Dr Annika Lohstroh
Academic and research departments
Annika Lohstroh studied for her undergraduate Diploma in Physics in Germany. She developed an interest in nuclear solid state physics during a 6 month exchange programme with the Catholic University Louvain (Belgium). Subsequently, she continued to study this area of physics that uses techniques originating in nuclear physics to investigate semiconductor properties, like hyperfine interaction methods and ion beam analysis. She obtained her PhD at the University of Surrey in 2006, researching charge transport properties in wide band gap semiconductors for radiation detection applications, with a particular emphasis on chemical vapour deposited diamond. She extended these studies as a Research Fellow to a wide range of radiation detector development projects and was appointed as Lecturer in 2008, promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2013.
Her scientific aim is to understand and overcome the limitations of current radiation detector performance.
She lead the team that established the Surrey MSc Physics programme in 2014 and is a member of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) Course Accreditation Committee.
She lead the newly established departmental Equality and Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee, resulting in the department being awarded Juno Practitioner status by the Institute of Physics (IoP) 2015 and continues to be involved in this work.
In 2017/18, Dr Lohstroh worked as a consultant for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). In summer 2019, she left the academic staff of Surrey University to pursue a new opportunity at The Open University.
Areas of specialism
Previous roles
ResearchResearch interests
Research and development of sensors for ionising radiation, in particular
- The effect of bulk and surface defects on sensor performance in solid state detectors (including radiation damage)
- Development of pulse shape analysis for research and applications
- Novel materials to exploit optical readout (scintillors, thermoluminescence, radiation induced changes in optical properties)
Investigation include
- Development of single crystal diamond X-ray dosimeters
- Wide band gap semiconductors for spectroscopic particle detection at elevated temperatures
- Detecting ionising radiation using polarised light
- Wide band gap materials for high energy X-ray detection
- Silica materials for dosimetry
The work is carried out collaboratively with a number of industrial partners, often supported by joint supervision of research students. Examples are the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, the International Atomic Energy Agency, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy as well as industrial Partners.
Research interests
Research and development of sensors for ionising radiation, in particular
- The effect of bulk and surface defects on sensor performance in solid state detectors (including radiation damage)
- Development of pulse shape analysis for research and applications
- Novel materials to exploit optical readout (scintillors, thermoluminescence, radiation induced changes in optical properties)
Investigation include
- Development of single crystal diamond X-ray dosimeters
- Wide band gap semiconductors for spectroscopic particle detection at elevated temperatures
- Detecting ionising radiation using polarised light
- Wide band gap materials for high energy X-ray detection
- Silica materials for dosimetry
The work is carried out collaboratively with a number of industrial partners, often supported by joint supervision of research students. Examples are the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, the International Atomic Energy Agency, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy as well as industrial Partners.
Postgraduate research supervision
Current doctoral students:
- Michael Hubbard, working on pulse shape discrimination for neutron detection.
- Chutima Termsuk, working on Silica fibre based radiation detectors.
- Kerri Laughney, working on portable radiation detectors based on Scintillators coupled to Silicon Photomultipliers
Postgraduate research supervision
Doctoral students that have completed their theses:
- Katie Ley, working on the application of silica beads for radiation dosimetry.
- Robert Smith, working on the development of a tritium monitor.
