Angie Boxall
FNC applied Biology 1987
ONC Applied Biology 1989 Associate for The Institute of Animal Technicians, North East SUrrey College of Technology
HNC in Applied Biology, Guildford Technical College.
BSc The Open University 2005
Previous Positions:
University of SUrrey, School of Biological Sciences 1996-2000
Research interests
Viruses, Molecular Biology
Koundouris A, Kass GE, Johnson CR, Boxall A, Sanders PG, Carter MJ. Poliovirus induces early impairment of mitochondrial function by inhibiting succinate dehydorgenase activity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2000 May 19; 271(3):610-4
Willcocks M Margaaret, Boxall S Angela and Carter J Michael. Processing and intracellular location of human astrovirus non-structural proteins. Journal of General Virology (1999), 80, 2607-2611