Dr Anesa Hosein
I am an Associate Professor in the Surrey Institute of Education (SIoE) at the University of Surrey and currently the Head of Educational Development and Research (EDR).
I am passionate about my job role which is in developing and mentoring academic staff/ colleagues (i.e. my “students”) in academic practice through using evidence-based research for the higher education sector. My larger life role is to develop policy and practice that can make a difference in people's lives, particularly, those from disadvantaged or marginalised backgrounds.
I like to consider myself as a "wannabe polymath" but this is just a better name for being "Jack of all trades; Master of none". However, to use more complex terminology, I am an eclectic, syncretic pragmatist.
I always have several favourite theories that I like to work with and currently, these are Bandura's social cognitive theory and Ryan and Deci's self-determination theory.
I also have several issues or causes that affect my thinking and the way I position myself. Currently, these issues are on academic mothers (being one myself); disadvantaged young people, mental health and wellbeing, homelessness and refugees.
I am leading a secondary data analysis ESRC project on student wellbeing #StudentWellLives.
Other relevant information
I started my career in higher education as a demonstrator and tutor in mathematics and physics whilst being involved in postgraduate studies. Following my PhD, I became a quantitative analyst/ research assistant on the ESRC Project, The Net Generation: Encountering E-Learning at University where we researched students' use of technology in their first year.
After my stint as a research assistant and before joining the department here in Surrey, I was at the Faculty of Education at Liverpool Hope University where as a lecturer I was involved in a range of teaching as well as supervising masters and EdD students in areas of mathematics and technology education.
I hold a BSc in Physics from the University of Guyana, an MPhil in Industrial Engineering from the University of the West Indies, an MSc in Research Methods from the Open University and a PhD in Educational Technology, also from the Open University. My PhD focused on undergraduate students' metacognitive activities in understanding mathematics when using different modes of software.
I have taught a range of subjects in higher education during my career including physics, operations research/ management science, mathematics/ statistics, research methods, education studies, mathematics education and academic practice.
Random background fact
I was born in Trinidad and Tobago spent my early teenage life in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and transitioned into adult life whilst living in Guyana. Spent a brief time in Trinidad and Tobago as an adult before, coming to the UK - where I have been ever since.
Areas of specialism
University roles and responsibilities
- Head of Educational Development and Research (2020-
- Interim Co-director of the Surrey Institute of Education (2021-2022)
- Programme Leader of the PhD in Higher Education (2017-2023)
- Senior Lecturer in Higher Education (2018-2022)
My qualifications
Previous roles
Tutor (Physics and Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
Affiliations and memberships
In the media
ResearchResearch interests
My research broadly focuses on the investigations of the journeys and pathways of young people and academics in higher education, particularly those who are marginalised because of their intersectional identities. I used both quantitative (longitudinal and secondary data analysis) and qualitative methods (autoethnography and personal narratives).
These are the major areas of research that I have an interest in (with many of them having cross-overs):
Life-course and outcomes of young people: gaming and STEM
A gender gap exists in the physical sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (PSTEM) degrees. There has been considerable anecdotal evidence that suggests linkages between girls who played video games and the likelihood of them pursuing PSTEM degrees. Girls are currently being marginalised as video game players as there is a dominant stereotype of who video game players are/should be. For this reason, girls have a reluctance to take up gaming which may have an association with PSTEM careers.
Funded by the British Academy, my paper (rated 4*/3*) published in one of the premier experimental psychology journals (Computers in Human Behaviour, IF: 5.0), has been able to provide the long-awaited evidence that there was an association between teenage girl gamers and their likelihood of pursuing a PSTEM degree (girls who were heavy gamers were 3 times more likely to pursue a PSTEM degree).
The paper has had international and national media coverage via radio and newspaper and is starting to impact policy initiatives and funding drive.
Building on this work, I've worked with Anna-Stiina Wallinheimo along with our industry partner, Game Academy to understand how gaming may influence careers.
Hosein, A. (2019). Girls' video gaming behaviour and undergraduate degree selection: A secondary data analysis approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 91, 226-235.
Media Impact
- Social Media Coverage: One of the top ten papers in the journal for social media coverage (PLUMX metrics) in 2019. It currently has over 50,000 views on the Lifehacker and over 40000 views on the Reddit websites.
- Media Coverage: I have spoken on radio, for CBS radio (San Francisco), BBC Sussex, BBC Surrey and produced a podcast for Demystifying Tech.
Newspaper Print:
Covered by Reuters and published in printed newspaper internationally.
International Policy Impact
It was one of the primary piece of evidence used for justifying the expansion of the Play to Learn programme by the Ministry of Education in British Columbia (Canada) through a grant of ($230000) to engage students in video gaming (https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2018EDUC0071-002400).
Regularly used by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) and the Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE), as key evidence for preparing position papers to encourage e-sports and girls into ICT and was cited in a speech by the President of Belgium. ISFE recently featured this work as part of their awareness campaign for Girls in ICT Day.
Cited in:
- The impact of the use of social media on women and girls: FEMM Committee: European Parliament, March 2023
- Research for CULT Committee: Esports - Background Analysis. European Parliament. May 2022
- Video Games: More than Just a Game: The Unknown Successes of Latin American and Caribbean Studios: Inter-American Development Bank. September 2019.
- Welsh Conservatives Debate: E-sports. Welsh Parliament. May 2019
Longitudinal Studies and the Life Outcomes of Young People: #StudentWellLives ESRC
There is an increased focus on university students’ mental health but what is unclear is how university environments affect students’ mental health and whether those who go to university are more predisposed to poorer mental health. It is also unclear how students’ different intersectionalities may affect their choice and adaptation to university depending on their mental health. Hence, following my research in 2010 on an ESRC project on the longitudinal study of higher education students’ use of technology; in 2018 on the longitudinal relationship of students’ mathematical achievement and their outcomes; and in 2019 with the success of my paper on teenage girl gamers and their undergraduate degree outcomes; I became particularly interested in life course theory and in understanding how early life issues affect the life outcomes of university students and their university environments.
Together with Kieran Balloo, Nicola Byrom and Cecilia Essau, we wrote a grant focusing on mental health and wellbeing and life outcomes of higher education students. We have partnered with Universities UK and WhatWorks Wellbeing to support the grant. In 2020, as PI, we have been successful in securing an ESRC SDAI grant of £218000 (FEC £270000). The grant runs till the end of June 2022, through which we intend to help raise awareness of mental health amongst university students, as well as developed novice approaches for describing the university environment some of which is chronicled at https://studentwelllives.com.
Key Output
Balloo, K. and Hosein, A. (2021). Modelling mental health inequalities within an intersectional framework. https://studentwelllives.com/2020/12/17/modelling-mental-health-inequalities-within-an-intersectional-framework/
Related outputs
Hosein, A and Harle, J. (2018). The relationship between students’ prior mathematical attainment, knowledge and confidence on their self-assessment accuracy. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 56(1) pp. 32-41
Hosein, A., Ramanau, R., & Jones, C. (2010). Learning and living technologies: A longitudinal study of first-year students' frequency and competence in the use of ICT. Learning, Media and Technology, 35(4), 403-418. doi:10.1080/17439884.2010.529913
Narratives of Transition (Migrant Academics and Leaders)
Whilst ample research has explored the cultural adaptation of migrant (international) academics, there had been limited focus on their pedagogical acculturation/adaptation, despite over a quarter of academic staff in UK universities are migrant academics. In 2014, together with Dr Namrata Rao, we lead a 4-year project on the development of an edited collection published by Bloomsbury on international migrant academics’ personal narratives in their teaching journeys which noted that migrant academics were being marginalised based on their pedagogical knowledge and background. This book led to the development of a series of competitive funded projects (SRHE and SEDA: see Research Grants) uncovering migrant academics’ experiences of transitions in teaching.
This series of research has not only established me as an expert in the area but has provided a much needed focus both internationally and nationally on the needs of supporting international academic staff in their pedagogical acculturation. There has also been contributions to this work from Prof Ian Kinchin, Dr Chloe Shu Hua Yeh and Dr Will Mace.
Following on from this, we have published two books on the narratives of leadership in learning and teaching with contributions from Australia, Singapore, USA, Canada, Brazil and Trinidad.
Key Output
Hosein, A., Rao, N., Shu-Hua Yeh, C. & Kinchin, I. (Eds) (2018). Academics International Teaching Journeys – Personal Narratives Transition in Higher Education. Bloomsbury Academic.
Lang, J., Rao, N., & Hosein, A. (Eds.). (2023). Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Leadership in Higher Education: Case Studies from UK and Australia. Taylor & Francis.
Rao, N., Hosein, A., & Kinchin, I. M. (Eds.). (2023). Narratives of academics’ personal journeys in contested spaces: Leadership identity in learning and teaching in higher education. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Hosein, A., Rao, N., & Kinchin, I. M. (Eds.). (2023). Narratives of becoming leaders in disciplinary and institutional contexts: Leadership identity in learning and teaching in higher education. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Related Outputs
Hosein, A. & Rao, N. (2018). Migrant Academics and their Academic Development Training Needs. Educational Development.
Rao, N., Mace. W., Hosein, A. and Kinchin, I. (2019) “Pedagogic Democracy versus Pedagogic Supremacy: Migrant Academics’ Perspectives”, Teaching in Higher Education 24(5), pp. 599-612
Rao, N. and Hosein, A. (2019) “Towards a more active, embedded and professional approach to the internationalisation of academia”, International Journal of Academic Development 25(4), 375-378.
Kinchin, I., Hosein, A., Rao, N., & Mace, M. W. (2018). Migrant Academics and Professional Learning Gains: Perspectives of the Native Academic. SRHE. London.
Media Knowledge Exchange
University World News (UWN) Lead Story: “Do we provide the right support for migrant academics?” https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20180418093851228
Technology Use of Students and Academics
I am interested in how students and academics use technology for their learning (or teaching). In 2009, as a research assistant on an ESRC project (led by Prof Chris Jones), I was investigating the so-called “net generation” (those born after the 1990s) and their use of technology in their first year of university using a longitudinal study. The research was concerned whether those students who were not from the “net generation” if they were being marginalised because of presumptions that their technology use was different to the net generation because of the era they were born. The research thus focused on looking at the frequency and competences of students’ use of technology. Through a series of papers, we were able to contribute to the debate that there did not exist a generational divide between the so-called “digital natives” and “digital immigrants” but rather the competencies in technology were dependent on the frequency of use. In fact, for learning technologies, the competencies were the same amongst older and younger students at the end of the university year.
