language and reading development and/or understanding neurodevelopmental disorders such as Dyslexia, Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and ADHD and their co-occurance/impact on mental health and wellbeing.
Postgraduate research supervision
PhD students
- Jovana Durica (2023-present): Understanding the mechanisms underpinning poor mental health outcomes in children with reading disorders (FHMS 3+ studentship)
- Sarah McCarthy (2023-present): Enhancing mathematical understanding via spatial reasoning in children from disadvantaged backgrounds
- Arcan Altinar (2022-present): AI-guided neuroscientific approach to understand learning difficulties (EPSRC 3+ studentship)
- Lisa Baines (2018-2021): Understanding the role of motivation in young people's attitudes to university: developing a theory informed approach to widening participation (3+ FHMS studentship)
Clinical MRP students
- Jessica Hoskins (2022-present): Experiences of adults on the waiting list for an ADHD diagnosis
- Shani Sephton (2022-present): Understanding anxiety in individuals with Reading Disorders
- Christina Griva (2022-present): ADHD in Sturge-Weber Syndrome
PSY3082 Psychology & Education (module convenor)
PSY3103 Neurodevelopmental Conditions
PSY2015/PSYM096 Developmental Psychology with research methods 2
PSY3065/PSYM034 Psychology Dissertation
Research shows that questionable research practices (QRPs) are present in undergraduate final-year dissertation projects. One entry-level Open Science practice proposed to mitigate QRPs is “study preregistration,” through which researchers outline their research questions, design, method, and analysis plans before data collection and/or analysis. In this study, we aimed to empirically test the effectiveness of preregistration as a pedagogic tool in undergraduate dissertations using a quasi-experimental design. A total of 89 UK psychology students were recruited, including students who preregistered their empirical quantitative dissertation (n = 52; experimental group) and students who did not (n = 37; control group). Attitudes toward statistics, acceptance of QRPs, and perceived understanding of Open Science were measured both before and after dissertation completion. Exploratory measures included capability, opportunity, and motivation to engage with preregistration, measured at Time 1 only. This study was conducted as a Registered Report; Stage 1 protocol: https://osf.io/9hjbw (date of in-principle acceptance: September 21, 2021). Study preregistration did not significantly affect attitudes toward statistics or acceptance of QRPs. However, students who preregistered reported greater perceived understanding of Open Science concepts from Time 1 to Time 2 compared with students who did not preregister. Exploratory analyses indicated that students who preregistered reported significantly greater capability, opportunity, and motivation to preregister. Qualitative responses revealed that preregistration was perceived to improve clarity and organization of the dissertation, prevent QRPs, and promote rigor. Disadvantages and barriers included time, perceived rigidity, and need for training. These results contribute to discussions surrounding embedding Open Science principles into research training.
The Surrey Communication and Language in Education Study (SCALES) is the first UK population study of language development and disorder at school entry. The study is funded by Wellcome and the ESRC and involves more than 180 schools across Surrey UK. This longitudinal study was initially established to determine (1) the extent to which 'Specific' Language Impairment (SLI) was prevalent in a population (as opposed to clinically ascertained) sample at school entry, and (2) the impact of language impairment on other aspects of development and how these patterns of development change over time. A second phase of SCALES aimed to test theoretical accounts of the developing relationship between language and social, emotional, and mental health during the transition to secondary school. Unfortunately, the final testing wave coincided with the global Covid-19 pandemic which impacted data collection due to school closures and lockdown. The Surrey Communication and Language in Education Study: Screening Data, 2012 contains anonymised data from the first phase of the SCALES study. In this phase, Reception class teachers in state-maintained schools in the county of Surrey UK were invited to respond to an on-line questionnaire for each child in their class. The main focus of the study was to identify the prevalence of language difficulties at school entry and document the association between language difficulties, behavioural problems and educational attainment in the first year of school. Further information about the study can be found on the UCL Literacy, Language and Communication Laboratory SCALES project website.