King, David John Stephen (2017): A biomechanical model for lung fibrosis in proton beam therapy. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Hodgson, Michael (2016) Silicon carbide and diamond neutron detectors for active interrogation security applications. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Alamoudi, Dalal (2016) Dose enhancement near metal interfaces in synthetic diamond based x-ray dosimeters. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Astromskas, Vytautas (2016) Spectroscopic imaging using Ge and CdTe based detector systems for hard x-ray applications.Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Richards, S. (2016) Laser micromachining of cadmium tungstate scintillator for high energy x-ray imaging. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Abubakar, Y.M. (2016) Silicon and silicon carbide radiation detectors for alpha and neutron detection at elevated temperatures.Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Boothman, Victoria H. (2016) CZT ring-drift detectors for hard x-ray spectroscopy : an investigation of design by experiment and modelling. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Abilama, Marc (2015) Investigating the performance characteristics of bromine quenched Geiger-Müller detectors with age and temperature. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Alruhaili, A. (2014) Development of CdTe/CZT drift ring detectors for x and γ ray spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Allwork, C. (2013) X-ray beam studies of charge sharing in small pixel, spectroscopic, CdZnTe detectors. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Kitou, D.,(2013) Experimental and simulation study of charge sharing in pixelated CdZnTe radiation detectors using the PIXIE ASIC. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Gkoumas, S.(2012) Charge transport and radiation induced defects in single-crystal CVDdiamond. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Rees, V. P. (2012) Evaluation of a novel neutron detector using experimental and Monte Carlo Techniques. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Avella, P. (2012) Characterisation of silicon photomultipliers coupled to inorganic scintillating crystals for timing applications. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Albarakaty, H. (2011) Fabrication and characterization of graphite electrodes for diamond x-ray dosimeters. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
Abdel-Rahman, M. (2011) The influence of electrode fabrication on induced X-ray photocurrents in CVD diamond radiation detectors. Doctoral thesis, University of Surrey.
- 1st year undergraduate laboratory [2008-2019 ]
- 1st year lecture course "Oscillations and Waves" [2011-2019 ]
- 2nd year lecture course "Radiation detection and measurement" [2009 to 2012]
- Developed 3rd year Public Engagement Group project module [to be introduced 2019/20]
- Coordination of MSc group projects [2011-2019 ]
- Coordination of Euromaster dissertation projects[2010-2017]
- Master level module "Public Engagement and Outreach"[2015-2017]
- (Part of the) Postgraduate tutorial for new PhD students in Detector physics[2009-2009]
- Supervision of Final Year Projects/MPhys/MSc projects/PhD/EngD projects [2008-]
- Outreach talks at various school events
- "Nuclear Physics - and what diamonds have to do with it"
- "Seen the Unseen"
- "Accelerators: What have they ever done for us?"
- Soapbox Scientist, Bristol 2015 "Overcoming challenges in radiation detection in Medicine, Industry and Security"
• Vittone, E., Garcia Lopez, J., Jaksic, M., Jimenez Ramos, M.C., Lohstroh, A., Pastuovic, Z., Rath S., Siegele, R., Skukan, N., Vizkelethy, G., Simon, A. (2019) Determination of radiation hardness of silicon diodes, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Section B – Beam interactions with Materials and Atoms, accepted.
• Alyahyawi, A., Dimitriadis, A., Jafari, S.M., Lohstroh, A., Alanazi, A., Alsubaie, A., Clark, C.H., Nisbet, A. and Bradley, D.A. (2019) Thermoluminescence measurements of eye-lens dose in a multi-centre stereotactic radiosurgery audit Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 155. pp. 75-81.
• Ley, K., Jafari, S.M., Lohstroh, A. and Bradley, D.A. (2019) Investigations of thermoluminescent silica beads of different manufacturers and colours Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 155. pp. 178-183.
• Taggart, M.P., Charoupa, A., Hubbard, M.W.J., Jafari, S.M., Lohstroh, A. and Stroud, M. (2019) Suitability of a SiPM Photodetector for Implementation in an Automated Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Reader Radiation Physics and Chemistry, to be published:
• Ley, Katie, Jafari, S.M., Lohstroh, Annika, Shenton-Taylor, Caroline and Bradley, David (2019) Thermoluminescent Response of Beta-irradiated Silica Beads Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 154. pp. 32-37.
• Parsons, S., Langley, A., Shenton-Taylor, C. and Lohstroh, A, (2018) Investigating the components of signals produced by the Pockels CCD imaging technique in CdZnTe IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 65 (9). pp. 2633-2639.