Key Outputs
Hosein, A., Ramanau, R., & Jones, C. (2010). Learning and living technologies: A longitudinal study of first-year students' frequency and competence in the use of ICT. Learning, Media and Technology, 35(4), 403-418. doi:10.1080/17439884.2010.529913 (IF: 3.175 Citations: 75)
Jones, C., & Hosein, A. (2010). Profiling university students' use of technology: Where is the net generation divide? The International Journal of Technology Knowledge and Society, 6(3), 43-58. (Citations: 52)
Ramanau, R., Hosein, A., & Jones, C. (2010). Learning and living technologies: A longitudinal study of first-year students’ expectations and experiences in the use of ICT. In L. Dirckinck-Holmfeld, V. Hodgson, C. Jones, M. de Laat, D. McConnell, & T. Ryberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Networked Learning 2010. (pp. 627–634). Lancaster: Lancaster University. (Citations: 36)
Further, the outputs from this project are contributing to the understanding by practitioners and public users on how students use technology as the research is cited in a number of technology handbooks and were quoted by Sir John Daniel (President of the Commonwealth of Learning) in his speech “Higher Education in a Decade of Disruption”.
Early Career Academics’ Transitions and Journeys
Early Career Academics (ECAs) are situated within a precarious higher education landscape. In 2014, I started investigating in my role as an academic developer, the support that professional development programmes (PDP) provide to ECAs in developing their career. It became clear that ECAs needed PDPs to build networks and create supportive structures, and PDPs that were interdisciplinary afforded this. The PDPs allowed ECAs to build sufficient social and academic capital to enable them to negotiate the precarity they faced. Part of this work was published in the premier journal in this field, the International Journal of Academic Development, where it was the “Runner-up for paper of the year” and was assessed as 4*/3* in the REF exercise. Building on this work, I went on to secure funding as PI from the Association of Learning Developing in HE (ALDinHE), where we explored particularly the experiences of Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) who had the support of PDPs and those who did not. This has impacted the PDP programme at the University of Surrey by ensuring that PDPs were available to GTAs and were interdisciplinary.
In this work, I have collaborated with Bart Rienties, Rille Raaper and Namrata Rao.
Key Outputs
Rienties, B., & Hosein, A. (2015). Unpacking (in)formal learning in an academic development programme: A mixed-method social network perspective. International Journal for Academic Development, 20(2), 163-177. (Runner-up for paper of the year)
Related Outputs
Rao, N., Hosein, A., & Raaper, R. (2021). Doctoral students navigating the borderlands of academic teaching in an era of precarity. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-17.
Rienties, B., & Hosein, A. (2020). Complex transitions of early-career academics (ECA): a mixed-method study of with whom ECA develop and maintain new networks. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 5, p. 137).
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
This covers a wide range of areas and issues in higher education, but I am interested in using particularly socio-psychological theories to explore pedagogy (learning and teaching).
Learning and Teaching in STEM
During my PhD, I investigated how students learn mathematics using different types of software depending on their confidence.
Recently, working with academics in Turkey, we investigated how the Syrian conflict-affected students learning of mathematics.
Key Outputs
Coleman, P., & Hosein, A. (2023). Using voluntary laboratory simulations as preparatory tasks to improve conceptual knowledge and engagement. European Journal of Engineering Education, 48(5), pp. 899-912.
Omaish, H. A., Hosein, A., Abdullah, M. U., & Aldershewi, A. (2021). University lecturer's perceptions on the causes of students’ mathematical knowledge gaps in conflict zones. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2, 100095.
Hosein, A., & Harle, J. (2018). The Vulnerability of a Small Discipline and Its Search for Appropriate Pedagogy: The Case of Medical Physics. In Pedagogical Peculiarities (pp. 69-85). Brill.
Hosein, A., Aczel, J., Clow, D. and Richardson, J.T.E. (2008). Comparison of black-box, glass-box and open-box software for aiding conceptual understanding. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 32), 17-21 Jul 2008, Morelia, Mexico.
Research Methods Pedagogy
In a series of work with Namrata Rao, we investigated how students are able to learn research methods and the impact this has on their researcher identity.
Key Outputs
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2019). The acculturation and engagement of undergraduate students in scientific thinking through research methods. In Redefining Scientific Thinking for Higher Education (pp. 157-175). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2017). Students’ reflective essays as insights into student centred-pedagogies within the undergraduate research methods curriculum. Teaching in Higher Education, 22(1), 109-125.
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2012). Students' conception of research and its relationship to employability. In the 8th International Conference in Education (ICE). Samos, Greece.
Pedagogical Implications
In this series of work with a variety of authors, I've worked across different disciplines and different issues in higher education, to consider the implications for teaching practice particularly around issues of marginalisation and diversity.
Key Outputs
Heron, M., Dippold, D., Hosein, A., Khan Sullivan, A., Aksit, T., Aksit, N., ... & McKeown, K. (2021). Talking about talk: tutor and student expectations of oracy skills in higher education. Language and Education, 1-16.
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2020). Academic diversity and its implications for teaching and learning. In Understanding Contemporary Issues in Higher Education (pp. 65-78). Routledge.
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2019). International Student Voice (s)—Where and What Are They?. In Engaging Student Voices in Higher Education (pp. 71-87). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Hosein, A. (2017). Pedagogic frailty and the research-teaching nexus. In Pedagogic frailty and resilience in the university (pp. 135-149). Brill Sense.
Timus, N., Cebotari, V., & Hosein, A. (2016). Innovating teaching and learning of European Studies: Mapping existing provisions and pathways. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 12(2).
Research projects
The Student Wellbeing & Life Outcomes Project, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), investigates the mental health, wellbeing, and life outcomes (education and employment) of young people, with a particular focus on those who enter higher education.
In this project using secondary data analysis from the LSYPE/ Next Steps project, we are looking to:
- Reduce the evidence gap on how the mental health and wellbeing of adolescents affect their transitions into higher education and their life outcomes after graduating.
- Create information for policymakers (such as government, universities and charities) to implement suitable policies and practices that can enhance mental health and wellbeing outcomes.
- Determine whether any findings vary based on individuals’ social characteristics (particularly the intersectionality of social characteristics, such as differences between white male students and black male students).
The project runs from Jul 2020 to June 2022. I lead this project with a team of Co-Investigators: Kieran Balloo (now at USQ), Nicola Byrom (KCL) and Cecilia Essau (Roehampton).
ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility: Pedagogic Research CollaborationsIn this project funded by ERASMUS+, pedagogical development and collaborations would be explored between academic teaching staff from the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) and the University of Surrey (UoS). We are expecting the exchange to be around 8 staff from UTT and 4 staff from UoS.
I am the lead technical coordinator from the UoS.
Due to delays from Covid, this project is now running from September 2021 to July 2023.
GameAcademy: Link between gaming and careersIn this project, led by Anna-Stiina Wallinheimo, we are working with GameAcademy to determine if there is a link between the types of games people play and their careers. We are using a secondary data set of games that people play.
This project ran from March to October 2021.
With globalisation there has been an increase in cross-border travel of skilled workforces (including academics within Higher Education (HE). Nearly 28% of academics working in the UK HE sector come from other countries. The presence of immigrant academics may offer pedagogic opportunities and challenges not only for themselves but also for their students, colleagues, the HEIs and the HE sector in general. In spite of increased academic mobility, the challenges that may be faced by immigrant academics and adaptations that they may make in their new work environments have been relatively under-researched. Whilst there is a body of literature capturing the experiences of migrant/international students, the research on the experiences of international academics moving to work on a long-term/permanent basis has been limited. The immigrant academics in their new environment may encounter some differences in the pedagogic culture they have experienced in their own learning and teaching journeys in the countries they have been educated and the universities they teach in the UK. This may inhibit/influence their professional practice and development in their new pedagogic context. The study explores the factors which influence the pedagogic practice of immigrants in foreign contexts.
Related papers:
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2018). Migrant academics and their academic development training needs. Educational Developments, 19(1).
SRHE funded: Migrant Academics and Professional Learning Gains: Perspectives of the Native Academics This SRHE-funded study addresses an important gap in the internationalisation of the higher education research - that of the pedagogic impact of international staff on the professional practice of the native academic in their host institutions who work alongside those migrant academics. Previous research on academic migration has largely focussed on the experiences of the migrant/ mobile academic and their acculturation. This research, on the contrary, focuses on the possible professional gains/non-gains of academic migration on the professional practice of the native academic in the host institutions.
The aim of this research was to investigate and assess the impact of the four guidance documents for higher education providers published by QAA in August 2013. The intention of the guidance (which was the product of extensive consultation with sector organisations) was to offer support to providers in making detailed and transparent information available to current and prospective students, particularly in relation to informing student choice.
The study examines how the online information differs, taking account of the following factors:
- discipline differences
- size of the institution
- students' perception of the programme quality (as denoted by Question 22 of the National Students' Survey (NSS).
The overarching research question, to be explored through the use of documentary surveys of 38 university websites and interviews with eight universities, was:
To what extent have various HEIs used the guidance documents to disseminate relevant information to prospective students?
The results revealed a variation in the extent of information present on class size, student workload and teaching qualifications, in relation to discipline differences, the size of the institution, and students' perception of the quality of the programmes.
Related papers
Rao, N., & Hosein, A. (2017). The limits of HEI websites as sources of learning and teaching information for prospective students: a survey of professional staff. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education. 21(1). pp. 4-10
ESRC UKDS DataRelatorDevelopment of a prototype for building a Recommender System.
British Academy: Investigation of the factors that influence a student's choice to study a STEM subject: a longitudinal data analysisRecently, in the BBC, Sir James Dyson indicated that his company found it difficult to fill science and engineering posts with British graduates. The main reason for this is that students are not choosing to do a science, technology, engineering or
mathematics (STEM) degree. However, the choice of doing a STEM degree occurs earlier in a student’s life when they choose their GCSE and A-level subjects. The reasons for why a student chooses to do a STEM subject are unclear. One way of understanding these choices is to use data collected from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE) which ran from 2004- 2010. The LSYPE recorded students’ subject choices and their reasons each year from the time they were 13-14 years old. Using students’ socioeconomic data such as gender, household income, school type; the study will model what factors influenced students’ choices. I will be working alongside Alice Sullivan from the Department of Quantitative Social Science at the Institute of Education who has expertise in analysing and modelling longitudinal data including LSPYE.
Related papers
Hosein, A. (2019). Girls' video gaming behaviour and undergraduate degree selection: A secondary data analysis approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 91, 226-235.