Background Children at family risk of dyslexia have been reported to show phonological deficits as well as broader language delays in the preschool years. Method The preschool language skills of 112 children at family risk of dyslexia (FR) at ages 3½ and 4½ were compared with those of children with SLI and typically developing (TD) controls. Results Children at FR showed two different profiles: one third of the group resembled the children with SLI and scored poorly across multiple domains of language including phonology. As a group, the remaining children had difficulties on tasks tapping phonological skills at T1 and T2. At the individual level, we confirmed that some FR children had both phonological and broader oral language difficulties (compared with TD controls), some had only phonological difficulties and some appeared to be developing typically. Conclusions We have highlighted the early overlap between family risk of dyslexia and SLI. A family history of dyslexia carries an increased risk for SLI and the two disorders both show an increased incidence of phonological deficits which appear to a proximal risk factor for developing a reading impairment.
The ‘automatic letter-sound integration hypothesis’ (Blomert, 2011) proposes that dyslexia results from a failure to fullyintegrate letters and speech sounds into automated audio-visual objects. We tested this hypothesis in a sample of English-speaking children with dyslexic difficulties (N = 13) and samples of chronological-age-matched (CA; N = 17) and reading-age-matched controls (RA; N = 17) aged 7–13 years. Each child took part in two priming experiments in which speech soundswere preceded by congruent visual letters (congruent condition) or Greek letters (baseline). In a behavioural experiment,responses to speech sounds in the two conditions were compared using reaction times. These data revealed faster reaction timesin the congruent condition in all three groups. In a second electrophysiological experiment, responses to speech sounds in the two conditions were compared using event-related potentials (ERPs). These data revealed a significant effect of congruency on (1)the P1 ERP over left frontal electrodes in the CA group and over fronto-central electrodes in the dyslexic group and (2) the P2ERP in the dyslexic and RA control groups. These findings suggest that our sample of English-speaking children with dyslexic difficulties demonstrate a degree of letter-sound integration that is appropriate for their reading level, which challenges the letter-sound integration hypothesis.
This study evaluated the claim that auditory processing deficits are a cause of reading and language difficulties. We report a longitudinal study of 245 children at family risk of dyslexia, children with preschool language impairments, and controls. Children with language impairments had poorer frequency discrimination thresholds than controls at 5½ years but children at family risk of dyslexia did not. A model assessing longitudinal relationships between frequency discrimination, reading, language, and executive skills showed that frequency discrimination was predicted by executive skills but was not a longitudinal predictor of reading or language skills. Our findings contradict the hypothesis that frequency discrimination is causally related to dyslexia or language impairment, and suggest that individuals at-risk for dyslexia, or who have language impairments, may perform poorly on auditory processing tasks because of comorbid attentional difficulties.
High comorbidity rates between reading disorder (RD) and mathematics disorder (MD) indicate that, although the cognitive core deficits underlying these disorders are distinct, additional domain-general risk factors might be shared between the disorders. Three domain-general cognitive abilities were investigated in children with RD and MD: processing speed, temporal processing, and working memory. Since attention problems frequently co-occur with learning disorders, the study examined whether these three factors, which are known to be associated with attention problems, account for the comorbidity between these disorders. The sample comprised 99 primary school children in four groups: children with RD, children with MD, children with both disorders (RD+MD), and typically developing children (TD controls). Measures of processing speed, temporal processing, and memory were analyzed in a series of ANCOVAs including attention ratings as covariate. All three risk factors were associated with poor attention. After controlling for attention, associations with RD and MD differed: Although deficits in verbal memory were associated with both RD and MD, reduced processing speed was related to RD, but not MD; and the association with RD was restricted to processing speed for familiar nameable symbols. In contrast, impairments in temporal processing and visuospatial memory were associated with MD, but not RD.
The causal role of speed of processing (SOP) in developmental language disorder (DLD) is unclear given that SOP has been implicated in other neurodevelopmental disorders such as attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder. This study investigated associations between SOP, language, and inattention/hyperactivity in a U.K. epidemiological cohort (N = 528). Monolingual children from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds were assessed longitudinally; at ages 5–6 (2012/2013) and 7–8 years (2014/2015). Persistent weaknesses in SOP characterized children with DLD but did not predict language longitudinally. Ratings of inattention/hyperactivity moderated the association between SOP and language, indicating that SOP deficits are particularly detrimental for language when coupled with poor attention/hyperactivity. SOP may be a shared risk factor for DLD and inattention/hyperactivity or a general marker of neurodevelopmental disorder.