• Kazemi, S., Diaz, O., Elangovan, P., Wells, K, Lohstroh, A.,(2018) Comparison of three breast imaging techniques using 4-AFC human observation study SPIE Conference Proceedings on Medical Imaging – Physics of Medical Imaging 10573, UNSP 105735I
• Kazemi, S., Diaz, O., Elangovan, P., Wells, K, Lohstroh, A.,(2018) Validation and Application of a New Image Reconstruction Software toobox (TIGRE) for Breast Cone-beam Computed Tomography. SPIE Conference Proceedings on Medical Imaging – Physics of Medical Imaging 10573, UNSP 105735E
• Hodgson, M., Lohstroh, A., Sellin, P., and Thomas, D. (2017) Characterisation of Silicon Carbide and Diamond Detectors for Neutron Applications Measurement Science and Technology, 28 (10), 105501.
• Hodgson, M, Lohstroh, A.,and Sellin, P. (2017) Alpha radiation induced space charge stability effects in semi-insulating silicon carbide semiconductors compared to diamond. Diamond and Related Materials, 78. pp. 49-57.
• Alamoudi, D, Lohstroh, A.,and Albarakaty, H., (2017) The effect of dose enhancement near metal interfaces on synthetic diamond based X-ray dosimeters Radiation Physics and Chemistry 140. pp. 25-33
• Abubakar, Y.M., Taggart, M., Alsubaie, A., Alanazi, A., Alyahyawi, A., Lohstroh, A., Shutt, A, Jafari, S. and Bradley,D.A. (2017) Characterisation of an isotropic neutron source: a comparison of conventional neutron detectors and micro-silica glass bead thermoluminescent detectors Radiation Physics and Chemistry.140, pp. 497-501.
• Hodgson, M., Lohstroh, A., Sellin, P. and Thomas, D. (2017) Neutron Detection Performance of Silicon Carbide and Diamond Detectors with Incomplete Charge Collection Properties Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 847, pp. 1–9.
• Richards, S, Baker, MA, Wilson, MD, Lohstroh, A and Seller, P (2016) "Femtosecond laser ablation of cadmium tungstate for scintillator arrays " Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 83. pp. 116-125.
• Astromskas, V., Gimenez, E.N., Lohstroh, A., and Tartoni, N. (2016) Evaluation of Polarization Effects of e(-) Collection Schottky CdTe Medipix3RX Hybrid Pixel Detector IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, 63 (1). pp. 252-258.
• Boothman, V., Alruhaili, A., Perumal, V., Sellin, P., Lohstroh, A., Sawhney, K., and Kachanov, S. (2015) Charge transport optimization in CZT ring-drift detectors JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 48 (48), ARTN 48510.
• Abilama, M., Bates, M. and Lohstroh, A., (2015) Investigating the lifetime of bromine-quenched GM Counters with temperature, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment., 795. pp. 12-18.
• Abubakar, Y.M., Lohstroh, A., and Sellin, P.J., (2015) Stability of Silicon carbide particle detector performance at elevated temperatures IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 62 (5). pp. 2360-2366.
• Alruhaili, A., Sellin, P.J., Lohstroh, A., Boothman, V., Veeramani, P., Veale, M.C., Sawhney, K.J.S., and Kachkanov, V. (2015)Development of a CZT drift ring detector for X and gamma ray spectroscopy Journal of Instrumentation, 10, ARTN P.
• Lohstroh, A., Della Rocca, I., Parsons, S., Langley, A., Shenton-Taylor, C and Blackie, D. (2015) Cadmium zinc telluride based infrared interferometry for X-ray detection Appl. Phys. Lett., 106 (6), ARTN 0.
• Leming, E., De Santo, A., Salvatore, F., Camanzi, B. and Lohstroh, A. (2014) A GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation to describe the time response of a coupled SiPM and LYSO detection system, Journal of Instrumentation, 9, ARTN C0600.