The aim of the research was to conduct a literature search and review academic sources such as course outlines, conference and course blogs, and conference presentations/publications that included information on the assessment of research methods at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The project sought to gather information on academic practice from around the world. Further, the project aimed to use a framework to evaluate the assessments in terms of their likely effectiveness and provide parameters for developing new approaches.
Indicators of esteem
Member of the ESRC Peer Review College
Research interests
My research broadly focuses on the investigations of the journeys and pathways of young people and academics in higher education, particularly those who are marginalised because of their intersectional identities. I used both quantitative (longitudinal and secondary data analysis) and qualitative methods (autoethnography and personal narratives).
These are the major areas of research that I have an interest in (with many of them having cross-overs):
Life-course and outcomes of young people: gaming and STEM
A gender gap exists in the physical sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (PSTEM) degrees. There has been considerable anecdotal evidence that suggests linkages between girls who played video games and the likelihood of them pursuing PSTEM degrees. Girls are currently being marginalised as video game players as there is a dominant stereotype of who video game players are/should be. For this reason, girls have a reluctance to take up gaming which may have an association with PSTEM careers.
Funded by the British Academy, my paper (rated 4*/3*) published in one of the premier experimental psychology journals (Computers in Human Behaviour, IF: 5.0), has been able to provide the long-awaited evidence that there was an association between teenage girl gamers and their likelihood of pursuing a PSTEM degree (girls who were heavy gamers were 3 times more likely to pursue a PSTEM degree).
The paper has had international and national media coverage via radio and newspaper and is starting to impact policy initiatives and funding drive.
Building on this work, I've worked with Anna-Stiina Wallinheimo along with our industry partner, Game Academy to understand how gaming may influence careers.
Hosein, A. (2019). Girls' video gaming behaviour and undergraduate degree selection: A secondary data analysis approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 91, 226-235.
Media Impact
- Social Media Coverage: One of the top ten papers in the journal for social media coverage (PLUMX metrics) in 2019. It currently has over 50,000 views on the Lifehacker and over 40000 views on the Reddit websites.
- Media Coverage: I have spoken on radio, for CBS radio (San Francisco), BBC Sussex, BBC Surrey and produced a podcast for Demystifying Tech.
Newspaper Print:
Covered by Reuters and published in printed newspaper internationally.
International Policy Impact
It was one of the primary piece of evidence used for justifying the expansion of the Play to Learn programme by the Ministry of Education in British Columbia (Canada) through a grant of ($230000) to engage students in video gaming (https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2018EDUC0071-002400).
Regularly used by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) and the Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE), as key evidence for preparing position papers to encourage e-sports and girls into ICT and was cited in a speech by the President of Belgium. ISFE recently featured this work as part of their awareness campaign for Girls in ICT Day.
Cited in:
- The impact of the use of social media on women and girls: FEMM Committee: European Parliament, March 2023
- Research for CULT Committee: Esports - Background Analysis. European Parliament. May 2022
- Video Games: More than Just a Game: The Unknown Successes of Latin American and Caribbean Studios: Inter-American Development Bank. September 2019.
- Welsh Conservatives Debate: E-sports. Welsh Parliament. May 2019
Longitudinal Studies and the Life Outcomes of Young People: #StudentWellLives ESRC
There is an increased focus on university students’ mental health but what is unclear is how university environments affect students’ mental health and whether those who go to university are more predisposed to poorer mental health. It is also unclear how students’ different intersectionalities may affect their choice and adaptation to university depending on their mental health. Hence, following my research in 2010 on an ESRC project on the longitudinal study of higher education students’ use of technology; in 2018 on the longitudinal relationship of students’ mathematical achievement and their outcomes; and in 2019 with the success of my paper on teenage girl gamers and their undergraduate degree outcomes; I became particularly interested in life course theory and in understanding how early life issues affect the life outcomes of university students and their university environments.
Together with Kieran Balloo, Nicola Byrom and Cecilia Essau, we wrote a grant focusing on mental health and wellbeing and life outcomes of higher education students. We have partnered with Universities UK and WhatWorks Wellbeing to support the grant. In 2020, as PI, we have been successful in securing an ESRC SDAI grant of £218000 (FEC £270000). The grant runs till the end of June 2022, through which we intend to help raise awareness of mental health amongst university students, as well as developed novice approaches for describing the university environment some of which is chronicled at https://studentwelllives.com.
Key Output
Balloo, K. and Hosein, A. (2021). Modelling mental health inequalities within an intersectional framework. https://studentwelllives.com/2020/12/17/modelling-mental-health-inequalities-within-an-intersectional-framework/
Related outputs
Hosein, A and Harle, J. (2018). The relationship between students’ prior mathematical attainment, knowledge and confidence on their self-assessment accuracy. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 56(1) pp. 32-41
Hosein, A., Ramanau, R., & Jones, C. (2010). Learning and living technologies: A longitudinal study of first-year students' frequency and competence in the use of ICT. Learning, Media and Technology, 35(4), 403-418. doi:10.1080/17439884.2010.529913
Narratives of Transition (Migrant Academics and Leaders)
Whilst ample research has explored the cultural adaptation of migrant (international) academics, there had been limited focus on their pedagogical acculturation/adaptation, despite over a quarter of academic staff in UK universities are migrant academics. In 2014, together with Dr Namrata Rao, we lead a 4-year project on the development of an edited collection published by Bloomsbury on international migrant academics’ personal narratives in their teaching journeys which noted that migrant academics were being marginalised based on their pedagogical knowledge and background. This book led to the development of a series of competitive funded projects (SRHE and SEDA: see Research Grants) uncovering migrant academics’ experiences of transitions in teaching.
This series of research has not only established me as an expert in the area but has provided a much needed focus both internationally and nationally on the needs of supporting international academic staff in their pedagogical acculturation. There has also been contributions to this work from Prof Ian Kinchin, Dr Chloe Shu Hua Yeh and Dr Will Mace.
Following on from this, we have published two books on the narratives of leadership in learning and teaching with contributions from Australia, Singapore, USA, Canada, Brazil and Trinidad.
Key Output
Hosein, A., Rao, N., Shu-Hua Yeh, C. & Kinchin, I. (Eds) (2018). Academics International Teaching Journeys – Personal Narratives Transition in Higher Education. Bloomsbury Academic.
Lang, J., Rao, N., & Hosein, A. (Eds.). (2023). Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Leadership in Higher Education: Case Studies from UK and Australia. Taylor & Francis.
Rao, N., Hosein, A., & Kinchin, I. M. (Eds.). (2023). Narratives of academics’ personal journeys in contested spaces: Leadership identity in learning and teaching in higher education. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Hosein, A., Rao, N., & Kinchin, I. M. (Eds.). (2023). Narratives of becoming leaders in disciplinary and institutional contexts: Leadership identity in learning and teaching in higher education. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Related Outputs
Hosein, A. & Rao, N. (2018). Migrant Academics and their Academic Development Training Needs. Educational Development.
Rao, N., Mace. W., Hosein, A. and Kinchin, I. (2019) “Pedagogic Democracy versus Pedagogic Supremacy: Migrant Academics’ Perspectives”, Teaching in Higher Education 24(5), pp. 599-612
Rao, N. and Hosein, A. (2019) “Towards a more active, embedded and professional approach to the internationalisation of academia”, International Journal of Academic Development 25(4), 375-378.
Kinchin, I., Hosein, A., Rao, N., & Mace, M. W. (2018). Migrant Academics and Professional Learning Gains: Perspectives of the Native Academic. SRHE. London.
Media Knowledge Exchange
University World News (UWN) Lead Story: “Do we provide the right support for migrant academics?” https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20180418093851228
Technology Use of Students and Academics
I am interested in how students and academics use technology for their learning (or teaching). In 2009, as a research assistant on an ESRC project (led by Prof Chris Jones), I was investigating the so-called “net generation” (those born after the 1990s) and their use of technology in their first year of university using a longitudinal study. The research was concerned whether those students who were not from the “net generation” if they were being marginalised because of presumptions that their technology use was different to the net generation because of the era they were born. The research thus focused on looking at the frequency and competences of students’ use of technology. Through a series of papers, we were able to contribute to the debate that there did not exist a generational divide between the so-called “digital natives” and “digital immigrants” but rather the competencies in technology were dependent on the frequency of use. In fact, for learning technologies, the competencies were the same amongst older and younger students at the end of the university year.
Key Outputs
Hosein, A., Ramanau, R., & Jones, C. (2010). Learning and living technologies: A longitudinal study of first-year students' frequency and competence in the use of ICT. Learning, Media and Technology, 35(4), 403-418. doi:10.1080/17439884.2010.529913 (IF: 3.175 Citations: 75)
Jones, C., & Hosein, A. (2010). Profiling university students' use of technology: Where is the net generation divide? The International Journal of Technology Knowledge and Society, 6(3), 43-58. (Citations: 52)
Ramanau, R., Hosein, A., & Jones, C. (2010). Learning and living technologies: A longitudinal study of first-year students’ expectations and experiences in the use of ICT. In L. Dirckinck-Holmfeld, V. Hodgson, C. Jones, M. de Laat, D. McConnell, & T. Ryberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Networked Learning 2010. (pp. 627–634). Lancaster: Lancaster University. (Citations: 36)
Further, the outputs from this project are contributing to the understanding by practitioners and public users on how students use technology as the research is cited in a number of technology handbooks and were quoted by Sir John Daniel (President of the Commonwealth of Learning) in his speech “Higher Education in a Decade of Disruption”.
Early Career Academics’ Transitions and Journeys
Early Career Academics (ECAs) are situated within a precarious higher education landscape. In 2014, I started investigating in my role as an academic developer, the support that professional development programmes (PDP) provide to ECAs in developing their career. It became clear that ECAs needed PDPs to build networks and create supportive structures, and PDPs that were interdisciplinary afforded this. The PDPs allowed ECAs to build sufficient social and academic capital to enable them to negotiate the precarity they faced. Part of this work was published in the premier journal in this field, the International Journal of Academic Development, where it was the “Runner-up for paper of the year” and was assessed as 4*/3* in the REF exercise. Building on this work, I went on to secure funding as PI from the Association of Learning Developing in HE (ALDinHE), where we explored particularly the experiences of Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) who had the support of PDPs and those who did not. This has impacted the PDP programme at the University of Surrey by ensuring that PDPs were available to GTAs and were interdisciplinary.
In this work, I have collaborated with Bart Rienties, Rille Raaper and Namrata Rao.