Children learning English as an additional language (EAL) often experience lower academic attainment than monolingual peers. In this study, teachers provided ratings of English language proficiency and social, emotional, and behavioral functioning for 782 children with EAL and 6,485 monolingual children in reception year (ages 4–5). Academic attainment was assessed in reception and Year 2 (ages 6–7). Relative to monolingual peers with comparable English language proficiency, children with EAL displayed fewer social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties in reception, were equally likely to meet curriculum targets in reception, and were more likely to meet targets in Year 2. Academic attainment and social, emotional, and behavioral functioning in children with EAL are associated with English language proficiency at school entry.
Background: Diagnosis of ‘specific’ language impairment traditionally required nonverbal IQ to be within normal limits, often resulting in restricted access to clinical services for children with lower NVIQ. Changes to DSM-5 criteria for language disorder removed this NVIQ requirement. This study sought to delineate the impact of varying NVIQ criteria on prevalence, clinical presentation and functional impact of language disorder in the first UK population study of language impairment at school entry. Methods: A population-based survey design with sample weighting procedures was used to estimate population prevalence. We surveyed state-maintained reception classrooms(n = 161 or 61% of eligible schools) in Surrey, England. From a total population of 12,398 children (ages 4–5 years),7,267 (59%) were screened. A stratified subsample (n = 529) received comprehensive assessment of language, NVIQ,social, emotional and behavioural problems, and academic attainment. Results: The total population prevalence estimate of language disorder was 9.92% (95% CI 7.38, 13.20). The prevalence of language disorder of unknown origin was estimated to be 7.58% (95% CI 5.33, 10.66), while the prevalence of language impairment associated with intellectual disability and/or existing medical diagnosis was 2.34% (95% CI 1.40, 3.91). Children with language disorder displayed elevated symptoms of social, emotional and behavioural problems relative to peers, F(1,466) = 7.88, p = .05, and 88% did not make expected academic progress. There were no differences between those with average and low-average NVIQ scores in severity of language deficit, social, emotional and behavioural problems, or educational attainment. In contrast, children with language impairments associated with known medical diagnosis and/or intellectual disability displayed more severe deficits on multiple measures. Conclusions: At school entry, approximately two children in every class of 30 pupils will experience language disorder severe enough to hinder academic progress. Access to specialist clinical services should not depend on NVIQ.
Background: Rating scales are often used to identify children with potential Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), yet there are frequently discrepancies between informants which may be moderated by child characteristics. The current study asked whether correspondence between parent and teacher ratings on the Strengths and Weakness of ADHD symptoms and Normal behaviour scale (SWAN) varied systematically with child language ability. Method: Parent and teacher SWAN questionnaires were returned for 200 children (aged 61–81 months); 106 had low language ability (LL) and 94 had typically developing language (TL). After exploring informant correspondence (using Pearson correlation) and the discrepancy between raters, we report inter-class correlation coefficients, to assess inter-rater reliability, and Cohen’s kappa, to assess agreement regarding possible ADHD caseness. Results: Correlations between informant ratings on the SWAN were moderate. Children with LL were rated as having increased inattention and hyperactivity relative to children with TL; teachers, however, rated children with LL as having more inattention than parents. Inter-rater reliability of the SWAN was good and there were no systematic differences between the LL and TL groups. Case agreement between parent and teachers was fair; this varied by language group with poorer case agreement for children with LL. Conclusion: Children’s language abilities affect the discrepancy between informant ratings of ADHD symptomatology and the agreement between parents and teachers regarding potential ADHD caseness. The assessment of children’s core language ability would be a beneficial addition to the ADHD diagnostic process.
