Dr Artin Backtash-Rad
Artin Backtash-Rad received his PhD in Global Strategic Management from Royal Holloway, University of London in 2016. Artin is the Director of MSc International Business Management and a Senior Lecturer in Global Strategy & International Management at the Surrey Business School, University of Surrey. He was Visiting Lecturer at Royal Holloway as well as University College London during 2013-2016. Prior to this job, he worked for four years as an associate lecturer for the Cardiff Metropolitan University and the University of South Wales in the United Kingdom. In addition to academic jobs, Artin worked as head of research and quality assurance, senior management consultant as well as a managing director in different companies. He has been lecturing since 2006 and has been conducting research since 2000.
Regarding Artin's scholarly (publication) capabilities, it is worth mentioning his forty-five publications so far (till September 2022). He is currently writing his latest textbook, Global Strategic Management in Action, which would be published by Palgrave Publications in early 2024. He has published two books in his country, Iran, in Farsi. Furthermore, he has published eight book chapters and 32 papers as conference proceedings in top peer-reviewed conferences (e.g. AIB, BAM, EAMSA). These publications are the result of his scholarly research. Artin is able to conduct quantitative and qualitative research and analyses at an advanced level. Although, as a head of research and quality assurance in the largest ICT company in his country, Iran, Artin has been involved in conducting research since 1999, his individual academic research started in 2000. Artin has conducted nine main pieces of research since 2000.
Although Artin's main specialities are Strategic and International Management, he can teach the broad range of topics in business/management. He taught Strategic Management, International Business, International Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship/ Innovation, Research Methodology, Project Management, Operations Management, International Marketing, International Human Resources Management, Global Economy, and Hospitality Management. Artin gained his BSc in 'Industrial Management' from the University of Tehran, Iran (with Distinction) and his MBA in 'International Management' from Carleton University, Canada (with First Class). He has been awarded a Ph.D. in International Strategic Management from Royal Holloway, University of London. Artin's doctoral research is the only research-based modelling of corporate-level strategy implementation built on the comparative study of twenty sectors in twenty countries. He is trained as a postgraduate teaching assistant and currently he is working toward his Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE)/inSTIL.
Research interests
Artin's research interests have evolved from Business Excellence to Business Success and then to Global Strategic Management. His largest research is a comparative study of business practices, in terms of strategy implementation in different sectors in 20 countries. Artin's Ph.D. title was 'Influential factors in Corporate-level Strategy Implementation in Different Sectors'. This research aimed to develop a theoretical framework for Strategy Implementation, which can illustrate critical and common elements and steps in Strategy Implementation at the corporate-level in different sectors. In another word, this study aimed to identify main intra-organisation elements regarding strategy implementation at the corporate-level and compare these factors to each other in organisations from different sectors in order to find similarities and difference of approaches to corporate-level strategy implementation in different sectors.
Research collaborations
Artin had collaboration with other researchers from different universities. He is happy to consider any offer of collaboration in his research areas.
Work Experience (Teaching, Tutoring, & Industry)
01/07/2016- Present, I have been working as a 'Senior Lecturer' in Strategic Management and International Business for the Surrey Business School, University of Surrey. My duties are:
1- Developing teaching methods, materials, technologies and learning environments which enhance the students learning opportunities whilst creating an environment for understanding and enthusiasm amongst students.
2- Assisting in the development of curricula and lead on programme and course innovations whilst taking responsibility for the quality of programmes developed.
3- Planning, delivering and critically reviewing a range of teaching and learning activities including lectures. Contributing to the development of the Faculty's Teaching and Learning Strategy.
4- Developing and applying innovative and relevant teaching, learning and assessment techniques including peer review and other recognised metrics.
5- Developing appropriate criteria for the assessment of programmes of work, practical sessions, fieldwork and examinations in subject specialism, and provide appropriate protocols for excellent feedback to students.
6- Continually updating knowledge and understanding in subject specialism and applying to course of study.
7- Extending, transforming and applying new knowledge from pedagogic developments to teaching and appropriate external activities as part of an integrated approach to academic practice.
8- Engaging in professional and pedagogical research to support subject specialism teaching and learning activities.
9- Conducting individual or collaborative projects related to discipline or pedagogy.
10- Maintaining and developing professional expertise and registration requirements with appropriate professional body under the guidance of a senior colleague.
11- Developing and using pastoral care skills to support the academic development of students and ensure a good student experience.
12- Acting as personal tutor and give first line support before referring students on to appropriate services.
13- Taking on administrative duties such as Examination Officer and Timetabling Officer which contribute to the efficient management and administration of the Faculty/Department.
14- Being fully involved with students at all levels of support.
15- Involving actively in academic, professional or clinical networks in the discipline and start to undertake leadership roles in these networks.