Key Outputs
Rienties, B., & Hosein, A. (2015). Unpacking (in)formal learning in an academic development programme: A mixed-method social network perspective. International Journal for Academic Development, 20(2), 163-177. (Runner-up for paper of the year)
Related Outputs
Rao, N., Hosein, A., & Raaper, R. (2021). Doctoral students navigating the borderlands of academic teaching in an era of precarity. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-17.
Rienties, B., & Hosein, A. (2020). Complex transitions of early-career academics (ECA): a mixed-method study of with whom ECA develop and maintain new networks. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 5, p. 137).
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
This covers a wide range of areas and issues in higher education, but I am interested in using particularly socio-psychological theories to explore pedagogy (learning and teaching).
Learning and Teaching in STEM
During my PhD, I investigated how students learn mathematics using different types of software depending on their confidence.
Recently, working with academics in Turkey, we investigated how the Syrian conflict-affected students learning of mathematics.
Key Outputs
Coleman, P., & Hosein, A. (2023). Using voluntary laboratory simulations as preparatory tasks to improve conceptual knowledge and engagement. European Journal of Engineering Education, 48(5), pp. 899-912.
Omaish, H. A., Hosein, A., Abdullah, M. U., & Aldershewi, A. (2021). University lecturer's perceptions on the causes of students’ mathematical knowledge gaps in conflict zones. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2, 100095.
Hosein, A., & Harle, J. (2018). The Vulnerability of a Small Discipline and Its Search for Appropriate Pedagogy: The Case of Medical Physics. In Pedagogical Peculiarities (pp. 69-85). Brill.
Hosein, A., Aczel, J., Clow, D. and Richardson, J.T.E. (2008). Comparison of black-box, glass-box and open-box software for aiding conceptual understanding. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 32), 17-21 Jul 2008, Morelia, Mexico.
Research Methods Pedagogy
In a series of work with Namrata Rao, we investigated how students are able to learn research methods and the impact this has on their researcher identity.
Key Outputs
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2019). The acculturation and engagement of undergraduate students in scientific thinking through research methods. In Redefining Scientific Thinking for Higher Education (pp. 157-175). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2017). Students’ reflective essays as insights into student centred-pedagogies within the undergraduate research methods curriculum. Teaching in Higher Education, 22(1), 109-125.
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2012). Students' conception of research and its relationship to employability. In the 8th International Conference in Education (ICE). Samos, Greece.
Pedagogical Implications
In this series of work with a variety of authors, I've worked across different disciplines and different issues in higher education, to consider the implications for teaching practice particularly around issues of marginalisation and diversity.
Key Outputs
Heron, M., Dippold, D., Hosein, A., Khan Sullivan, A., Aksit, T., Aksit, N., ... & McKeown, K. (2021). Talking about talk: tutor and student expectations of oracy skills in higher education. Language and Education, 1-16.
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2020). Academic diversity and its implications for teaching and learning. In Understanding Contemporary Issues in Higher Education (pp. 65-78). Routledge.
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2019). International Student Voice (s)—Where and What Are They?. In Engaging Student Voices in Higher Education (pp. 71-87). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Hosein, A. (2017). Pedagogic frailty and the research-teaching nexus. In Pedagogic frailty and resilience in the university (pp. 135-149). Brill Sense.
Timus, N., Cebotari, V., & Hosein, A. (2016). Innovating teaching and learning of European Studies: Mapping existing provisions and pathways. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 12(2).
Research projects
The Student Wellbeing & Life Outcomes Project, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), investigates the mental health, wellbeing, and life outcomes (education and employment) of young people, with a particular focus on those who enter higher education.
In this project using secondary data analysis from the LSYPE/ Next Steps project, we are looking to:
- Reduce the evidence gap on how the mental health and wellbeing of adolescents affect their transitions into higher education and their life outcomes after graduating.
- Create information for policymakers (such as government, universities and charities) to implement suitable policies and practices that can enhance mental health and wellbeing outcomes.
- Determine whether any findings vary based on individuals’ social characteristics (particularly the intersectionality of social characteristics, such as differences between white male students and black male students).
The project runs from Jul 2020 to June 2022. I lead this project with a team of Co-Investigators: Kieran Balloo (now at USQ), Nicola Byrom (KCL) and Cecilia Essau (Roehampton).
In this project funded by ERASMUS+, pedagogical development and collaborations would be explored between academic teaching staff from the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) and the University of Surrey (UoS). We are expecting the exchange to be around 8 staff from UTT and 4 staff from UoS.
I am the lead technical coordinator from the UoS.
Due to delays from Covid, this project is now running from September 2021 to July 2023.
In this project, led by Anna-Stiina Wallinheimo, we are working with GameAcademy to determine if there is a link between the types of games people play and their careers. We are using a secondary data set of games that people play.
This project ran from March to October 2021.
With globalisation there has been an increase in cross-border travel of skilled workforces (including academics within Higher Education (HE). Nearly 28% of academics working in the UK HE sector come from other countries. The presence of immigrant academics may offer pedagogic opportunities and challenges not only for themselves but also for their students, colleagues, the HEIs and the HE sector in general. In spite of increased academic mobility, the challenges that may be faced by immigrant academics and adaptations that they may make in their new work environments have been relatively under-researched. Whilst there is a body of literature capturing the experiences of migrant/international students, the research on the experiences of international academics moving to work on a long-term/permanent basis has been limited. The immigrant academics in their new environment may encounter some differences in the pedagogic culture they have experienced in their own learning and teaching journeys in the countries they have been educated and the universities they teach in the UK. This may inhibit/influence their professional practice and development in their new pedagogic context. The study explores the factors which influence the pedagogic practice of immigrants in foreign contexts.
Related papers:
Hosein, A., & Rao, N. (2018). Migrant academics and their academic development training needs. Educational Developments, 19(1).
This SRHE-funded study addresses an important gap in the internationalisation of the higher education research - that of the pedagogic impact of international staff on the professional practice of the native academic in their host institutions who work alongside those migrant academics. Previous research on academic migration has largely focussed on the experiences of the migrant/ mobile academic and their acculturation. This research, on the contrary, focuses on the possible professional gains/non-gains of academic migration on the professional practice of the native academic in the host institutions.
The aim of this research was to investigate and assess the impact of the four guidance documents for higher education providers published by QAA in August 2013. The intention of the guidance (which was the product of extensive consultation with sector organisations) was to offer support to providers in making detailed and transparent information available to current and prospective students, particularly in relation to informing student choice.
The study examines how the online information differs, taking account of the following factors:
- discipline differences
- size of the institution
- students' perception of the programme quality (as denoted by Question 22 of the National Students' Survey (NSS).
The overarching research question, to be explored through the use of documentary surveys of 38 university websites and interviews with eight universities, was:
To what extent have various HEIs used the guidance documents to disseminate relevant information to prospective students?
The results revealed a variation in the extent of information present on class size, student workload and teaching qualifications, in relation to discipline differences, the size of the institution, and students' perception of the quality of the programmes.
Related papers
Rao, N., & Hosein, A. (2017). The limits of HEI websites as sources of learning and teaching information for prospective students: a survey of professional staff. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education. 21(1). pp. 4-10
Development of a prototype for building a Recommender System.
Recently, in the BBC, Sir James Dyson indicated that his company found it difficult to fill science and engineering posts with British graduates. The main reason for this is that students are not choosing to do a science, technology, engineering or
mathematics (STEM) degree. However, the choice of doing a STEM degree occurs earlier in a student’s life when they choose their GCSE and A-level subjects. The reasons for why a student chooses to do a STEM subject are unclear. One way of understanding these choices is to use data collected from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE) which ran from 2004- 2010. The LSYPE recorded students’ subject choices and their reasons each year from the time they were 13-14 years old. Using students’ socioeconomic data such as gender, household income, school type; the study will model what factors influenced students’ choices. I will be working alongside Alice Sullivan from the Department of Quantitative Social Science at the Institute of Education who has expertise in analysing and modelling longitudinal data including LSPYE.
Related papers
Hosein, A. (2019). Girls' video gaming behaviour and undergraduate degree selection: A secondary data analysis approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 91, 226-235.
The aim of the research was to conduct a literature search and review academic sources such as course outlines, conference and course blogs, and conference presentations/publications that included information on the assessment of research methods at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The project sought to gather information on academic practice from around the world. Further, the project aimed to use a framework to evaluate the assessments in terms of their likely effectiveness and provide parameters for developing new approaches.
Indicators of esteem
Member of the ESRC Peer Review College
Postgraduate research supervision
I am interested in supervising students from a range of higher education areas particularly on the themes I listed under my research. I have a particular interest in research that addresses marginalisation and diversity. I am a cross and inter-disciplinarian with a mixed research methods background.
Current doctoral researchers
- Samaher Aljabri: An Investigation into the Factors Affecting Self-Regulation of Intentional Vocabulary Learning among Saudi EFL Learners
- Olufunke Ayoola: Encouraging Young Women into STEM in Higher Education (particular focus on Mathematics)
- Anne-Marie Cundy: Ways of Knowing: Multi-modality in Violin practice
- Heba Himdi: The Impact of Instructors’ Non-Verbal Behaviour on EFL Students’ Speaking Anxiety
- Mali Gunter: Investigating the effectiveness of educational technology in boosting the socio-educational outcomes of young, urban males from disadvantaged backgrounds.
- Yasmeen Malik: Does professional socialisation, professional identity formation and personal identity shape the BAME therapeutic radiography students’ clinical experience. Trying to ‘fit in’, or ‘fighting’ to belong.
- Dina Mousawa: The Role of Using Mobile Assisted Language Learning to promote EFL Female University Learners’ Autonomy in the ELI at KAU
- Roaa Niazi: An Investigation into Culturally Situated Understanding of Well-being: Mental Well-being Conceptualisation in Saudi Arabia
- Parvathy Panicker: What is the role of passion and perseverance in MOOC retention
- Amira Saleh: Investigating EFL Enjoyment and EFL Anxiety Effects on ESP writing Skills: Does Emotions matter?
- Bianca Sanfilippo: Students’ Experiences: Neoliberal expectations and students’ mental health in British Higher Education
- Asif Soofi: Challenges to teaching values: Exploring the effect of changing national context on the professional identity of international academics teaching in UK universities
- Bettina Teegen: Black African International Doctoral Students and Acculturation in the US: A Qualitative Study
- Beyza Ucar: Investigating the effects of online argumentation skills scaffolding on pre-service teachers’ argumentation skills, knowledge, and attitudes.
