Dr David Fisher
Teaching Fellow in Mathematics
BA (York), PGCE (Cantab), MSc, PhD (Lond), CMath MIMA
University roles and responsibilities
- Departmental Teaching and Learning Committee
- Staff-Student Liaison Committee
Affiliations and memberships
Member of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
ResearchResearch interests
Linear Algebra, Algebraic Structure, Lie Algebras.
Research interests
Linear Algebra, Algebraic Structure, Lie Algebras.
MAT1031 Algebra
MAT2051 Numbers and Sets
MAT3011 Galois Theory
MAT3032 Advanced Algebra
MATM011 Lie Algebras
MATM049 Noncommutative Algebra
DJ Fisher, RJ Gray, PE Hydon (2013)Automorphisms of real Lie algebras of dimension five or less, In: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL46(22)ARTN 2pp. ?-? IOP PUBLISHING LTD