I have taught the following modules at the University of Surrey:
• Global Strategy (MSc)
• Global Strategy Implementation (MSc)
• International Business (BSc)
• International Trade (BSc)
• International Business Management (MSc)
• International Trade (MSc)
• International Business Strategy (BSc)
• Comparative Country Studies (BSc)
29/09/2014- 30/01/2018, I worked as an 'Adjunct Teaching Fellow' at University College London (UCL School of Management). My duties were:
1. Class teaching (in groups of approximately 25-200 students) for one or more course modules
2. Marking of coursework submitted for the classes taught using solutions provided by the module leader
3. To maintain records to monitor student progress, achievement and attendance
4. Weekly office hour(s) for student enquiries in the term taught plus additional hours in term three prior to the examination
5. Examination marking duties corresponding to half the examination marking load of a full-time member of staff
6. Attendance in lectures for the courses taught
7. Regular meetings with the module leader to discuss arising issues and problems
8. Involvement in ad hoc meetings organised by the Recruitment and Development Co-ordinator
9. To uphold confidentiality in regards to students records and marks
10. Actively following UCL policies, including equality and diversity
11. Maintaining an awareness and observation of fire, health and safety regulations
12. Supervising dissertations of Undergraduate and Master's students
I have taught the following course at University College London:
• Business Research Project (MSc)
30/09/2013- 30/06/2016, I worked as a 'Visiting Lecturer' as well as an 'Online Tutor' in Strategic Management and International Business for Royal Holloway, University of London. My duties were:
1- Developing new courses
2- Preparing or updating syllabuses
3- Supporting my junior colleagues
4- Preparing teaching materials
5- Answering students' course-related questions
6- Facilitating students learning
7- Teaching practical aspects of lectures
8- Tutoring low-performance students
9- Preparing assessment briefs
10- Assessing progress of my students
11- Marking assignments and exams
12- Giving feedback to my students
13- Online tutoring of students in Distance Learning programmes
14- Uploading required and new study materials
15- Running students' online forums
I taught the following modules at Royal Holloway, University of London:
• Strategic Management (BSc)
• International Strategic Management (MSc)
• International Business (BSc)
• Global Economy (BSc)
• Modern Business in Comparative Perspective (BSc)
• Online Modern Business in Comparative Perspective (BSc)
09/09/2009- 03/09/2013, I worked as a 'Lecturer' in Business, a 'Programme Leader' for HND and BSc (Hons) courses as well as an 'Internal Verifier' for London School of Business and Management (LSBM). My duties were as follows:
1- Leading the lecturers who teach in HND and BSc programmes
2- Deciding on assessment types for each module
3- Training and preparing new lecturers
4- Assessing the prepared assignment and exam briefs by lecturers
5- Assessing the prepared scheme of works by the lecturers
6- Planning for the modules that are supposed to be lectured
7- Monitoring performance of lecturers
8- Dealing with student's complaint about relevant lecturers
9- Preparing biannual reports regarding status and performance of HND and BSc programmes
10- Internally verifying assessments briefs and sampled marked assignments and exams
11- Preparing teaching materials
12- Preparing scheme of work for each of my module
13- Teaching my modules
14- Tutoring low-performance students
15- Preparing assessment briefs
16- Assessing progress of my students
17- Setting assignment and exam for them and mark the papers
18- Giving feedback to my students19- Helping junior lecturers
20- Supervising dissertation of BSc and MBA students
I taught the following topics at London School of Business and Management:
• Strategic Management (MBA) (accredited by University of South Wales)
• International Business (MBA) (accredited by University of South Wales)
• Innovation (MBA) (accredited by University of South Wales)
• International and Strategic Marketing (BSc) (accredited by Cardiff Metropolitan University)
• Strategic Management of Information Systems (BSc) (accredited by Cardiff Metropolitan University)
• International Business and Cultural Diversity (BSc) (accredited by Cardiff Metropolitan University)
• Operations Management in Business (accredited by Pearson Edexcel)
• Strategic Marketing Management (accredited by Pearson Edexcel)
• Strategic Planning (accredited by Pearson Edexcel)
• Strategic Quality and Systems Management (accredited by Pearson Edexcel)
• Project Management (accredited by Pearson Edexcel)
• Marketing (accredited by Pearson Edexcel)
• Research Methodology/Project (accredited by Pearson Edexcel)
• Human Resources Management (accredited by Pearson Edexcel)
• Tourism Management (accredited by CTH)
25/09/2008- 05/09/2009, I worked as an 'Academic Tutor' for The University of Manchester (Manchester Access Programme). My duties were to help A-Level students from disadvantaged families by:
1- Helping them selecting most suitable field of study
2- Advising them in choosing a topic for an academic assignment
3- Making them familiar with the way an academic assignment should be structured and written
4- Introducing suitable sources for the research
5- Checking their written academic assignments
6- Giving feedback
7- Marking their assignments
8- Writing a report regarding their performance and capabilities
I tutored the following topics at the University of Manchester, MAP (foundation) programme:
• An Introduction to Business Studies
• Human Resource Management
• Fundamentals of Economics
05/06/2006- 18/09/2008, I worked as a 'Business Tutor' for ICUT (The Institute of Independent Colleges and University Teachers). My duty was providing one-to-one tutoring to students based on their needs and wants by:
1- Assessing level of the student to identify the amount of tutoring hours
2- Preparing a timetable based on needs' assessment
3- Teaching relevant course
4- Giving feedback
5- Checking their assignments
I tutored the following courses for ICUT (The Institute of Independent Colleges and University Teachers)
• Marketing• Strategic Management
• Organisation Studies
• Human Resource Management
• Hospitality Management
• Operations Management
• International Business
• Research Methods
17/02/2003 to 30/04/2006, I worked as the Managing Director and Senior Management Consultant in Tose Ahdaf Faragir Co (Consulting Company). Some of my achievements in this company embody providing 2,100 hours teaching services (Managerial Topics) to Iranian managers; holding workshops for all employees about team-working, customer-oriented behaviour, Problem Solving methods, 5S etc; and providing management consulting services to 26 companies from different industries such as automobile, oil & gas, and banking.
01/03/2003 to 01/03/2006, I worked as an evening and weekend manager of an aesthetic laser clinic, Ariana Laser Clinic in Tehran, Iran. Initially, I started working for the clinic as its management consultant, and then I was offered this job to help to develop the clinic. This clinic was merged with a bigger company in 2009. My main duties/responsibilities were as follow: 1- Planning (longterm, midterm, and short-term) including the plan for positioning the clinic in the relatively new market and the plan for its growth; 2- Financing the clinic and its growth via existing lenders; 3- Procurement of the laser, other pieces of machinery and their useable components, also other required materials, and complimentary beauty products; 4- Staff management to ensure properly qualified laser and beauty treatment technicians are recruited, retained, and rewarded effectively; 5- Promoting the clinic in coordination with the day manager of the clinic; and 6- Managing booking (online, via phone, or in-person).