• Alruhaili, A., Sellin, P.J., Lohstroh, A., Veeramani, P., Kazemi, S., Veale, M.C., Sawhney, K.J.S., and Kachkanov, V. (2014) Performance characteristics of CdTe drift ring detector, Journal of Instrumentation , 9, ARTN C.
• Buis, C., Gros D'Aillon, E., Verger, L., Lohstroh, A., Marrakchi, G., and Jeynes, C. (2014) Effects of dislocation walls on charge carrier transport properties in CdTe single crystal Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 735. pp. 188-192.
• Bryant, PA, Lohstroh, A and Sellin, PJ (2013) Electrical characteristics and fast neutron response of semi-insulating bulk silicon carbide IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 60 (2). pp. 1432-1435.
• Schirru, F., Lohstroh, A., Sellin, J., Nara Singh, S., Scruton, L., Bentley, A., Fox, P., Banu, A., McCleskey, M., Roeder, T., Simmons, E., Alharbi, A., Trache, L., Freer, M., Parker, D., and Banu, A. (2012) Development of large area polycrystalline diamond detectors for fast timing application of high-energy heavy-ion beams Journal of Instrumentation, 7 (5), P05005.
• Chaudhuri, S.K., Lohstroh, A., Nakhostin, M., and Sellin., P.J., (2012) Digital pulse height correction in HgI 2 γ-ray detectors Journal of Instrumentation, 7 (4), T04002.
• Blackie, D., Langley, A., Shenton-Taylor, C., Perumal, V., and Lohstroh, A., (2012) Exploration of the Pockels effect for radiation detection applications IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. pp. 402-404.
• Abdel-Rahman, M.A.E., Lohstroh, A., Jayawardena, I., and Henley, S.J., (2012) The X-ray detection performance of polycrystalline CVD diamond with pulsed laser deposited carbon electrodes Diamond and Related Materials, 22. pp. 70-76.
• Avella, P., De Santo, A., Lohstroh, A., Sajjad, M.T., and Sellin, P.J.,(2012) A study of timing properties of Silicon Photomultipliers Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 695, pp. 257-260.
• Jeynes, C., Webb, R.P., and Lohstroh, A.(2011) Ion Beam Analysis: A Century of Exploiting the Electronic and Nuclear Structure of the Atom for Materials Characterisation Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology, 4. pp. 41-82.
• Abdel-Rahman, M.A.E., Lohstroh, A. and Sellin, P.J., (2011) The effect of annealing on the X-ray induced photocurrent characteristics of CVD diamond radiation detectors with different electrical contacts, phys. stat. sol. (a) 208 (9). pp. 2079-2086.
• Lohstroh, A., Sellin, P.J., Gkoumas, S., Al-Barakaty, H., Veeramani, P., Ozsan, M.E., Prekas, G., Veale, M.C., Parkin, J.M. and Davies, A.W. ,(2010) The effect of fast neutron irradiation on the performance of synthetic single crystal diamond particle detectors, Diamond and Related Materials 19 (7-9). pp. 841-845.
• Prekas, G., Sellin, P.J., Veeramani, P., Davies, A.W., Lohstroh, A., Ozsan, M.E. and Veale, M.C., (2010) Investigation of the internal electric field distribution under in situ x-ray irradiation and under low temperature conditions by the means of the Pockels effect, Journal of Applied Physics, 43 (8), ARTN 0.
• Özsan, M.E., Sellin, P.J., Veeramani, P., Hinder, S.J., Monnier, M.L.T., Prekas, G., Lohstroh, A., and Baker, M.A. (2010) Chemical etching and surface oxidation studies of cadmium zinc telluride radiation detectors Surface and Interface Analysis, 42 (6-7). pp. 795-798.
• Gkoumas, S., Lohstroh, A., and Sellin, P.J. (2009) Low temperature time of flight mobility measurements on synthetic single crystal diamond , Diamond and Related Materials 18 (11). pp. 1338-1342.