Background Causal theories of dyslexia suggest that it is a heritable disorder, which is the outcome of multiple risk factors. However, whether early screening for dyslexia is viable is not yet known. Methods The study followed children at high risk of dyslexia from preschool through the early primary years assessing them from age 3 years and 6 months (T1) at approximately annual intervals on tasks tapping cognitive, language, and executive-motor skills. The children were recruited to three groups: children at family risk of dyslexia, children with concerns regarding speech, and language development at 3;06 years and controls considered to be typically developing. At 8 years, children were classified as ‘dyslexic’ or not. Logistic regression models were used to predict the individual risk of dyslexia and to investigate how risk factors accumulate to predict poor literacy outcomes. Results Family-risk status was a stronger predictor of dyslexia at 8 years than low language in preschool. Additional predictors in the preschool years include letter knowledge, phonological awareness, rapid automatized naming, and executive skills. At the time of school entry, language skills become significant predictors, and motor skills add a small but significant increase to the prediction probability. We present classification accuracy using different probability cutoffs for logistic regression models and ROC curves to highlight the accumulation of risk factors at the individual level. Conclusions Dyslexia is the outcome of multiple risk factors and children with language difficulties at school entry are at high risk. Family history of dyslexia is a predictor of literacy outcome from the preschool years. However, screening does not reach an acceptable clinical level until close to school entry when letter knowledge, phonological awareness, and RAN, rather than family risk, together provide good sensitivity and specificity as a screening battery.
The Surrey Communication and Language in Education Study (SCALES) is the first UK population study of language development and disorder at school entry. The study is funded by Wellcome and the ESRC and involves more than 180 schools across Surrey UK. This longitudinal study was initially established to determine (1) the extent to which 'Specific' Language Impairment (SLI) was prevalent in a population (as opposed to clinically ascertained) sample at school entry, and (2) the impact of language impairment on other aspects of development and how these patterns of development change over time. A second phase of SCALES aimed to test theoretical accounts of the developing relationship between language and social, emotional, and mental health during the transition to secondary school. Unfortunately, the final testing wave coincided with the global Covid-19 pandemic which impacted data collection due to school closures and lockdown. The Surrey Communication and Language in Education Study: Intensive Data T2-T5, 2012-2020 concerns the intensive cohort who were assessed at four time points: Year 1, Year 3, Year 6, and Year 8. The dataset includes 528 variables assessing language, literacy, cognition, executive function and social, emotional and behavioural well-being. Further information about the study can be found on the UCL Literacy, Language and Communication Laboratory SCALES project website.
Background: Comorbidity among developmental disorders such as dyslexia, language impairment, attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and developmental coordination disorder is common. This study explores comorbid weaknesses in preschool children at family risk of dyslexia with and without language impairment and considers the role that comorbidity plays in determining children’s outcomes. Method: The preschool attention, executive function and motor skills of 112 children at family risk for dyslexia, 29 of whom also met criteria for language impairment, were assessed at ages 3½ and 4½ years. The performance of these children was compared to the performance of children with language impairment and typically developing controls. Results: Weaknesses in attention, executive function and motor skills were associated with language impairment rather than family risk status. Individual differences in language and executive function are strongly related during the preschool period, and preschool motor skills predicted unique variance (4%) in early reading skills over and above children’s language ability. Conclusion: Comorbidity between developmental disorders can be observed in the preschool years: children with language impairment have significant and persistent weaknesses in motor skills and executive function compared to those without language impairment. Children’s early language and motor skills are predictors of children’s later reading skills.
The development of reading skills is underpinned by oral language abilities: Phonological skills appear to have a causal influence on the development of early word-level literacy skills, and reading-comprehension ability depends, in addition to word-level literacy skills, on broader (semantic and syntactic) language skills. Here, we report a longitudinal study of children at familial risk of dyslexia, children with preschool language difficulties, and typically developing control children. Preschool measures of oral language predicted phoneme awareness and graphemephoneme knowledge just before school entry, which in turn predicted word-level literacy skills shortly after school entry. Reading comprehension at 8½ years was predicted by word-level literacy skills at 5½ years and by language skills at 3½ years. These patterns of predictive relationships were similar in both typically developing children and those at risk of literacy difficulties. Our findings underline the importance of oral language skills for the development of both word-level literacy and reading comprehension.