24/10/1999 to 16/02/2003, I worked as the Research and Quality Assurance Supervisor in Iran Electronics Industries Co., which is the biggest ICT company in Iran. Some of my achievements encompass supervising more than 80 research projects; conducting 12 research individually; teaching modern managerial techniques such as 5S, Kaizen, Six Sigma, TQM, Sales Strategies, etc to middle managers and supervisors.
04/01/1999 to 23/10/1999, I was a member of the strategic planning team (part-time) in Haseb System.
Tutoring and Supervisory Experience
I started my academic job in the UK as an academic tutor in 2006. Since 2006, I have continued my one-to-one pastoral care of students alongside my lecturing job. I did inspire and encourage some of my undergraduate students to continue their studies to the Masters and four of them to the Ph.D. levels. As a non-European academic, I am quite confident in working with students and colleagues from different cultures, nationalities, religions and races. Student surveys have shown high student satisfaction with my performance. Currently, part of my responsibilities is acting as a personal tutor for 22 students at Surrey Business School. I do genuinely care about my students, their studies, progress and wellbeing. I work closely with other relevant departments in charge of providing professional help such as counselling or financial advice at the University of Surrey. Furthermore, I am a tutor for the Work Placement Programme at the Surrey Business School. I supervised 14 Masters Dissertation at the Surrey Business School, University of Surrey in 2017. I supervised dissertations of 12 MBA students from the University of South Wales, 17 MBA students from Cardiff Metropolitan University and 13 BSc students from Cardiff Metropolitan University. Five Masters Dissertations of the students at University College London (UCL School of Management) were supervised by me.
I am supervising two PhD students at the Surrey Business School, University of Surrey.
Departmental duties
Director of MSc International Business Management
Member of the committee responsible for reviewing and updating the Doctoral Programmes at the Surrey Business School.
I have a member of the following institutions:
1- Academy of International Business
2- British Academy of Management
3- Euro-Asia Management Studies Association
ResearchResearch interests
My research interests have evolved from Business Excellence to Global Strategic Management. My main research interest is Strategy Implementation.
I have 20 years of research experience. My research interests are Global Strategic Management in general and strategy implementation in particular. The results of my own doctoral research indicated that none of the current major schools of thought in strategic management is comprehensive or viable for 21st-century multi-business organisations. Thereby, there is great potential for publications based on my own Ph.D. I am working on some publications based on my thesis for the Strategic Management Journal, Long Range Planning, and Academy of Management Journal. I am very familiar with different research methodologies. As an Adjunct Teaching Fellow of Business Research Methodology, I taught advanced research methodology at University College London to Master’s students for four years. My doctoral research employed a mixed research design (qualitative and quantitative).
Regarding my scholarly (publication) capabilities, it is worth mentioning my forty-two publications so far. At the moment I am working on a textbook titled Global Strategic Management in Action that will be published by Palgrave Macmillan Publishing in early 2022. I have two other published books too. Furthermore, I have published eight book chapters and 32 papers as conference proceedings in top peer-reviewed conferences (e.g. AIB, BAM, EAMSA). These publications are the result of my scholarly research. I am able to conduct quantitative and qualitative research and analyses at an advanced level. Although, as a head of research and quality assurance in the largest ICT company in my country, Iran, I have been involved in conducting research since 1999, my individual academic research started in 2000. I have conducted nine pieces of research since 2000, which are as follows:
A) My first research was a self-funded study regarding a social problem - the mismatch of spouses - in my country, Iran. I tried to find a managerial solution for this difficulty by conducting a series of focus groups as well as using the Delphi technique. Around 100 academics from the fields of sociology, psychology, counseling, social psychology and management were involved. The study took one year, running from mid-2000 to mid-2001. Although I did not have an official research supervisor, I did receive support from the most well-known family sociologist in my country. Due to the qualitative nature of the collected data, a thematic analysis technique was used. My first book indicates my findings and recommended solutions.
B) Although my Master’s degree was an MBA, my dissertation was a completely theory-based study. Thus, I conducted a one-year long research project in 2005. My research was a literature-based study on how to analyse and manage different managerial techniques in an organisation in order to avoid conflict amongst them. I relied on the systematic literature review technique to conduct my research and develop the taxonomy of managerial approaches, a new customised approach/technique for each company. I was able to identify the elements and architecture of existing business techniques. My taxonomy approach was a theoretical framework for understanding existing techniques and building new ones.
C) I spent approximately two years (2008 to 2010) identifying the intra-firm factors that contribute to the effective performance (success) of organisations. A meta-analysis technique was employed in order to analyse the relevant literature. As a result, a new theoretical framework was developed regarding influential factors in high performance.
D) My Ph.D. research (2011-2016), at Royal Holloway, University of London, resulted in developing a comprehensive model for strategy implementation. I conducted the first and largest comparative study regarding corporate-level strategy implementation in more than 1000 organisations from 20 sectors from 20 countries (all continents). The aim was to develop a strategy execution model by identifying intra- and inter-organisational factors that affect the implementation. The primary data was collected by using online questionnaires and a follow-up interview with some of the participants.
My doctoral research used a mixed research design (qualitative and quantitative). Due to a large scope (sample of 5340 organisations from all sectors), my research had a stronger quantitative side with noticeable qualitative elements to develop a fuller picture of the strategy implementation in different industry sectors and different countries. There are three main schools of thought regarding strategic management including the resource-based view, industry perspective, and institutional perspective. In my doctoral research, I combined all of these three perspectives to create a comprehensive theory for strategy implementation that covers all internal and external factors. Analysis of the collected primary data provided strong evidence in support of my proposed theory. Some interesting and unexpected findings emerged after the analysis. That is to say, my thesis reflects just a part of the findings.
One of my main objectives in my Ph.D. research was to identify possible impacts of industry context on strategy implementation. So in my study, it was necessary to focus purely on those organisations that are active in only one sector to be able to assess the effects of that sector on strategy execution.