• Xu, Y., Sellin, P.J., Lohstroh, A., Jie, W., Wang, T., Mills, C., Veeramani, P., and Veale,
M. (2009) Comparison of the x-ray spectroscopy response and charge transport properties of semi-insulating In/Al doped CdZnTe crystals, Journal of Applied Physics 105 (8), ARTN 0.
• Sellin, P.J., Prekas, G., Lohstroh, A., Özsan, M., Perumal, V., Veale, M., and Seller, P. (2009) Real-time imaging of the electric field distribution in CdZnTe at low temperature In: MRS 2009 Spring Meeting Symposium L: Nuclear Radiation and Detection of Materials, 2009-04-13 - 2009-04-17, San Francisco, USA.
• Veale, M.C., Sellin, P.J., Parkin, J., Lohstroh, A., Davies., A.W. and Seller, P., (2008) Ion Beam Induced Charge Studies of CdZnTe Grown by Modified Vertical Bridgman Method IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 55 (6). pp. 3741-3745.
• Lohstroh, A., Sellin, P.J., Gkoumas, S., Parkin, J., Veeramani, P., Prekas, G., Veale, M.C., and Morse, J. (2008) Ion beam induced charge (IBIC) irradiation damage study in synthetic single crystal diamond using 2.6 MeV protons, phys. stat. sol. (a) 205 (9). pp. 2211-2215.
• Sellin, P.J., Davies, A.W., Gkoumas, S., Lohstroh, A., Özsan, M.E., Parkin, J, Perumal, V, Prekas, G., and Veale, M., (2008) Ion beam induced charge imaging of charge transport in CdTe and CdZnTe, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Section B – Beam interactions with Materials and Atoms 266 (8), pp. 1300-1306.
• Lohstroh, A., Sellin, P.J., Boroumand, F., and Morse, J. (2007) High gain observed in X-ray induced currents in synthetic single crystal diamonds, phys. Stat. sol. (a) 204 (9), pp. 3011-3016.
• Sellin, P.J., Lohstroh, A., Davies, A.W., Galbiati, A., Parkin, J., Wang, S.G., and Simon, A. (2007) Charge transport in polycrystalline and single crystal synthetic diamond using ion beam induced charge imaging Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Section B – Beam interactions with Materials and Atoms, 260 (1), pp. 293-298.
• Baier, N., Brambilla, A., Feuillet, G., Lohstroh, A., Renet, S. and Sellin, P., (2007) EBIC and IBIC imaging on polycrystalline CdTe , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 576 (1), pp. 5-9.
• Veale, M.C., Sellin, P.J., Lohstroh, A., Davies, A.W., Parkin, J., and Seller, P., (2007) X-ray spectroscopy and charge transport properties of CdZnTe grown by the vertical Bridgman method, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 576 (1), pp. 90-94.
• Sellin, P.J., Davies, A.W., Boroumand, F., Lohstroh, A., Özsan, M.E., Parkin, J., and Veale, M. (2007) IBIC characterization of charge transport in CdTe : Cl , Semiconductors 41, pp. 395.
• Parkin, J., Sellin, P.J., Davies, A.W., Lohstroh, A., Özsan, M.E. and Seller, P., (2007) alpha Particle response of undoped CdMnTe, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 573 (1-2), pp. 220-223
• Lohstroh, A., Sellin, P.J., Wang, S.G., Davies, A.W., and Parkin, J.M.,(2007) Mapping of polarization and detrapping effects in synthetic single crystal chemical vapor deposited diamond by ion beam induced charge imaging Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (6), ARTN 0.
• Lohstroh, A., Sellin, P.J., Wang, S.G., Davies, A.W., Parkin, J., Martin, R.W., and Edwards,
P.R., (2007) Effect of dislocations on charge carrier mobility-lifetime product in synthetic single crystal diamond, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90 (10), ARTN 1.
• Wang, S.G., Sellin, P. ,and Lohstroh, A., (2006) Temperature-dependent hole detrapping for unprimed polycrystalline chemical vapor deposited diamond, Appl. Phys. Lett., 88 (2), ARTN 0.