University participation gaps between free school meals (FSM) and non-FSM students have remained largely stable in the UK since 2006. The efficacy of UK widening participation (WP) interventions in changing attitudes towards university and increasing participation of disadvantaged students is uncertain. Some approaches have shown to be effective in other countries e.g. the US, but the educational experience of pupils and markers of disadvantage may be different to the UK. Previous reviews have indicated poor-quality evidence and a lack of peer reviewed experimental evaluation in a UK context. The range and quality of evidence using a non-experimental or qualitative approach is unclear. Understanding how effective WP interventions are in changing attitudes and behaviours towards university in the UK is an important part of addressing the participation gap. This study used a systematic review approach to examine the evidence base of peer-reviewed evaluations of UK WP programmes for school children aged 16 and under in the last 20 years. Inclusion criteria encompassed a range of quantitative and qualitative study designs to gain a picture of the efficacy of interventions and the type and quality of the evaluation evidence. Findings indicated that controlled experimental evaluation of UK interventions remains very limited. Evaluations were largely mixed methods. Quality of evidence was judged moderate overall due to multiple issues with bias and lack of clarity in methods. Approaches that appeared to offer the most potential were those that helped students to develop new skills with tangible outcomes, and exposure to role models.
Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) are at risk for social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) maladjustment throughout development, though it is unclear if poor language proficiency per se can account for this risk as associations between language and SEB appear more variable among typical-language children. This study investigated whether the relationship between language and SEB problems is stronger at very low levels of language and considered confounders including socioeconomic status, sex, and nonverbal intelligence. These were examined using a population-based survey design, including children with a wide range of language and cognitive profiles, and assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and six standardized language measures (n = 363, weighted n = 6,451). Structural equation models adjusted for prior levels of SEB revealed that the relationship of language at age 5-6 years to SEB at 7-9 years was nonlinear. Language more strongly predicted all clusters of SEB at disordered language levels relative to typical language levels, with standardized betas of similar to.25 versus.03 for behavioral, similar to.31 versus similar to.04 for peer, and .27 versus .03 for prosocial problems. Wald tests between these pairs of betas yielded p values from .049 to .014. Sex moderated the nonlinear association between language and emotional symptoms. These findings indicate a clinical need to support language development in order to mitigate against problems of SEB and to carefully monitor the mental health needs of children with DLD, particularly in the context of multiple, and potentially sex-specific, risks.
The use of collaborative, playful LEGO® modelling activities in the higher education classroom is a memorable approach which helps students make connections in their learning by facilitating engagement and critical discussion with peers. Here we evaluate the use of LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP), a theory-driven, evidence-based pedagogy, during a revision session. Our novel methodology engaged student partners in study design by seeking their views on excellence in teaching and learning and how this could be operationalised to evaluate the effectiveness of our innovative approach to revision. We demonstrate how this collaborative approach provides a holistic view of teaching excellence which can be used in the evaluation of teaching in a higher education setting.
Background: The developmental relationships between executive functions (EF) and early language skills are unclear. This study explores the longitudinal relationships between children’s early EF and language skills in a sample of children with a wide range of language abilities including children at risk of dyslexia. In addition, we investigated whether these skills independently predict children’s attention/behaviour skills. Method: Data are presented from 243 children at four time points. Children were selected for being at risk of reading difficulties either because of a family history of dyslexia (FR; N = 90) or because of concerns regarding their language development (LI; N = 79) or as typically developing controls (TD; N = 74). The children completed tasks to assess their executive function and language skills at ages 4, 5 and 6 years. At 6 (T4) and 7 years (T5) parents and teachers rated the children’s attention/behaviour skills. Results: There was a strong concurrent relationship between language and EF at each assessment. Longitudinal analyses indicated a considerable degree of stability in children’s language and EF skills: the influence of language on later EF skills (and vice versa) was weak and not significant in the current sample. Children’s EF, but not language, skills at T3 predicted attention/behaviour ratings at T4/T5. Conclusions: There is a strong concurrent association between language and EF skills during the preschool and early school years, when children with language impairment show persistent EF deficits. Latent variables measuring language and EF show high longitudinal stability with little evidence of significant or strong reciprocal influences between these constructs. EF, but not language, skills predict later ratings of children’s attention and behaviour.