E) A non-statistical meta-analysis method was used in late 2014 to explore current strategies for supply chains. The results revealed a large gap in the strategising aspect of supply chain management. Consequently, a new and comprehensive set of strategies for a worldwide supply chain was proposed in my first book chapter that was published in early January 2016.
F) I conducted a complementary research to my own Ph.D. study in 2015 in order to identify the factors leading to failure of strategy implementation. Due to the literature-based nature of my investigation, a non-statistical meta-analysis technique was utilised. The taxonomy of causes of strategy failure has emerged after a systematic combination of the principal causes of strategy failure (absent, present, incompatible) and approximation of influential environments that contribute to the failure of strategies (near, middle, far). The outcomes can be found in my second book chapter.
G) My second research in 2015 was about obstacles to effective implementation of strategies. I relied on a non-statistical meta-analysis research method. No study was found regarding identifying and classifying the main barriers to strategy implementation. My third book chapter embodies the taxonomy of barriers to strategy implementation that includes the origins of obstacles (internal or external) and stages of the strategy implementation system (inputs, process, outputs and feedback).
H) My eighth research was about an important set of functional-level strategies, manufacturing ones. This study aims to manage current strategies, suggest some novel strategies, and guide in developing newly required strategies in the future by proposing the taxonomy of international manufacturing strategies. A systematic literature review was conducted to identify and analyse any publications regarding manufacturing strategies at the top five academic journals. Among 349 identified publications, ninety-one papers or books had been found to have new discussions relevant to the topic of this paper. As a result of the analysis, two major themes for categorising manufacturing strategies emerged that shaped a new taxonomy for international manufacturing strategies with 12 sets of strategies. The result, in the form of a book chapter, has just published by Springer International Publishing in 2017.
I) As a principal investigator, I worked in collaboration with two other colleagues regarding transcontinental strategies and strategic choices in 2015. We mainly focused on the dominant modes of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) employed by Indian enterprises in the UK. We also assessed the competitive advantages of Asian multinational enterprises in various industries and the link between strategic aspirations and post-entry performance. The study employed a mixed methodology using a combination of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews for data collection from 124 companies. Our findings were published in the form of a book chapter in early 2017.
Research interests
My research interests have evolved from Business Excellence to Global Strategic Management. My main research interest is Strategy Implementation.
I have 20 years of research experience. My research interests are Global Strategic Management in general and strategy implementation in particular. The results of my own doctoral research indicated that none of the current major schools of thought in strategic management is comprehensive or viable for 21st-century multi-business organisations. Thereby, there is great potential for publications based on my own Ph.D. I am working on some publications based on my thesis for the Strategic Management Journal, Long Range Planning, and Academy of Management Journal. I am very familiar with different research methodologies. As an Adjunct Teaching Fellow of Business Research Methodology, I taught advanced research methodology at University College London to Master’s students for four years. My doctoral research employed a mixed research design (qualitative and quantitative).
Regarding my scholarly (publication) capabilities, it is worth mentioning my forty-two publications so far. At the moment I am working on a textbook titled Global Strategic Management in Action that will be published by Palgrave Macmillan Publishing in early 2022. I have two other published books too. Furthermore, I have published eight book chapters and 32 papers as conference proceedings in top peer-reviewed conferences (e.g. AIB, BAM, EAMSA). These publications are the result of my scholarly research. I am able to conduct quantitative and qualitative research and analyses at an advanced level. Although, as a head of research and quality assurance in the largest ICT company in my country, Iran, I have been involved in conducting research since 1999, my individual academic research started in 2000. I have conducted nine pieces of research since 2000, which are as follows:
A) My first research was a self-funded study regarding a social problem - the mismatch of spouses - in my country, Iran. I tried to find a managerial solution for this difficulty by conducting a series of focus groups as well as using the Delphi technique. Around 100 academics from the fields of sociology, psychology, counseling, social psychology and management were involved. The study took one year, running from mid-2000 to mid-2001. Although I did not have an official research supervisor, I did receive support from the most well-known family sociologist in my country. Due to the qualitative nature of the collected data, a thematic analysis technique was used. My first book indicates my findings and recommended solutions.
B) Although my Master’s degree was an MBA, my dissertation was a completely theory-based study. Thus, I conducted a one-year long research project in 2005. My research was a literature-based study on how to analyse and manage different managerial techniques in an organisation in order to avoid conflict amongst them. I relied on the systematic literature review technique to conduct my research and develop the taxonomy of managerial approaches, a new customised approach/technique for each company. I was able to identify the elements and architecture of existing business techniques. My taxonomy approach was a theoretical framework for understanding existing techniques and building new ones.
C) I spent approximately two years (2008 to 2010) identifying the intra-firm factors that contribute to the effective performance (success) of organisations. A meta-analysis technique was employed in order to analyse the relevant literature. As a result, a new theoretical framework was developed regarding influential factors in high performance.
D) My Ph.D. research (2011-2016), at Royal Holloway, University of London, resulted in developing a comprehensive model for strategy implementation. I conducted the first and largest comparative study regarding corporate-level strategy implementation in more than 1000 organisations from 20 sectors from 20 countries (all continents). The aim was to develop a strategy execution model by identifying intra- and inter-organisational factors that affect the implementation. The primary data was collected by using online questionnaires and a follow-up interview with some of the participants.
My doctoral research used a mixed research design (qualitative and quantitative). Due to a large scope (sample of 5340 organisations from all sectors), my research had a stronger quantitative side with noticeable qualitative elements to develop a fuller picture of the strategy implementation in different industry sectors and different countries. There are three main schools of thought regarding strategic management including the resource-based view, industry perspective, and institutional perspective. In my doctoral research, I combined all of these three perspectives to create a comprehensive theory for strategy implementation that covers all internal and external factors. Analysis of the collected primary data provided strong evidence in support of my proposed theory. Some interesting and unexpected findings emerged after the analysis. That is to say, my thesis reflects just a part of the findings.