• Wang, S., Sellin, P., and Lohstroh, A. (2005) Alpha particle transient response of a polycrystalline diamond detector Carbon, 43 (15). pp. 3167-3171.
• Sellin, P.J., Davies, A.W., Lohstroh, A., Özsan, M.E., and Parkin, J. (2005) Drift mobility and mobility-lifetime products in CdTe : Cl grown by the travelling heater method, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 52 (6). pp. 3074-3078.
• Davies, A.W., Lohstroh, A., Özsan, M.E., and Sellin, P.J., (2005) Spatial uniformity of electron charge transport in high resistivity CdTeIn: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 546 (1-2), pp. 192-199.
• Wang, S.G., Sellin, P.J., Lohstroh, A., and Özsan, M.E., (2005) Pulse shape study of chemical vapor deposited diamond alpha particle detectors Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 828. pp. 369-374.
• Wang, S.G., Sellin, P.J., Zhang, Q., Lohstroh, A., Özsan, M.E., and Tian, J.Z., (2005) The effects of plasma post-treatment on the photoresponsivity of CVD diamond UV photodetectors, Diamond and Related Materials 14, (3–7), pp. 541-545.
• Wang, S.G., Sellin, P.J., Lohstroh, A., and Zhang, Q. (2005) Performance improvement of polycrystalline diamond ultraviolet photodetectors by room-temperature plasma treatment Appl. Phys. Lett., 86 (9), ARTN 0.
on Advanced Materials and Processing, 2004-11-02 - 2004-11-05, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA
• Sellin, P.J., Hoxley, D., Lohstroh, A., Simon, A., Cunningham, W., Rahman, M., Vaitkus, J., and Gaubas, E., (2004) Ion beam induced charge imaging of epitaxial GaN detectors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 531 (1-2), pp. 82-86.
• Simon, A., Sellin, P.J. and Lohstroh, A., (2004) IBIC imaging of intra-crystallite charge transport in CVD diamond at reduced temperature, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B – Beam interactions with Materials and Atoms 219, pp. 1022-1026.
• Sellin, P.J., Lohstroh, A., Simon, A., and Breese, M.B.H., (2004) Digital IBIC-new spectroscopic modalities for ion-beam-induced charge imaging, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 521 (2-3). pp. 600-607.
• Lohstroh, A., Sellin, P.J., and Simon, A., (2004) High-resolution mapping of the mobility-lifetime product in CdZnTe using a nuclear microprobe Journal of Physics – Condensed Matter, 16 (2), PII S0. S67-S73.
• Lohstroh, A., Uhrmacher, M., Wilbrandt, P.J., Wulff, H., Ziegeler, L., and Lieb, K.P. (2004) Electronic relaxation in indium oxide films studied with perturbed angular correlations, Hyperfine Interactions 159 (1-4), pp. 35-42.
• Kulinska, A., Uhrmacher, M., Dedryvere, R., Lohstroh, A., Hofsass, H., Lieb, K.P., Picard-Garcia, A.,
and Jumas, J.C., (2004) Lithium insertion into In2S3 studied by perturbed gamma-gamma angular correlation Journal of solid state Chemistry, 177 (1). pp. 109-118.
• Simon, A., Sellin, P., Lohstroh, A., and Jeynes, C. (2003) Ion beam induced charge microscopy imaging of CVD diamond, Institute of Physics Conference Series, Vol 180, pp.449-452.
• Vetter, U., Uhrmacher, M., Schwen, D., Lohstroh, A., Hofsass, H., and Lieb, K.P. (2001) Lattice location studies of indium in Cr2O3, Hyperfine Interactions 136, pp. 607-612
• Dedryvere, R., Uhrmacher, M,, Lohstroh, A,, Picard-Garcia, A,, Olivier-Fourcade, J., and Jumas, J.C.,(2001) Lithium in In2S3 , Hyperfine Interactions 136, pp. 479-484.