Research shows that questionable research practices (QRPs) are present in undergraduate final-year dissertation projects. One entry-level Open Science practice proposed to mitigate QRPs is ‘study preregistration’, through which researchers outline their research questions, design, method and analysis plans prior to data collection and/or analysis. In this study, we aimed to empirically test the effectiveness of preregistration as a pedagogic tool in undergraduate dissertations using a quasi-experimental design. A total of 89 UK psychology students were recruited, including students who preregistered their empirical quantitative dissertation (n = 52; experimental group) and those who did not (n = 37; control group). Attitudes towards statistics, acceptance of QRPs, and perceived understanding of Open Science were measured both pre- and post-dissertation. Exploratory measures included capability, opportunity and motivation (COM-B) to engage with preregistration, measured at Time 1 only. This study was conducted as a Registered Report; Stage 1 protocol: https://osf.io/9hjbw (date of in-principle acceptance: 21/09/2021). Contrary to hypotheses, study preregistration did not significantly impact attitudes towards statistics or acceptance of QRPs. However, students who preregistered reported greater perceived understanding of Open Science concepts from Time 1 to Time 2, compared with students who did not preregister. Exploratory analyses indicated that students who preregistered reported significantly greater capability, opportunity, and motivation to preregister. Qualitative responses revealed that preregistration was perceived to improve clarity and organisation of the dissertation, prevent QRPs, and promote rigour. Disadvantages and barriers included time, perceived rigidity, and need for training. These results contribute to timely discussions surrounding the utility of embedding Open Science principles into research training.
The ability to accurately identify and label emotions in the self and others is crucial for successful social interactions and good mental health. In the current study we tested the longitudinal relationship between early language skills and recognition of facial and vocal emotion cues in a representative UK population cohort with diverse language and cognitive skills (N = 369), including a large sample of children that met criteria for Developmental Language Disorder (DLD, N = 97). Language skills, but not non-verbal cognitive ability, at age 5-6 predicted emotion recognition at age 10-12. Children that met the criteria for DLD showed a large deficit in recognition of facial and vocal emotion cues. The results highlight the importance of language in supporting identification of emotions from non-verbal cues. Impairments in emotion identification may be one mechanism by which language disorder in early childhood predisposes children to later adverse social and mental health outcomes.
Background The youngest children in an academic year are reported to be educationally disadvantaged and overrepresented in referrals to clinical services. In this study we investigate for the first time whether these disadvantages are indicative of a mismatch between language competence at school entry and the academic demands of the classroom. Methods We recruited a population sample of 7,267 children aged 4 years 9 months to 5 years 10 months attending state-maintained reception classrooms in Surrey, England. Teacher ratings on the Children's Communication Checklist-Short (CCC-S), a measure of language competence, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire-Total Difficulties Score (SDQ), a measure of behavioural problems, and the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP), a measure of academic attainment, were obtained at the end of the reception year. Results The youngest children were rated by teachers as having more language deficits, behaviour problems, and poorer academic progress at the end of the school year. Language deficits were highly associated with behaviour problems; adjusted odds ratio 8.70, 95% CI [7.25–10.45]. Only 4.8% of children with teacher-rated language deficits and 1.3% of those with co-occurring language and behaviour difficulties obtained a ‘Good Level of Development’ on the EYFSP. While age predicted unique variance in academic attainment (1%), language competence was the largest associate of academic achievement (19%). Conclusion The youngest children starting school have relatively immature language and behaviour skills and many are not yet ready to meet the academic and social demands of the classroom. At a population level, developing oral language skills and/or ensuring academic targets reflect developmental capacity could substantially reduce the numbers of children requiring specialist clinical services in later years.
Reaction time (RT) variability on a Stop Signal task was examined among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and/or dyslexia in comparison to typically developing (TD) controls. Children’s go-trial RTs were analyzed using a novel ex-Gaussian method. Children with ADHD symptoms had increased variability in the fast but not the slow portions of their RT distributions compared to those without ADHD symptoms. The RT distributions of children with dyslexia were similar to those of TD-controls. It is argued that variability in responding may be underpinned by impairments in response preparation or timing during Stop Signal tasks.
