Aimee Aubeeluck

Professor Aimee Aubeeluck

Professor of Health Psychology, Head of School of Health Sciences
BA (Hons), MSc, PhD
Personal Assistant - Helen Matthews

Academic and research departments

School of Health Sciences.



AUBEELUCK, A., Thompson, S & Stacey, G. (2012) Becoming a Nurse, Is nursing really the career for you? BPP publishing
Phillimore, L., & AUBEELUCK, A. (2023) Implementing Hoshin Kanri at the University of Nottingham, London, Routledge
AUBEELUCK, A., Bains, K., & Kelly, S. (2023) How Stress and Anxiety Effect the Body, Elsevier

AUBEELUCK, A. (2018) Behaviour change for dementia prevention and risk reduction. Oxon, Taylor & Francis
Brewer, H & AUBEELUCK, A. (2009) Psychosocial Issues Surrounding Juvenile Huntington’s Disease. Juvenile Huntington’s Disease, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
AUBEELUCK, A & Duro, E. (2009) Bereavement Support. Palliative Care in Neurological: A Team approach, Oxon, Radcliffe Publishing Ltd
AUBEELUCK, A. (2006) Caring for the carers: Measuring quality of life in Huntington’s Disease. Neuroscience Nursing: Pain Assessment and Management, London, Mark Allen Group.

Lymn, J., Field-Richards, S., Spiby, H., AUBEELUCK, A., Callaghan, P., Stacey, G., Keeley, P., Redsell, S., Simpson, A., Butler, D. (2021) Evaluation of the impact of care experience prior to undertaking NHS funded education and training. National Institute of Health Research Policy Research Programme Project. Final Report

Oliveira, D., Carter, T., & AUBEELUCK, A. (2022) “Interpersonal Wellbeing Across the Life Span". Frontiers in Psychology, Health Psychology Section (editorial)
FIELD-RICHARDS, S.F., AUBEELUCK, A., CALLAGHAN, P., KEELEY, P., REDSELL, S.A., SPIBY, H., STACEY, G., & LYMN, J.S. (2024) The impact of prior care experience on nursing students' compassionate values and behaviours: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Nursing Studies
FIELD-RICHARDS, S., AUBEELUCK, A., CALLAGHAN, P, KEELEY, P., REDSELL, S.A., SPIBY, H., STACEY, G., LYMN, J.S. (2023) The impact of care experience prior to commencing pre-registration nurse education and training: A scoping review. Nurse Education Today, Elsevier.
EDGLEY, A., AUBEELUCK, A., MOFFATT, C. (2022) “I cry. I simply cry”. An ethnography of a lymphedema summer camp, Lymphatic Research and Biology. 19(5), 479-478
EDGLEY, A., AUBEELUCK, A., MOFFATT, C. (2022) Development of self-efficacy tools for parents and professionals caring for children and young people with Lymphoedema, Lymphatic Research and Biology. 19(5) 479-487

MANNING, J., CARTER T., AUBEELUCK, A. (2021) Assessing risk of self-harm in acute paediatric settings: A multi-centre exploratory evaluation of the CYP-MH SAPhE Instrument. BMJ Open.
TOPCU, G., BUCHANAN, H., AUBEELUCK, A., ULSEVER, H. (2020) Informal carers’ experiences of caring for someone with Multiple Sclerosis: A photovoice investigation.
British Journal of Health Psychology/ 26 (2), 360-384

COOK, G, STACEY, G., AUBEELUCK, A, et al. (2020) The Implementation of Resilience Based Clinical Supervision to Support Transition to Practice in Newly Qualified Healthcare Professionals. Nurse Education Today
OLIVEIRA, D., SOUSA, L, AUBEELUCK, A. (2020) What would most help improve the quality of life of older family carers of people with dementia? A qualitative study of carers’ views. Dementia 19 (4), 939-950
MOFFATT, C.J., MURRAY, S., AUBEELUCK, A., QUERE, I. (2019) Communication with patients using negative wound pressure therapy and their adherence to treatment, Journal of Wound Care 28(11), 738-756
MCGARRY, J., AUBEELUCK, A. OLIVIRA, D. (2019) Evaluation of an evidence-based model of safeguarding clinical supervision within one healthcare organization in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 17, 29–31, doi: 10.1097/XEB.0000000000000180
MOFFATT, C.J., AUBEELUCK, A., STASI, E., MACSWEENEY, M., MOURGUES, F., POURQUIER, H., LAPOINTE, C., MESTRE, S., QUERE, I. (2019) A Study to Explore the Professional Conceptualization and Challenges of Self-Management in Children and Adolescents with Lymphedema. Lymphatic Research and Biology.
NAIRN, S., DRING, E., AUBEELUCK, A., QUERE, I., MOFFATT, C.J. (2019) LIMPRINT: A Sociological Perspective on Chronic Edema. