
Al Adil Al Hinai

Postgraduate Research Student

Academic and research departments

Remote sensing and Earth observation, Surrey Space Centre.


My research project


Al Adil Al Hinai, Raffaella Guida (2023)Ship Classification Using Layover in Sentinel-1 Images, In: IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposiumpp. 7495-7498 IEEE

In this paper, a novel algorithm for ship classification in Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is presented. The algorithm utilises layover as the main classification feature, which is based on the different relative heights of superstructures in oil tankers, container ships, geared and gearless bulk carriers. The algorithm has been tested using 20 ship samples from Sentinel-1 stripmap images over the port of Santos, divided equally amongst the four ship classes. An overall classification accuracy of 75% has been achieved.