Background: Deficits in time perception (the ability to judge the duration of time intervals) have been found in children with both attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia. This paper investigates time perception, phonological skills and executive functions in children with dyslexia and/or ADHD symptoms (AS). Method: Children with dyslexia-only (n = 17), AS-only (n = 17), comorbid dyslexia+AS (n = 25), and typically developing controls (n = 42), matched for age and non-verbal ability, were assessed on measures of phonological skills, executive function and time perception (duration discrimination and time reproduction). Results: Children with dyslexia were impaired on measures of phonological skill and duration discrimination compared to children without dyslexia (though problems on duration discrimination appeared to be attributable to mild symptoms of inattention in this group). In contrast, children with AS exhibited impairments on measures of both time perception and executive function compared to children without AS. Children with dyslexia+AS showed an additive combination of the deficits associated with dyslexia-only and AS-only. Conclusions: Dyslexia and AS appear to be associated with distinct patterns of cognitive deficit, which are present in combination in children with dyslexia+AS.
Background Language ability predicts academic attainment across the curriculum. Teacher report of language difficulties may therefore help schools identify children that require Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision. SEN provision is intended to enable children to reach their academic potential, however the effectiveness of this for children with language difficulties is unknown. Methods We linked teacher-ratings on a brief language difficulties questionnaire (13-item) collected in the first year of primary school (N = 7013), with data on SEN provision until age 12-13 and scores on statutory assessments at ages 5-6, 6-7 and 10-11 years from the National Pupil Database (UK). We conducted a preregistered analysis to (1) test the association between teacher-reported language difficulties and later academic outcomes, (2) identify predictors of subsequent SEN provision for monolingual children with language difficulties and (3) test whether SEN provision is associated with better academic outcomes for these children. Results Teacher-reported language difficulties predicted achievement in phonics (rs > 0.41), reading (rs > .38), writing (rs > .32) and maths (rs > .40) assessments up to 7 years later. For those with language difficulties, having an existing diagnosis of a neurodevelopmental condition or sensory impairment was the strongest predictor of SEN registration (OR [95% CI] 8.33 [4.12, 19.24]) and special education placement (OR [95% CI] 18.89 [9.29, 42.01]) during primary school. However, 38% of children registered as having a primary speech, language and communication need, lost this registration during transition to secondary education. We could not estimate the effect of SEN provision on academic outcomes, as the majority of children with high propensity to receive SEN provision did receive provision, and very few children in SEN settings completed statutory assessments. Conclusions Teacher perceptions of language difficulties at school entry, in the presence of additional risk factors, should prompt SEN provision. Recognition and support for language difficulties should be sustained throughout children’s education.
The causal role of speed of processing (SOP) in developmental language disorder (DLD) is unclear given that SOP has been implicated in other neurodevelopmental disorders such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This study investigated associations between SOP, language, and inattention/hyperactivity in a UK epidemiological cohort (N=528). Monolingual children from a range of socio-economic backgrounds were assessed longitudinally; at ages 5-6 (2012/13) and 7-8 years (2014/15). Persistent weaknesses in SOP characterised children with DLD but did not predict language longitudinally. Ratings of inattention/hyperactivity moderated the association between SOP and language, indicating that SOP deficits are particularly detrimental for language when coupled with poor attention/hyperactivity. SOP may be a shared risk factor for DLD and inattention/hyperactivity or a general marker of neurodevelopmental disorder.
We report two studies examining the relations among three paired-associate learning (PAL) tasks (visual–visual, verbal–verbal, and visual–verbal), phoneme deletion, and single-word and nonword reading ability. Correlations between the PAL tasks and reading were strongest for the visual–verbal task. Path analyses showed that both phoneme deletion and visual–verbal PAL were unique predictors of a composite measure of single-word reading and of irregular word reading. However, for nonword reading, phoneme deletion was the only unique predictor (and visual–verbal PAL was not a significant predictor). These results are consistent with the view that learning visual (orthography) to phonological mappings is an important skill for developing word recognition skills in reading and that individual differences in this ability can be tapped experimentally by a PAL task.