- Junyi Zhou: A comparative study between the speaking test in Pre-sessional Programs (PSPs) and IELTS in terms of authenticity
- Janice Ansine (The Open University): Exploring citizen science learning journeys: a case study of iSpotnature.org
Past doctoral researchers
- Adeeba Ahmad: Exploring the influence of Mandarin learning and teaching among students' and teachers' intercultural citizenship development in Pakistani Higher Education
- Hanaa Al-Ghamdi: An Investigation into the Role of Teachers in Promoting EFL Students’ Willingness to Communicate in Online Virtual Classes
- Sinead Cameron (Liverpool Hope University): The impact of setting in comparison to mixed ability grouping in primary mathematics upon pupils’ mathematical attainment and mathematical self-perception.
- Raniah Kabooha: The Effects of Integrating Humorous Video Tasks into English Language Instruction on EFL Learners' Task Motivation and Receptive and Productive Vocabulary Performance
- Jacob Solomon (The Open University): An investigation into the efficacy of online delivery of pre-university programs as exemplified by the Pamoja Education model.
- Joan Rigg (Liverpool Hope University): How is Year 4 pupils’ performance on three types of word problems influenced by their mathematical self-constructs, self-explanation and metacognitive behaviours?
- Wei Zhang: Goals and motivation: A study investigating the well-being of higher vocational education students in China
Past Masters Researchers
- Vicky Milligan: The impact of work placements on professional and student identity of BSc Accounting and Finance students at the University of Surrey and transition to final year studies
- Irina Niculescu: Digital education and learning design during the Covid-19 pandemic– what factors can influence the development of early-career academics’ design and teaching practices?
- Emma Waight: Doctoral writing as relational practice: materialities and timescapes
- Victoria Anderson: Special Education Needs Children Learning Mathematics with ICT in Primary Schools.
- Alan McCarthy: Is a Facebook Friend a Real Friend?
My teaching philosophy is based largely on educational psychology principles. I draw heavily from the work of Marton & Säljö (1976) who described students approaches to learning as being either deep (building and trying to relate concepts) or surface (memorising and reproducing work). My teaching, therefore, tends to involve trying to encourage students to take a deep approach to learning by building their conceptual knowledge or relational understanding (Skemp, 1986). I do this by encouraging students' to use metacognitive strategies such as self-explanations (Chi, Bassok, Lewis, Reimann, & Glaser, 1989) together with evaluative reflections.
Chi, M. T. H., Bassok, M., Lewis, M. W., Reimann, P., & Glaser, R. (1989). Self-explanations: how students study and use examples in learning to solve problems. Cognitive Science, 13(2), 145-182.
Marton, F., & Säljö, R. (1976). On qualitative differences in learning I. Outcome and process. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 46(1), 4-11.
Skemp, R. R. (1986). The Psychology of Learning Mathematics (2nd Edition ed.). London, UK: Penguin Books Ltd.
Courses I teach on
I currently teach on:
- Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching (currently on teach-out) - accredited at AFHEA and FHEA level
- Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education - accredited at AFHEA and FHEA level
- MA in Higher Education (online and distance learning)
I am the module leader for the following Masters modules:
Developmental coordination disorder (DCD/Dyspraxia) is a commonly misunderstood and under-recognized specific learning difficulty (SpLD) in educational settings. This lifelong condition affects fine and gross motor coordination and significantly interferes with many activities of daily living, academic achievement, and employment opportunities. However, most Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are unaware of its prevalence within their context, even though 5% of the general population have DCD and the enrolment of students in UK Higher Education with a known disability has increased by 42.4% between 2018 and 2023. Thus, understanding the lived experiences of students with DCD within Higher Education in the UK remains a considerable gap in knowledge. Through the use of focus groups, the lived experiences of 10 students with DCD at two UK HEIs were investigated. The thematic analysis identified four main themes: 'Awareness of DCD', 'Participation in Higher Education for individuals with DCD', 'Wellbeing', and 'Everyday living'. Students shared that HEIs appeared to lack awareness of DCD and felt they had an inability to specify the correct support at university. Importantly, whilst the students in the study were not always confident in identifying the specific support they needed, they shared the strategies they used to aid their university experience. The students described the physical toll that many everyday living tasks can take, which subsequently negatively impact academic participation and wellbeing. On a positive note, many of the students discussed positive experiences at university, such as enjoying their own autonomy (and flexibility) to be independent and inform strategies for their own learning. Importantly, the findings from this work highlight the complexity and heterogeneity of DCD and the need for a tailored approach to supporting individuals with this condition. Given the importance of educational qualifications to enter the workplace, and the contribution of employment to quality of life, these findings help signpost areas where HEIs can improve the experiences of students with DCD that may also enhance academic success.
Recent evidence suggests that adolescents with mental health issues are more likely to go on to attend university. Reasons for this point to academic pressures that may cause mental distress potentially being greater for those who plan to attend university. We aimed to investigate this hypothesis further by examining whether the extent to which mental distress is elevated relates to the selectivity of university that young people go on to attend. Logistic regression analyses were performed on survey responses from a nationally representative data set. Young people going on to more selective universities had elevated levels of mental distress at 15 and 17. By age 25, symptoms were no longer elevated for those who had attended either type of university. We argue that additional support needs to be provided during times that adolescents complete qualifications they perceive as being high-stakes.
Despite many years of successful widening participation initiatives, equity gaps in education and employment outcomes persist. Societal systems of oppression and marginalisation mean that individuals are treated differently based on their social characteristics, but it is not clear whether inequalities in graduate outcomes are also influenced by the environment of the university attended. Drawing on life course theory, we investigated this further. Using national university statistics data, we clustered universities with similar social and cultural environments into profiles. We then linked these environmental profiles with a longitudinal cohort data set to determine whether different university environments might predict differences in education and employment outcomes. The results indicated that associations between young people’s social characteristics and their outcomes are not uniform across all universities; they appear to be dependent on their university environment. This research emphasises a need for new policies that address education and employment inequalities within certain universities.
Background/context. Recent evidence indicates that adolescents experiencing mental distress might be more likely to go on to attend university than those with no symptoms of distress (Lewis et al., 2021). One explanation for this is that future university students might experience greater academic pressures than their peers, which results in heightened mental distress (Lewis et al., 2021; Luthar et al., 2020). However, the mechanisms behind such pressures are unclear. The initiative/practice. In this study, we anticipated that mental distress (consisting of anxiety/depressive symptoms, social dysfunction, and loss of confidence) experienced by future university students might be specifically due to the high-stakes qualifications needed for university admission. Drawing on social comparison theory (Festinger, 1954), we theorised that future university students might make upward social comparisons with peers who they anticipate will perform better than them, and that this causes mental distress. Methods of evaluative data collection and analysis. We conducted logistic regression analyses of longitudinal panel survey data from a population-representative cohort of approximately 8000 young people. Evidence of outcomes and effectiveness. Our analyses confirmed that high-stakes qualifications appeared to be the underlying mechanism causing mental distress. Adolescents with greater mental distress were more likely to attend university in general, as well as attend a more academically selective university. Mental distress symptoms were also greater for those who planned to apply for university, but did not actually attend. By age 25, symptoms were, on the most part, no longer elevated for those who attended, or had planned to attend, university. We argue for a need to target interventions at times when adolescents undertake high-stakes qualifications at school and university.
Earlier last year (April 2018), the UK Office for Students (OfS) noted that students from underrepresented groups such as black and minority ethnic (BME) students and those from disadvantaged backgrounds were less likely to succeed at university. Coupled with this, research has shown that students from these groups are also more likely to have poorer mental health and wellbeing. However, there is substantial social and political pressure on universities to act to improve student mental health. For example, the Telegraph ran the headline "Do British universities have a suicide problem?" Thus, in June 2018, the Hon. Sam Gyimah, the then UK universities minister, informed university vice-chancellors that student mental health and wellbeing has to be one of their top priorities. Universities are investing substantive sums in activities to tackle student mental health but doing so with no evidence base to guide strategic policy and practice. These activities may potentially be ineffective, financially wasteful, and possibly, counter-productive. Therefore, we need a better evidence base which this project intends to fulfil. Currently, there is a lack of evidence and understanding about which groups of young people going to universities may have poorer life outcomes (such as education, employment, and mental health and well-being) as a result of their mental health and wellbeing during their adolescent years. These life outcomes and their mental health and wellbeing, however, are important for understanding the context of the complex social identities of the young people, such as the intersections between their gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religion and socio-economic status. Otherwise, these young people may feel misunderstood or judged. Most of the large body of quantitative research on life outcomes tend to focus on one social characteristic/identity of the student, such as the young person's gender or ethnicity or socio-economic status, but not the combination of all of these, i.e. the intersectionalities. Primarily, the reason for this has been the lack of sufficient data. This research draws on data from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE), which tracked over 15,000 adolescents' education and health over 7 years between 2004-2010 (from when they were 13-19 years old), and the Next Steps Survey, which collected data from the same individuals in 2015 when they were 25 years and in the job market. This dataset also had an ethnic boost, which thus allows for the exploratory analysis of intersectionalities. Currently, there are a number of interventions being implemented to improve the university environment. However, there is a lack of evidence on how the university environment (such as their its size, amount of academic support available, availability of sports activities, students' sense of belonging, etc.) can affect the young person'students' mental health and wellbeing life outcomes. This evidence can be determined through by using the LSYPE data supplemented and by university environment data supplemented from the National Student Survey (NSS) and the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). Thus this research uses an intersectional approach to investigate the extent to which the life outcomes of young persons who go to university are affected by their social inequality groupings and mental health and well-being during adolescence. Additionally, this research also aims to determine the characteristics of university environments that can improve the life outcomes of these young people depending on their social and mental health/wellbeing background.
It is unclear whether recent increases in mental health issues reported by students are comparable between young people in and out of higher education. Furthermore, university (non)attendance may combine with individuals’ other social identities to lead to mental health inequalities. Using quantitative longitudinal data from the national cohort study, Next Steps, we conducted multilevel analyses within an intersectional framework. We examined predictors of mental health during emerging adulthood with combinations of the following characteristics: adolescent mental health (measured at age 16), university attendance, sex, socioeconomic class, sexuality, and ethnicity. The findings indicated that respondents who had symptoms of mental ill health during adolescence were more likely to attend university. At age 19, respondents who had symptoms of adolescent mental ill health were more likely to report having no close friends and lower life satisfaction. Individuals attending university were more likely to report having one or more close friends, and greater life satisfaction, independently of their mental health during adolescence. Those who had symptoms of mental ill health during adolescence were more likely to have poorer mental health outcomes at age 25. The opposite pattern was found for those who had been to university, independently of their adolescent mental health. Mixed patterns of predictions were found for respondents’ other social identities. We found that intersectional effects were additive, suggesting that characteristics are layered and independent in predicting mental health outcomes (i.e. they do not amplify each other). This has potential implications for how interventions should be targeted towards particular intersectional subgroups.