One of my main objectives in my Ph.D. research was to identify possible impacts of industry context on strategy implementation. So in my study, it was necessary to focus purely on those organisations that are active in only one sector to be able to assess the effects of that sector on strategy execution.
E) A non-statistical meta-analysis method was used in late 2014 to explore current strategies for supply chains. The results revealed a large gap in the strategising aspect of supply chain management. Consequently, a new and comprehensive set of strategies for a worldwide supply chain was proposed in my first book chapter that was published in early January 2016.
F) I conducted a complementary research to my own Ph.D. study in 2015 in order to identify the factors leading to failure of strategy implementation. Due to the literature-based nature of my investigation, a non-statistical meta-analysis technique was utilised. The taxonomy of causes of strategy failure has emerged after a systematic combination of the principal causes of strategy failure (absent, present, incompatible) and approximation of influential environments that contribute to the failure of strategies (near, middle, far). The outcomes can be found in my second book chapter.
G) My second research in 2015 was about obstacles to effective implementation of strategies. I relied on a non-statistical meta-analysis research method. No study was found regarding identifying and classifying the main barriers to strategy implementation. My third book chapter embodies the taxonomy of barriers to strategy implementation that includes the origins of obstacles (internal or external) and stages of the strategy implementation system (inputs, process, outputs and feedback).
H) My eighth research was about an important set of functional-level strategies, manufacturing ones. This study aims to manage current strategies, suggest some novel strategies, and guide in developing newly required strategies in the future by proposing the taxonomy of international manufacturing strategies. A systematic literature review was conducted to identify and analyse any publications regarding manufacturing strategies at the top five academic journals. Among 349 identified publications, ninety-one papers or books had been found to have new discussions relevant to the topic of this paper. As a result of the analysis, two major themes for categorising manufacturing strategies emerged that shaped a new taxonomy for international manufacturing strategies with 12 sets of strategies. The result, in the form of a book chapter, has just published by Springer International Publishing in 2017.
I) As a principal investigator, I worked in collaboration with two other colleagues regarding transcontinental strategies and strategic choices in 2015. We mainly focused on the dominant modes of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) employed by Indian enterprises in the UK. We also assessed the competitive advantages of Asian multinational enterprises in various industries and the link between strategic aspirations and post-entry performance. The study employed a mixed methodology using a combination of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews for data collection from 124 companies. Our findings were published in the form of a book chapter in early 2017.
Postgraduate research supervision
Currently, I am supervising two PhD students:
Jonathan Otty (as his principal supervisor)
Soran Seyedi (as his co-supervisor)
Aboutalebi, R. (2022). Global Strategic Management in Action [a textbook]. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.
Aboutalebi, R. (2005). 5S: Base for TQM Implementation and Attaining Business Excellence (2nd ed.). Tehran, Iran: Gazal Publishing.
Aboutalebi, R. (2001). A Managerial Solution for Social Problems. Tehran, Iran: Gazal Publishing.
Book Chapters
Aboutalebi, R. (2021). Building Blocks of the Industry and Strategizing. In F. Saruchera (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Global Industry Transitions and Opportunities. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
Aboutalebi, R. (2020). Strategies for effective worldwide supply chains. In Management Association (Ed.), Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 189-202. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
Aboutalebi, R. (2017). The taxonomy of international manufacturing strategies. In L. Brennan, & A. Vecchi (Eds.), International manufacturing strategy in a time of great flux, 17-41. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Aboutalebi, R., Tan, H., & Lobo, R. T. (2017). Transcontinental strategies and strategic choices. In B. Christiansen (Ed.), Transcontinental strategies for industrial development and economic growth, 15-42. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
Aboutalebi, R. (2016a). Strategies for effective worldwide supply chains. In B. Christiansen (Ed.), Handbook of research on global supply chain management, 1-14. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
Aboutalebi, R. (2016b). Failure-avoidance in the implementation of tourism and hospitality strategies. In A. Nedelea, M. Korstanje, & B. George (Eds.), Strategic tools and methods for promoting hospitality and tourism services, 89-108. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
Aboutalebi, R. (2016c). Barriers to strategy implementation. In I. Lee (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of E-commerce development, implementation, and management, 536-550. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
Aboutalebi, R., Tan, H., & Dyerson, R. (2016). Strategic Fashion Management: Influential Factors in Strategy Implementation. In A. Vecchi, & C. Buckley (Eds.), Handbook of research on global fashion management and merchandizing, 79-111. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
Refereed Conference Publications
Aboutalebi, R. (2020). The Education Quality Framework. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 34th Annual Conference of BAM: Innovation for a Sustainable Future. 02-04 September 2020, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. (2019). Industry-makers and Strategizing: A Literature Review. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 33th Annual Conference of BAM: Seeking solutions in uncertain times. 03-05 September 2019, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. (2018a). Europeanization of the Strategy. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), the 35th EAMSA Annual Conference: The era of new industrial revolution and its impact on international business- Implications for Euro-Asia business relations. 7-10 November 2018, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea.
Aboutalebi, R. (2018b). A European approach to business strategy. In: AIB (Academy of International Business), 60th annual conference of AIB. 25-28 June 2018, Minneapolis, U.S.A.