Background: Difficulty in controlling attention can lead to mental fatigue in the healthy population. We identified one trial reporting a benefit in patients’ attention using a homeopathic formula preparation. One component of the preparation was potassium phosphate, widely available off the shelf as Kali phos 6x for cognitive problems. The aim of this exploratory trial was to assess the effectiveness of Kali phos 6x for attention problems associated with mental fatigue. Methods: We recruited student and staff volunteers (University of York) with self-reported mental fatigue, excluding any using homeopathy or prescribed stimulants, or with a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. In a triple blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 86 volunteers were randomized to receive Kali phos 6x or identical placebo 10 minutes before taking a psychological test of attention (Stroop Colour-Word Test). One week later they were crossed over and took the other preparation before repeating the test. Results: We found no evidence of a treatment effect in a comparison of Kali phos 6x with placebo (Kali phos minus placebo = −1.1 (95% CI −3.0 to 0.9, P = 0.3) Stroop score units, Cohen effect size = −0.17) even when allowing for a weak period effect with accuracy scores in the second period being higher than those in the first (P = 0.05). We observed a ceiling effect in the Stroop test which undermined our ability to interpret this result. Conclusions: Kali phos 6x was not found to be effective in reducing mental fatigue. A ceiling effect in our primary outcome measure meant that we could not rule out a type II error. Thorough piloting of an adequate outcome measure could have led to an unequivocal result.
Emerging evidence suggests interventions can improve childhood self-regulation. One intervention approach that has shown promise is Taekwondo martial arts instruction though little is known about its acceptability among stakeholders or its mechanisms of effect. We extend evidence on Taekwondo interventions in three ways: (1) testing the efficacy of a standard introductory course of Taekwondo; (2) assessing the acceptability of Taekwondo instruction among school children; and (3) investigating two self-regulatory mechanisms by which Taekwondo may operate (executive functions and motivation). This paper reports findings from a randomized control trial implementing a standard 11-week beginners’ course of Taekwondo. Participants were from a mixed-sex, non-selective UK primary school (N = 240, age range 7 to 11 years). Measures of self-regulation included teacher-rated effortful control, impulsivity, prosocial behavior and conduct problems; computer-based assessments of executive functions; and child self-reported expectancies and values to use self-regulation. Post-intervention, children in the Taekwondo condition were rated by teachers as having fewer symptoms of conduct problems and better effortful control (specifically attentional control), they also had better executive attention assessed by a Flanker Task. Effects were not found for teacher-rated inhibitory control, activation control, impulsivity and prosocial behavior, or for assessments of response inhibition, verbal working memory, and switching. Taekwondo was rated very positively by children. Finally, there was evidence that children who completed Taekwondo classes reported higher expectancies and values to use self-regulation and that expectancies and values mediated intervention effects on self-regulation. We conclude that short standard Taekwondo courses are well-received by pupils, improve attentional self-regulation and reduce symptoms of conduct-problems.
Background Centile curves and standard scores are common in epidemiological research. However, standardised norms and centile growth curves for language disorder that reflect the entire UK local school population do not exist. Methods Scores on six language indices assessing receptive and expressive functioning of children were obtained from the SCALES population survey. Monolingual English speaking participants were aged between five and nine years. Children who attended special schools at study intake, or who were learning English as an additional language were excluded. We constructed language norms using the LMS method of standardisation which allows for skewed measurements. We made use of probability weights that were produced from a two-step logistic model. Distributions of estimated standard scores from an intensively assessed sub-population and from the full population were contrasted to demonstrate the role of weights. Results Non-overlapping centile curves and standardised scores at each age were obtained for the six language indices. The use of weights was essential at retrieving the target distribution of the scores. An online calculator that estimates standardised scores for the measures was constructed and made freely available. Conclusions The findings highlight the usefulness and flexibility of the LMS method at dealing with the standardisation of linguistic and educational measures that are sufficiently continuous. The paper adds to the existing literature by providing population norms for a number of language tests that were calculated from the same group of individuals.
We followed children at family risk of dyslexia and children with preschool language difficulties from age 3½, comparing them with controls (N = 234). At age 8, children were classified as having dyslexia or Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and compared at earlier time points with controls. Children with dyslexia have specific difficulties with phonology and emergent reading skills in the preschool period, whereas children with DLD, with or without dyslexia, show a wider range of impairments including significant problems with executive and motor tasks. For children with both dyslexia and DLD, difficulties with phonology are generally more severe than those observed in children with dyslexia or DLD alone. Findings confirm that poor phonology is the major cognitive risk factor for dyslexia.