Taking higher education as a specific social context in which to explore structural and social determinants of inequalities in young people’s mental health, this study used the new gold standard for quantitative intersectionality research (Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity and Discriminatory Accuracy [MAIHDA]) as an analytical approach. Drawing on data from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England, we used MAIHDA to predict the odds that mental distress during adolescence, sex, socioeconomic status, sexual identity, ethnicity, and their intersections, were associated with young people’s mental health outcomes at age 25. Analyses were performed both within and outside of the higher education context to determine whether university attendance shaped any intersectional effects. The results did not reveal any evidence of intersectional effects (i.e. a multiplicative model) on young people’s mental health outcomes. Significant main effects of social identities (i.e. an additive model) were, however, found: Being female or identifying as a sexual minority increased the odds of young people experiencing mental health problems at age 25, although the odds of self-harming were half the size for sexual minorities who attended university; Black and Asian individuals were less likely to declare a mental illness than White individuals; and young people who grew up in a more deprived area and did not attend university were more likely to experience mental health problems. Implications of the findings are that mental health interventions for young people do not necessarily have to be designed exclusively for specific intersectional groups, but could instead be targeted at broad social group memberships. Since, the university environment appears to produce better mental health outcomes for some young people, further investigation is needed to understand potential benefits afforded by attending university, and to determine whether this should and could be replicated in the wider general population.
This study aims to identify the conceptualisation of overall well-being used for well-being assessment through a review of the characteristics and key components and/or dimensions of well-being scales as presented in current literature. Scopus and Web of Science were searched, and thematic analysis was conducted inductively to analyse the identified components within scales, as well as the types of well-being these scales measure. 107 peer-reviewed articles from 2003 to 2022 were included, and 69 well-being scales were identified covering nine areas of well-being. Four final themes were identified as the foundational dimensions of overall well-being: hedonic; eudaimonic; physical health; and generic happiness. Notably, these 69 scales are mainly validated and adopted in the Western context. '4 + N' frameworks of overall well-being are recommended for assessing overall well-being. This review provides researchers with a synthesis of what types of well-being have been measured and which measures have been used to assess these types of well-being for which research participants. Non-Western-based well-being research is called for that incorporates a broader range of research participants and cultural contexts in contributing to a more inclusive understanding of well-being.
There is an increasing focus on structural and social determinants of inequalities in young people's mental health across different social contexts. Taking higher education as a specific social context, it is unclear whether university attendance shapes the impact of intersectional social identities and positions on young people's mental health outcomes. Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity and Discriminatory Accuracy (MAIHDA) was used to predict the odds that mental distress during adolescence, sex, socioeconomic status, sexual identity, ethnicity, and their intersections, were associated with young people's mental health outcomes at age 25, and whether this differed based on university attendance. Data from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England cohort study were analysed with the MAIHDA approach, and the results did not reveal any evidence of multiplicative intersectional (i.e., aggravating) effects on young people's mental health outcomes. However, important main effects of social identities and positions (i.e., an additive model) were observed. The findings suggested that being female or identifying as a sexual minority increased the odds of young people experiencing mental health problems at age 25, although the odds of self-harming were half the size for sexual minorities who had attended university. Black and Asian individuals were less likely to declare a mental illness than White individuals. Young people who grew up in a more deprived area and had not attended university were more likely to experience mental health problems. These findings imply that mental health interventions for young people do not necessarily have to be designed exclusively for specific intersectional groups. Further, university attendance appears to produce better mental health outcomes for some young people, hence more investigation is needed to understand what universities do for young people, and whether this could be replicated in the wider general population. •MAIHDA was used to analyse young people's mental health outcomes at age 25.•Intersectional effects were examined both in and out of the university context.•There was no evidence for multiplicative effects on young people's mental health.•Additive models were most suitable for understanding mental health inequalities.•Interventions might be best targeted at broad social group memberships.
Life course theory posits that social, structural, and cultural contexts shape individuals' life outcomes. Using this theory, we investigated whether inequalities in education and employment outcomes for young people with marginalised identities are shaped by the university environment they attended. Based on UK national statistics, universities with similar social, cultural, economic, and physical environments were clustered. These clusters were linked to the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE) cohort dataset to determine whether different university environments predicted differences in outcomes. We observed a mixed picture with no definitive pattern for any marginalised identity. Social and economic environments played a role in predicting education outcomes of young people. Social, cultural, and economic environments were important in predicting employment outcomes. The physical environment did not have any impact. This research emphasises a need for more creative policies within certain universities that address education and employment inequalities.
To understand the pluralization and global power of research on physical activity (PA), depression, and anxiety in adolescents and young adults, a bibliometric analysis-based science mapping of publications in this field was conducted. Scopus was searched for peer-reviewed journal articles published from 2010 to 2022, which resulted in 2,668 records, of which more than half were published from 2020 onwards. Research and collaborations were concentrated in countries in the Global North. Research trends, based on keyword co-occurrence analysis, suggest: an apparent shift towards more PA research connected to sleep, and de-emphasis on research related to weight concerns; research addressing barriers to participation in PA; an increasing interest in the mental health of university students; and the differential effects of team and individual sports on anxiety and depression. Emerging research fronts focused on alternative therapies, new technologies, and impacts of COVID-19. The findings could guide avenues for future research and policy.
To explore the affective domains embedded in academic development and teacher practice, a team of academic developers was invited to consider a poem and how it reflects the emotions and feelings underpinning experiences as teachers within Higher Education. We used a method of arts-informed, collective biography to evaluate a poem to draw upon and share memories to interrogate lived experiences. Our research is framed using the lens of pedagogic frailty model to see how affective and discursive encounters are produced and impact us. We contend that collective arts-based and biographical approaches can provide alternative ways for ourselves and teachers to examine their own pedagogic frailty.
The emerging literature related to feedback literacy has hitherto focused primarily on students’ engagement with feedback, and yet an analysis of academics’ feedback literacy is also of interest to those seeking to understand effective strategies to engage with feedback. Data from concept map-mediated interviews and reflections, with a team of six colleagues, surface academics’ responses to receiving critical feedback via scholarly peer review. Our findings reveal that feedback can be visceral and affecting, but that academics employ a number of strategies to engage with this process. This process can lead to actions that are both instrumental, enabling academics to more effectively ‘play the game’ of publication, as well as to learning that is more positively and holistically developmental. This study thus aims to open up a dialogue with colleagues internationally about the role of feedback literacy, for both academics and students. By openly sharing our own experiences we seek to normalise the difficulties academics routinely experience whilst engaging with critical feedback, to share the learning and strategies which can result from peer review feedback, and to explore how academics may occupy a comparable role to students who also receive evaluation of their work.
Neoliberalisation of academia has led to an increasing recruitment of doctoral students in teaching roles. Whilst there is evidence of doctoral students being engaged in teaching roles and the reasons for doing so, there is a pressing need to understand their experiences and to develop effective support practices to help them in their roles as teachers. Using borderlands theory as a lens, the thematic analysis of case study data from doctoral students in two English universities indicates that although they were navigating similar borderlands, the structural inequalities posed by their institutions led to differential support for their teaching roles and teacher identity development. The paper highlights the need for aligning doctoral roles to academic roles. It concludes by challenging the precarious support available for doctoral students, and proposes recommendations for the holistic development of doctoral students as competent and successful teachers (and researchers) in an increasingly precarious academia.
The literature widely reports that pre-service teachers repeatedly demonstrate inadequate argumentation skills. Through a mixed-methods research approach, this study investigated the effectiveness of a holistic online scaffolding design for guiding the development of pre-service teachers’ argumentation skills. Participants were randomly assigned to either a control or experimental group and then applied argumentation skills to solve case-based problem scenarios on teaching methods for two weeks. The experimental group had a significant improvement in the following argumentation skills: evidence, alternative theory, and counterargument. Qualitative data collected shows diverse metacognition concerning argumentation skills within experimental group. This study suggests that embedding a holistic online scaffolding approach into teacher training programs for the development of argumentation skills offers meaningful learning opportunities for pre-service teachers.
The ability of students to assess their own performance accurately may allow them to self-regulate their learning through metacognitive monitoring. This research investigates factors affecting undergraduate radiation physics students’ ability to self-assess their work accurately in a mathematical subject test. The factors investigated are demographics, mathematics confidence, prior mathematical attainment and prior level of mathematical knowledge. Students’ accuracy of their self-assessment was found to be associated with their prior mathematical attainment and their overall mathematics confidence. Students with good and poor prior mathematical attainment self-assessed more accurately than students who had a moderate level of prior attainment. These results have implications for how students may determine their own learning strategies and the use of summative self-assessments.
Although participation in academic speaking events is a key to developing disciplinary understanding, students for whom English is a second language may have limited access to these learning events due to an increasingly dialogic and active higher education pedagogy which places considerable demands on their oracy skills. Drawing on the Oracy Skills Framework we explore disciplinary tutors' and students' expectations of oracy skills required for disciplinary study. An analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data found that disciplinary tutors placed importance on the cognitive dimension of oracy skills such as argumentation and asking questions, whilst students placed importance on linguistic accuracy. The findings also suggest that tutors and students lack a shared metalanguage to talk about oracy skills. We argue that a divergence of expectations and lack of shared terminology can result in compromising students' access to valuable classroom dialogue. The paper concludes with a number of practical suggestions through which both tutors and students can increase their understanding of oracy skills.
This paper investigates the underexplored area of othering of migrant academics within their teaching context. Nine personal narratives of migrant academics' teaching were analysed qualitatively for indications of pedagogical othering. Migrant academics indicated the need to align their own pedagogic values and practices with that of their host institutions they work in as they felt their own values and practices were considered less desirable. We argue, from a Gramsci's hegemonic perspective, that the pedagogic adaptation by migrant academics aimed at improving student learning is not problematic in itself, but more problematic is the inequality of opportunity for migrant academics to contribute to pedagogical decisions which can meaningfully influence the departmental culture. Lack of pedagogic democracy where the 'home' academic environment has a monopoly of knowledge and a hegemonic position regarding learning and teaching can compromise the student-learning experience by limiting articulation of alternative pedagogical perspectives by the migrant international academics.