Aboutalebi, R. & Ozaki, Y. (2017). Evaluating the Cross-country Transferability of the Organizational Culture. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 31st Annual Conference of BAM: Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research agenda for the social science. 5th-7th September 2017, University of Warwick, England, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. (2017). Research Populations in Management Studies. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 31st Annual Conference of BAM: Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research agenda for the social science. 5th-7th September 2017, University of Warwick, England, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. (2016). International Manufacturing Strategies: A Taxonomy. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 30th Annual Conference of BAM: Thriving in Turbulent Time. 06-08 September 2016, Newcastle University, England, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. and Lobo, R. T. (2016). Preferred Cross-continental Strategies. In: AIB (Academy of International Business), 58th annual conference of AIB: The Locus of Global Innovation. 27-30 June 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Aboutalebi, R. (2015a). Preventing Failure of Strategy Implementation. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), the 32nd Annual Conference of EAMSA: Theory and Practice in Bringing Europe and Asia- Contemporary Challenges in International Marketing. 28-31 October 2015, SOAS, University of London, England, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. (2015b). Worldwide Supply Chain Strategies. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), the 32nd Annual Conference of EAMSA: Theory and Practice in Bringing Europe and Asia- Contemporary Challenges in International Marketing. 28-31 October 2015, SOAS, University of London, England, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. (2015c). Failure-avoidance in Strategy Implementation. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 29th Annual Conference of BAM: The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice. 08-10 September 2015, The University of Portsmouth, England, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. (2015d). Supply Chain Strategies: New Taxonomy. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 29th Annual Conference of BAM: The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice. 08-10 September 2015, The University of Portsmouth, England, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. (2015e). Taxonomy of Barriers to Strategy Implementation. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 29th Annual Conference of BAM: The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice. 08-10 September 2015, The University of Portsmouth, England, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. and Ozaki, Y. (2014). Evaluating Transferability of Japanese Organizational Culture. In: AJBS (Association of Japanese Business Studies), 27th Annual Meeting of AJBS: Issues regarding Japanese business system. 21-22 June 2014, Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, Canada.
Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2014a). Modelling Implementation of Strategy. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 28th Annual Conference of BAM: The Role of the Business School in Supporting Economic and Social Development. 09-11 September 2014, Belfast Waterfront, Northern Ireland, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2014b). A Hybrid Model for International Strategy Implementation. In: AIB (Academy of International Business), 56th annual conference of AIB: International Business, Local Contexts in Global Business. 23-26 June 2014, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
Aboutalebi, R., Tan, H. and Lobo, R. (2013). Inter-Continental Strategy Implementation. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), 30th Annual Conference of EAMSA: Innovation in Asia and Europe Approaches and Answers to new Challenges. Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST); 27-30 November 2013, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany.
Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2013a). Research Populations in International Context. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), 30th Annual Conference of EAMSA: Innovation in Asia and Europe Approaches and Answers to new Challenges. Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST); 27-30 November 2013, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany.
Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2013b). A Synthetic Strategy Implementation Model. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 27th Annual Conference of BAM: Managing to Make a Difference. 10-12 September 2013, Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2013c). Toward a Tentative Strategy Implementation Model. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 27th Annual Conference of BAM: Managing to Make a Difference. 10-12 September 2013, Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2013d). Strategy Implementation as a System. In: UK Systems Society, 17th Annual Conference of the UK Systems Society: Systems and Society- Ideas from Practice. 08-10 September 2013, St Anne’s College, Oxford University, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2013e). A System-Based Strategy Implementation Model. In: UK Systems Society, 17th Annual Conference of the UK Systems Society: Systems and Society- Ideas from Practice. 08-10 September 2013, St Anne’s College, Oxford University, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. (2013). A Tentative Model of Strategy Implementation. In: AIB (Academy of International Business), 40th Academy of International Business: International Business, Institutions and Performance after the Financial Crisis. 21-23 March 2013, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2012a). A Comparative Study of Strategy Implementation Models. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 26th Annual Conference of BAM: Management Research Revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice. 11-13 September 2012, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2012b). Investigating Outward FDI by Indian MNEs in the UK. In: AIB (Academy of International Business), 39th Academy of International Business: New Global Developments and the Changing Geography of International Business. 29-31 March 2012, the University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
Aboutalebi, R. (2011). Implementable Internationalization Strategies for Companies from Emerging Economies. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), 28th Annual Conference: Strategies of international development in Euro-Asian Business. 23-26 November 2011, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Aboutalebi, R. (2009a). Organisational Success: Impacts of Ethic/Values, Organisation’s Social Responsibility, and Culture. In: European Parliament, the 6th Conference on Ethics in Business, Corporate Culture & Spirituality. 5-6 November 2009, European Parliament, Brussels.
Aboutalebi, R. (2009b). Business Success as Network of Networks. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), 26th Annual Conference: Globalization of Technology, Innovation & Knowledge: The Euro-Asia Connection. 22-24 October 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Aboutalebi, R. (2009c). Organisational Success: Fact or Fiction. In: Graduate Conference on Social Sciences and Management, the 3rd Graduate Conference on Social Sciences and Management, 8-9 October 2009, University of Bradford, England.
Aboutalebi, R. (2009d). The Model of Organizational Success. In: IBER (International Business & Economics Research), 10th Annual Conference of IBER: International Business. 5-7 October 2009, Las Vegas, USA.
Aboutalebi, R. (2009e). Toward Modelling Organisational Success. In: International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies, 2nd Conference of the International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies. 7-9 September 2009, University of Nottingham, England.
Aboutalebi, R. (2009f). The Organisational/Business Success: An Overview. In: Scottish Doctoral Management, 5th Scottish Doctoral Management Conference. 11-12 June 2009, University of St Andrews, Scotland.
Publication highlights
I have conducted nine pieces of research since 2000, which are as follows: A) My first research was a self-funded study regarding a social problem - the mismatch of spouses - in my country, Iran. I tried to find a managerial solution for this difficulty by conducting a series of focus groups as well as using the Delphi technique. Around 100 academics from the fields of sociology, psychology, counselling, social psychology and management were involved. The study took one year, running from mid-2000 to mid-2001. Although I did not have an official research supervisor, I did receive support from the most well-known family sociologist in my country. Due to the qualitative nature of the collected data, a thematic analysis technique was used. My first book indicates my findings and recommended solutions.