The Green Paper Fulfilling our Potential: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice (BIS, 2015) suggests that the UK Higher Education (HE) landscape will be transformed, with greater emphasis on the quality of teaching and dissemination of high-quality learning and teaching (L&T) information to students. The latter is important for achieving the Government’s widening participation agenda. Previously, a survey of the websites of 38 HE institutions found that limited information was provided to prospective students on several aspects of L&T (Hosein and Rao, 2015). This research study analyses interview data from quality assurance and marketing personnel in eight British universities to identify the reasons for this information gap on HE institutions websites. The findings indicate that both institutional and individual practices influence the quality of L&T website information. The recognition of these contributory factors may facilitate the provision of quality information and guidance on effective ways of addressing these.
Girls’ uptake of physical science, technology, engineering and mathematics (PSTEM) degrees continues to be poor. Identifying and targeting interventions for girl groups that are likely to go into STEM degrees may be a possible solution. This paper, using a self-determination theory and self-socialisation framework, determines whether one girl group’s, “geek girls”, video gaming behaviour is associated with their choice of undergraduate degree by using two secondary datasets: a cross-sectional study of the Net Generation (n = 814) and the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE) dataset (n = 7342). Chi-square analysis shows that girls who were currently PSTEM degree were more likely to be gamers and engage in multiplayer gamers. Further, using logistic regressions, girls who were heavy gamers (>9 hrs/wk) at 13-14 years were found to be more likely to pursue a PSTEM degree but this was influenced by their socio-economic status. Similar associations with boys and PSTEM degrees was not found or weak. Therefore, girls were self-socialising or self-determining their identity groups through gaming. This research can provide the basis for whether encouraging gaming in adolescent girls can help them onto PSTEM pathways.
•Conflicts exacerbate the mathematical knowledge gaps of university students•Transport systems, education systems, and utilities contribute to the knowledge gap•Changing demographics such as marriage affects students’ attendance•Online learning can afford a method to reduce mathematical knowledge gaps In conflict zones, young people's education is affected because of a lack of regular schooling. This results in young people having knowledge gaps which affects their engagement at universities. This study investigated university lecturers’ perceptions of their students’ mathematical knowledge gaps using a socioecological approach. Fifteen university lecturers from STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in Liberated Syrian were interviewed. Mathematical knowledge gaps were perceived to be exacerbated by the poor infrastructure of schooling systems, transport systems and utilities as well as the changing demography of the students. These were percived as contributing to poor attendance and engagement. The move to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic appeared to enable students to reduce their knowledge gaps by raising attendance. The continuation of online learning is hence recommended for students studying in a conflict zone to reduce knowledge gaps.
The introductory chapter situates the conceptualisation of learning and teaching leadership in higher education, an area not robustly represented in the research literature. The chapter describes the book's focus, which is to examine leadership through the lens of case studies that capture the lived experiences of academics and the incidents that have helped them demonstrate and develop as learning and teaching leaders. Through the sharing of these learning and teaching leadership case studies, there is a celebration of the uniqueness of the incidents that may contribute to the development of learning and teaching leaders; yet there are also similarities of opportunities and challenges between the accounts.
The purpose of this article is to explore how Early Career Academics (ECAs) cope with their complex and multiple transitions when starting their new role. By focussing on the participants’ lived experiences in a professional development (PD) training program to discuss and share practice, we explored how ECAs developed and maintained social network relations. Using social network analysis (SNA) with web crawling of public websites, data was analyzed for 114 participants to determine with whom they shared practice outside PD (i.e., external connectors), the seniority of these connectors, and similarity to their job area. The results highlight that ECA networks were hierarchically flat, whereby their sharing practice network of 238 external connectors composed of their (spousal) partner and (male) colleagues at the same hierarchical level. The persons whom ECAs were least likely to discuss their practice with were people in senior management roles. The results of this study highlight that the creation of a community of practice for discussing and sharing of practice from PD programs appear to be insular. Activities within the organization and the formation of learning communities from PD may become lost as most of the sharing of practice/support comes from participants’ partners. Organizations may have to create spaces for sharing practice beyond the PD classroom to further organizational learning.
In higher education, despite the emphasis on student-centred pedagogical approaches, undergraduate research methods pedagogy remains surprisingly teacher-directed although undergraduate research itself is student-centred. Consequently, research methods students may believe becoming a researcher is about learning information rather than a continuous developmental process. To combat this idea, a reflective student-centred pedagogical approach is evaluated for encouraging students’ development as researchers. In this study, undergraduate research methods students piloted a research method and produced a reflective essay on their research experience which were qualitatively analysed. Analysis indicated that students demonstrated an awareness of both their research skills such as choosing an appropriate research instrument and their researcher identity such as their metacognition of their competence. Pedagogical approaches which encourages ‘reflection on action’ in the research curriculum therefore helps students to articulate their researcher identity and build their research skills confidence and should be actively promoted.
Despite the growing attention on the use of online scaffolding to enhance argumentation skills, there has not been a comprehensive review conducted in this specific area. There is a lack of understanding of both the current state of online scaffolding for acquiring argumentation skills and the specific research gaps that exist. This article presents a scoping review of 32 empirical studies, published between 2000 and 2023, that addressed online scaffolding in the context of argumentation skills. Overall, the review indicates that online scaffolding is generally associated with positive results in developing argumentation skills. Surprisingly, customisation of scaffolding was often neglected in online scaffolding designs. When it is applied, limited consideration was paid to contingency, fading and transfer of responsibility aspects in online scaffolding customisation designs. The authors discuss the implications of their findings in terms of the design for online scaffolding and share recommendations for further research.
Narratives of Academics' Personal Journeys in Contested Spaces provides theoretically-informed personal narratives of 11 emerging and established leaders in learning and teaching in Australia, Finland, New Zealand, Singapore, the UK and the USA. The academics' narratives focus on how the individuals have navigated to their current leadership role in learning and teaching whilst negotiating contested identities, such as gender, and physical and social marginalised spaces, such as interstitial (middle) leadership positions. These international narratives provide unique perspectives on the sense-making of academics as they reflect on their learning and teaching leadership journey and how these journeys are shaped by their contested identities and the marginalised spaces they inhabit. Often such identities and spaces are not recognised in higher education which may lead to even more isolating and challenging leadership journeys. The book contributes to our understanding of the subjective experiences that academics encounter in their leadership journeys. Further, the personal narratives included in the book capture how the contested identities and marginalised spaces influence the learning and teaching leadership practices in various educational, cultural and national contexts.
'Academics' International Teaching Journeys' provides personal narratives of nine international social science academics in foreign countries as they adapt and develop their teaching. The team of international contributors provide an invaluable resource for other academics who may be exposed to similar situations and may find these narratives useful in negotiating their own conflicts and challenges that they may encounter in being an international academic. The narratives provide a fascinating reference point and a wide range of perspectives of teaching experiences from across the world, including Europe, Australia, North America and the Caribbean.
After spending a year working on the development of a new online Master's programme in higher education, members of the development team were interviewed to reveal their thoughts about the nature of the programme. The dialogue of each interview was summarised as a concept map. Analysis of the resulting maps included a modified Bernsteinian analysis of the focus of the concepts included in terms of their semantic gravity (i.e. closeness to context) and the degree of resonance with the underpinning regulative discourse of the programme. Data highlight a number of potential issues for programme delivery that centre around the use of appropriate language to manage student expectations in relation to the process of learning and the emotional responses this can stimulate, as well as the tensions that can be foregrounded between the demands of teaching and research within a university environment.
Nowadays, the competitiveness of any organisations rests dominantly on how they can manage their performance. A host of performance variables such as quality, reliability, and efficiency are recognised as competitive priorities. This paper reviews the criteria and dimensions of performance measures, and discusses six core performance indicators in agribusiness operations with particular reference to the poultrybroiler farms. Besides, a holistic Quality, Reliability and Efficiency view of performance is proposed when developing measures for poultry agribusiness operations.
Laboratory tasks often focus on mechanical procedures leaving limited time and opportunities for students to build conceptual knowledge. We investigate to what extent introducing simulation tasks to preparation work can enable students to build their conceptual knowledge. We surveyed two cohorts of students taking an electronics module. Laboratory report marks were also analysed across the two cohorts (before and after introducing simulations in the laboratory preparation). No significant difference was found between the cohorts but the maximum marks increased after simulations were introduced. Students perceived that using simulations aided their constructive knowledge and knowledge confidence. Analysis of the free-text responses suggests that students benefitted from the simulation tasks by visualising the theory and concepts, confirming and checking results, and exploring different scenarios before and after the physical laboratory session. These results suggest that laboratory practicals should be supported with simulation software where possible.
This article presents results from a longitudinal survey of first‐year students’ time spent on living and learning technologies at university, their frequency of using specific learning technologies and their competence with these tools. Data were analysed from two similar surveys at the start and at the end of the academic year for students studying 14 different courses in five different universities (four place‐based and one distance‐learning) in England. The younger students used information and communication technologies (ICT) for social and leisure purposes more frequently than older students. The older students were more likely to use it for study. The frequency of using ICT was related to students’ perceived competence in the tool. University mode of study also influenced how students appropriated their ICT time. These results might have an impact on the repurposing of living technologies for use as learning technologies.
The sources and types of information that prospective university students access during the recruitment phase have been widely researched. However, there is limited research on the usefulness of the learning and teaching (L&T) information provided by universities to prospective students in describing their own learning experiences of the programme. The study investigates the meaningfulness of the efforts of HEIs in (1) providing L&T information to prospective students and (2) attending to guidance from government bodies on L&T information that universities should make available to prospective students. Findings based on secondary data analysis of L&T information available for prospective students on 36 university websites and the students’ satisfaction scores of their perceived learning experience whilst on programme indicate that only a small proportion of information provided on university websites reliably reflects the students’ actual learning experience on the programme. Furthermore, the study provides guidance on the L&T information universities should feature on their programme webpages which is likely to be a more realistic indicator of their actual learning experience.
The selection of the pedagogical approach plays a crucial role in determining the learning approaches that students engage with (e. g. surface or deep learning) and the knowledge and skill transfer. This paper maps the existing student-centred pedagogical practices in European Studies (ES) using a worldwide survey conducted within the framework of the Innovating Teaching and Learning of the European Studies (INOTLES) project. This research investigates to what extent the ES teaching uses student-centred approaches worldwide and what are the factors that influence the practical application of these methods. The results do not highlight clear recurring patterns of interaction between the major indicators related to instructors' profile, course profile and the selection of the innovative teaching approaches. A certain degree of uniformity and consistency is revealed in the practical application of innovative ES teaching worldwide across various disciplines. While this finding may represent the evidence of a high degree of exchange of practices and internationalization of teaching ES, it requires further research.
How and with whom academics develop and maintain formal and informal networks for reflecting on their teaching practice has received limited attention even though academic development (AD) programmes have become an almost ubiquitous feature of higher education. The primary goal of this mixed-method study is to unpack how 114 academics in an AD programme developed internal (within their programme) and external (outside their programme) learning and teaching relations. A secondary goal is to highlight the affordances of social network analysis (SNA) methods in conjunction with qualitative approaches for academic developers to understand the (in)formal learning processes in their AD programme. The quantitative results indicate that participants maintained 4.84 relations within their AD programme and 3.17 external ties. The qualitative results indicate that most academics developed a range of emotional, academic, and professional support links, which were mostly outside the AD context. Participants needed an outlet to share their feelings, challenges, and frustrations about their teaching and their experiences on the AD programme. These feelings were shared with people they trusted, primarily close friends and colleagues. This study provides a social perspective on the formal and informal relations of AD, and argues that SNA techniques can help academic developers to make these relationships visible.
This paper explores the state of flux within civil engineering education with universities facing demand from the ever-evolving industry to develop graduates with the desired skillsets and values. It discusses the transition in pedagogic approaches towards learner-centred models and evaluates the implementation of the Project-Based Learning (PBL) tool to shape the next generation of practicing civil engineers. A case study application of such a tool is explored in the form of the Design, Assemble and Dismantle (DAD) Project delivered during the first year of the civil engineering undergraduate programme at the University of Surrey. This Project is of an experiential nature where the student is placed at the centre of the pedagogic process. In order to fully understand the advantages of integrating this pedagogic tool in higher education in terms of enhancements it can make to the attributes developed and growth experienced by students, interviews with 20 participants of the DAD Project between 2015-2021 were conducted. The collated reflections depict the Project as an effective mechanism for developing an array of skills and values, including problem-solving, team working, leadership, communication, and cultivating a shift in mindset whereby students become more holistic, active, and conscious learners with a greater sense of accountability; all of which are paramount for the challenges of the 21st century.
In this study, members of a higher education department explore their research activity and how it influences their practice as academic developers in a research-led institution. Whilst the research activities of the team members appear diverse, they are all underpinned by a shared set of professional values to provide an anchor for these activities. Research-as-pedagogy and the relationship between the discourses of research and teaching are explored using Bernstein’s knowledge structures. The authors conclude that differences in research focus (horizontal discourse) provide dynamism across a department and that stability is provided through the underpinning core values inherent in the vertical discourse.
This paper investigates the underexplored area of othering of migrant academics within their teaching context. Nine personal narratives of migrant academics’ teaching were analysed qualitatively for indications of pedagogical othering. Migrant academics indicated the need to align their own pedagogic values and practices with that of their host institutions they work in as they felt their own values and practices were considered less desirable. We argue, from a Gramsci’s hegemonic perspective that the pedagogic adaptation by migrant academics aimed at improving student learning is not problematic in itself, but more problematic is the inequality of opportunity for migrant academics to contribute to pedagogical decisions which can meaningfully influence the departmental culture. Lack of pedagogic democracy where the ‘home’ academic environment has a monopoly of knowledge and a hegemonic position regarding learning and teaching can compromise the student-learning experience by limiting articulation of alternative pedagogical perspectives by the migrant international academics.
Background Online gaming motivations are differently associated with career interests. However, very little is known about online gaming behaviour based on the actual games played and how career interests are reflected in what people play. Hence, we investigated the actual gaming behaviour of individuals from an extensive secondary data set to further support gamers’ future career planning and professional training. Methods The study comprised 16,033 participants playing a different number of games on Steam. Our study was based on the 800 most played games only and included participants where we had access to gender and job details. We employed a secondary data analysis approach by using an existing data set (O’Neill et al., 2016), looking into the actual gaming behaviour of Steam users and additional administrative data (i.e., job details and gender) provided by Game Academy Limited. We used logistic regression on the participants’ top ten games, allowing us to investigate any possible associations between different professions, gender, and the games played. Results We found that IT professionals and engineers played puzzle-platform games, allowing for enhanced spatial skills. Managers showed an interest in action roleplay games where organisational and planning skills can be improved. Finally, engineers were associated with strategy games that required problem-solving and spatial skills. There were apparent gender differences too: females preferred playing single-player games, whereas males played shooting games. Conclusion Our study found that online gaming behaviour varied between different job categories, allowing the participants to gain different soft skills. The soft skills gained could assist gamers with training that leads to a particular career path. The reasons for these findings and suggestions for future research will be discussed.
This paper investigated the effect of humorous video tasks (HVTs) on English language students’ task motivation. Several task motivation variables were examined: intrinsic value, anxiety, task difficulty, self-efficacy, and relatedness. Previous research on HVTs only examined a few variables related to task motivation, hence the impact of such tasks on task motivation was unclear. This study sought to provide a more comprehensive analysis by investigating the affective, cognitive, and social aspects of these activities to offer a complete picture of the examined issue. Participants included 229 English language students, divided into three groups: a humorous group (HG), a non-humorous group (NHG), and a control group (CG). An experimental mixed-methods research design was employed. The findings indicate that humorous tasks could enhance learners’ emotional and cognitive engagement in their language activities, while also improving interpersonal relations in the language classroom. The data suggest that HVTs appeared to yield a more pronounced favourable effect on students’ task motivation than standard textbook tasks, but they may not be superior to non-HVTs in improving task motivation. The results showed that HVTs have the potential to mitigate language anxiety and enhance students’ self-efficacy in language-related tasks. Implications for teachers and researchers are discussed.
Students using three types of spreadsheet calculators for understanding expected value were observed remotely. This remote observation involves the use of webcams and application sharing for observing students learning mathematics. The study illustrates how remote observation can be used for collecting mathematical education data and raises questions about the extent to which such a method can be used in future experiments.
Three mathematical software types: black-box (no steps shown), glass-box (steps shown) and open-box (interactive steps) were used by 32 students to solve conceptual and procedural tasks on the computer via remote observation. Comparison of the three software types suggests that there is no difference in the scores that students receive for conceptual understanding tasks. Students using the black-box are more likely to explore answers than students using the glass and open-box software.
Provides insights into what it takes to be a leader in teaching and learning. Offers ideas and suggestions about various teaching and learning initiatives that you can adopt at your university. Will help shape the understanding of cultural differences and similarities in teaching and learning leadership; providing significant guidance, particularly for international academics as they work between countries.
Undergraduate students sometimes pursue degrees that are aimed at allied jobs. This research examines how students in one allied professional degree, Education Studies, conceptualise their pre-professional ideology and how these ideologies relate to their intended career trajectory. The research draws upon a year-long qualitative survey of over 70 undergraduates. Students’ professional ideology and career path were initially linked to the corresponding professional degree i.e. Teacher Education. Over the year, students’ conceptualisation of their pre-professional ideology changed but their career trajectory remained relatively constant. These findings imply students were conforming or socialising into the expectations of their allied professional discipline but did not have an expectation to follow that career path. The research findings have implications for helping students to be realistic about their career trajectory and ensuring that they are prepared for an appropriate job.
In undergraduate degrees in the social sciences, research courses are usually a compulsory component of the curriculum. This chapter explores the pedagogical engagement, through the lens of acculturation theory, that is needed for creating scientific thinking skills via research courses. We posit that students who choose their discipline voluntarily are more likely to pedagogically engage (i.e. integrate or assimilate) into their discipline’s research paradigms. However, those students pursuing a discipline which was not their first choice may be less engaged in developing scientific thinking skills within these compulsory components and may be more likely to adopt a pedagogically disengaged (i.e. segregated) approach. The chapter explores the implications of these different pedagogical engagement approaches for students and how teachers may create learning environments to develop their scientific thinking skills.
Research supervision is a process of fostering and enhancing learning, research and communication at the highest level (Laske & Zuber-Skerritt, 1996). Hasrati (2005, p. 557) argues that supervision is ‘crucial’, ‘pivotal’, ‘at the heart of most research training’, ‘at the core of the project’, and also, ‘the single most important variable affecting the success of the research process.’ Whilst a good deal of student supervision takes place at the face-to-face level, there is a growing trend towards more innovative and technology-oriented approaches, particularly with distance students. This can pose both opportunities and complexities for supervisors. This paper reviews and examines a range of communicative styles that different types of supervision afford. Following, the findings of two case studies are presented which explored the perspectives of supervisors who used verbal and non-verbal synchronous communication approaches when supervising students online.
In this reflection, we explore the issue of internationalisation with respect to the academic staff. We argue that universities are employing international academic staff to meet their internationalisation agenda without considering actively how to use their pedagogical knowledge and expertise to create an internationalised environment.
This paper reports on the results of a two-year study carried out in five different universities in the UK on different facets of learner experiences of digital technology use. Two self-completion surveys were administered- one in the beginning and another one towards the end of the academic year. The results showed that distance learners aged 25 years of age and younger were a distinct demographic group, in so far as they displayed some characteristics and behaviours typical of students of the same age group, but studying in a place-based university, while in terms of other characteristics they were more akin to older distance learners. The differences between distance learners of different age groups were fewer towards the end of the year, which stresses the impact of university experience in analyzing student learning. Limitations of the study and its implications are considered in the light of their likely significance for research and practice in the field. © 2011 IADIS.
Research and research methods is an integral part of postgraduate study. However, it is becoming increasingly more common to find students having to complete a research methods course at the undergraduate level. The purpose of this research is thus to investigate undergraduate students' attitudes towards studying research methods. The research also aimed to look at whether students believe that studying research methods provided them with valuable research skills which may make them more employable in the job market. . A questionnaire was given to approximately 360 students at the beginning of their research methods course, that asked students to record what they understood by the term research, what they thought the purpose of research was as well as how they thought this course might contribute to their employability. Students were also asked to fill in a Research Conceptions Inventory. Students were registered in both a face-to-face and blended learning delivery courses. Whilst this study is longitudinal, this paper will only present findings from the first phase of the study and only on the blended learning students. Preliminary results indicate that students generally had a poor notion of the purpose of research and thought its main purpose was to gather information about a particular topic. In terms of employability, many thought the research skill of gathering information will be useful for when going to an interview or doing a job search. These results hope to influence future curriculum design and inform current policy and practice for teaching research methods, which might be instrumental in helping students to become more active researchers.