B) Although my Master's degree was an MBA, my dissertation was a completely theory-based study. Thus, I conducted a one-year long research project in 2005. My research was a literature-based study on how to analyse and manage different managerial techniques in an organisation in order to avoid conflict amongst them. I relied on the systematic literature review technique to conduct my research and develop the taxonomy of managerial approaches, a new customised approach/technique for each company. I was able to identify the elements and architecture of existing business techniques. My taxonomy approach was a theoretical framework for understanding existing techniques and building new ones.
C) I spent approximately two years (2008 to 2010) identifying the intra-firm factors that contribute to the effective performance (success) of organisations. A meta-analysis technique was employed in order to analyse the relevant literature. As a result, a new theoretical framework was developed regarding influential factors in high performance.
D) My Ph.D. research (2011-2016), at Royal Holloway, University of London, resulted in developing a comprehensive model for strategy implementation. I conducted the first and largest comparative study regarding corporate-level strategy implementation in more than 1000 organisations from 20 sectors from 20 countries (all continents). The aim was to develop a strategy execution model by identifying intra- and inter-organisational factors that affect the implementation. The primary data was collected by using online questionnaires and a follow-up interview with some of the participants. My doctoral research used a mixed research design (qualitative and quantitative). Due to a large scope (sample of 5340 organisations from all sectors), my research had a stronger quantitative side with noticeable qualitative elements to develop a fuller picture of the strategy implementation in different industry sectors and different countries. There are three main schools of thought regarding strategic management including the resource-based view, industry perspective, and institutional perspective. In my doctoral research, I combined all of these three perspectives to create a comprehensive theory for strategy implementation that covers all internal and external factors. Analysis of the collected primary data provided strong evidence in support of my proposed theory. Some interesting and unexpected findings emerged after the analysis. That is to say, my thesis reflects just a part of the findings. One of my main objectives in my Ph.D. research was to identify possible impacts of industry context on strategy implementation. So in my study, it was necessary to focus purely on those organisations that are active in only one sector to be able to assess the effects of that sector on strategy execution.
E) A non-statistical meta-analysis method was used in late 2014 to explore current strategies for supply chains. The results revealed a large gap in the strategising aspect of supply chain management. Consequently, a new and comprehensive set of strategies for a worldwide supply chain was proposed in my first book chapter that was published in early January 2016.
F) I conducted a complementary research to my own Ph.D. study in 2015 in order to identify the factors leading to failure of strategy implementation. Due to the literature-based nature of my investigation, a non-statistical meta-analysis technique was utilised. The taxonomy of causes of strategy failure has emerged after a systematic combination of the principal causes of strategy failure (absent, present, incompatible) and approximation of influential environments that contribute to the failure of strategies (near, middle, far). The outcomes can be found in my second book chapter.
G) My second research in 2015 was about obstacles to effective implementation of strategies. I relied on a non-statistical meta-analysis research method. No study was found regarding identifying and classifying the main barriers to strategy implementation. My third book chapter embodies the taxonomy of barriers to strategy implementation that includes the origins of obstacles (internal or external) and stages of the strategy implementation system (inputs, process, outputs and feedback).
H) My eighth research was about an important set of functional-level strategies, manufacturing ones. This study aims to manage current strategies, suggest some novel strategies, and guide in developing newly required strategies in the future by proposing the taxonomy of international manufacturing strategies. A systematic literature review was conducted to identify and analyse any publications regarding manufacturing strategies at the top five academic journals. Among 349 identified publications, ninety-one papers or books had been found to have new discussions relevant to the topic of this paper. As a result of the analysis, two major themes for categorising manufacturing strategies emerged that shaped a new taxonomy for international manufacturing strategies with 12 sets of strategies. The result, in the form of a book chapter, has just published by Springer International Publishing in 2017.
I) As a principal investigator, I worked in collaboration with two other colleagues regarding transcontinental strategies and strategic choices in 2015. We mainly focused on the dominant modes of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) employed by Indian enterprises in the UK. We also assessed the competitive advantages of Asian multinational enterprises in various industries and the link between strategic aspirations and post-entry performance. The study employed a mixed methodology using a combination of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews for data collection from 124 companies. Our findings will be published in the form of a book chapter in early 2017.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2019). Global Strategic Management in Action, London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2005). 5S: Base for TQM Implementation and Attaining Business Excellence (2nd eds.). Tehran, Iran: Gazal Publishing.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2001). A Managerial Solution for Social Problems. Tehran, Iran: Gazal Publishing.
Book Chapters:
- Aboutalebi, R. (2017). The taxonomy of international manufacturing strategies. In L. Brennan, & A. Vecchi (Eds.), International manufacturing strategy in a time of great flux, 17-41. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
- Aboutalebi, R., Tan, H., & Lobo, R. T. (2017). Transcontinental strategies and strategic choices. In B. Christiansen (Ed.), Handbook of research on scientific and technological development in Asia (page numbers to be confirmed). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2016a). Strategies for effective worldwide supply chains. In B. Christiansen (Ed.), Handbook of research on global supply chain management, 1-14. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2016b). Failure-avoidance in the implementation of tourism and hospitality strategies. In A. Nedelea, M. Korstanje, & B. George (Eds.), Strategic tools and methods for promoting hospitality and tourism services, 89-108. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2016c). Barriers to strategy implementation. In I. Lee (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of E-commerce development, implementation, and management, 536-550. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
- Aboutalebi, R., Tan, H., & Dyerson, R. (2016). Strategic Fashion Management: Influential Factors in Strategy Implementation. In A. Vecchi, & C. Buckley (Eds.), Handbook of research on global fashion management and merchandizing, 79-111. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
Refereed Conference Publications:
- Aboutalebi, R. (2018a). Europeanization of the Strategy. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), the 35th EAMSA Annual Conference: The era of new industrial revolution and its impact on international business- Implications for Euro-Asia business relations. 7-10 November 2018, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2018b). A European approach to business strategy. In: AIB (Academy of International Business), 60th annual conference of AIB. 25-28 June 2018, Minneapolis, U.S.A.
- Aboutalebi, R. & Ozaki, Y. (2017). Evaluating the Cross-country Transferability of the Organizational Culture. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 31st Annual Conference of BAM: Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research agenda for the social science. 5th-7th September 2017, University of Warwick, England, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2017). Research Populations in Management Studies. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 31st Annual Conference of BAM: Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research agenda for the social science. 5th-7th September 2017, University of Warwick, England, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2016). International Manufacturing Strategies: A Taxonomy. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 30th Annual Conference of BAM: Thriving in Turbulent Time. 06-08 September 2016, Newcastle University, England, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. and Lobo, R. T. (2016). Preferred Cross-continental Strategies. In: AIB (Academy of International Business), 58th annual conference of AIB: The Locus of Global Innovation. 27-30 June 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2015a). Preventing Failure of Strategy Implementation. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), the 32nd Annual Conference of EAMSA: Theory and Practice in Bringing Europe and Asia- Contemporary Challenges in International Marketing. 28-31 October 2015, SOAS, University of London, England, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2015b). Worldwide Supply Chain Strategies. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), the 32nd Annual Conference of EAMSA: Theory and Practice in Bringing Europe and Asia- Contemporary Challenges in International Marketing. 28-31 October 2015, SOAS, University of London, England, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2015c). Failure-avoidance in Strategy Implementation. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 29th Annual Conference of BAM: The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice. 08-10 September 2015, The University of Portsmouth, England, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2015d). Supply Chain Strategies: New Taxonomy. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 29th Annual Conference of BAM: The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice. 08-10 September 2015, The University of Portsmouth, England, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2015e). Taxonomy of Barriers to Strategy Implementation. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 29th Annual Conference of BAM: The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice. 08-10 September 2015, The University of Portsmouth, England, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. and Ozaki, Y. (2014). Evaluating Transferability of Japanese Organizational Culture. In: AJBS (Association of Japanese Business Studies), 27th Annual Meeting of AJBS: Issues regarding Japanese business system. 21-22 June 2014, Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, Canada.
- Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2014a). Modelling Implementation of Strategy. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 28th Annual Conference of BAM: The Role of the Business School in Supporting Economic and Social Development. 09-11 September 2014, Belfast Waterfront, Northern Ireland, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2014b). A Hybrid Model for International Strategy Implementation. In: AIB (Academy of International Business), 56th annual conference of AIB: International Business, Local Contexts in Global Business. 23-26 June 2014, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
- Aboutalebi, R., Tan, H. and Lobo, R. (2013). Inter-Continental Strategy Implementation. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), 30th Annual Conference of EAMSA: Innovation in Asia and Europe Approaches and Answers to new Challenges. Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST); 27-30 November 2013, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany.
- Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2013a). Research Populations in International Context. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), 30th Annual Conference of EAMSA: Innovation in Asia and Europe Approaches and Answers to new Challenges. Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST); 27-30 November 2013, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany.
- Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2013b). A Synthetic Strategy Implementation Model. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 27th Annual Conference of BAM: Managing to Make a Difference. 10-12 September 2013, Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2013c). Toward a Tentative Strategy Implementation Model. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 27th Annual Conference of BAM: Managing to Make a Difference. 10-12 September 2013, Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2013d). Strategy Implementation as a System. In: UK Systems Society, 17th Annual Conference of the UK Systems Society: Systems and Society- Ideas from Practice. 08-10 September 2013, St Anne's College, Oxford University, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2013e). A System-Based Strategy Implementation Model. In: UK Systems Society, 17th Annual Conference of the UK Systems Society: Systems and Society- Ideas from Practice. 08-10 September 2013, St Anne's College, Oxford University, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2013). A Tentative Model of Strategy Implementation. In: AIB (Academy of International Business), 40th Academy of International Business: International Business, Institutions and Performance after the Financial Crisis. 21-23 March 2013, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2012a). A Comparative Study of Strategy Implementation Models. In: BAM (British Academy of Management), 26th Annual Conference of BAM: Management Research Revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice. 11-13 September 2012, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. and Tan, H. (2012b). Investigating Outward FDI by Indian MNEs in the UK. In: AIB (Academy of International Business), 39th Academy of International Business: New Global Developments and the Changing Geography of International Business. 29-31 March 2012, the University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2011). Implementable Internationalization Strategies for Companies from Emerging Economies. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), 28th Annual Conference: Strategies of international development in Euro-Asian Business. 23-26 November 2011, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2009a). Organisational Success: Impacts of Ethic/Values, Organisation's Social Responsibility, and Culture. In: European Parliament, the 6th Conference on Ethics in Business, Corporate Culture & Spirituality. 5-6 November 2009, European Parliament, Brussels.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2009b). Business Success as Network of Networks. In: EAMSA (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), 26th Annual Conference: Globalization of Technology, Innovation & Knowledge: The Euro-Asia Connection. 22-24 October 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2009c). Organisational Success: Fact or Fiction. In: Graduate Conference on Social Sciences and Management, the 3rd Graduate Conference on Social Sciences and Management, 8-9 October 2009, University of Bradford, England.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2009d). The Model of Organizational Success. In: IBER (International Business & Economics Research), 10th Annual Conference of IBER: International Business. 5-7 October 2009, Las Vegas, USA.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2009e). Toward Modelling Organisational Success. In: International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies, 2nd Conference of the International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies. 7-9 September 2009, University of Nottingham, England.
- Aboutalebi, R. (2009f). The Organisational/Business Success: An Overview. In: Scottish Doctoral Management, 5th Scottish Doctoral Management Conference. 11-12 June 2009, University of St Andrews, Scotland.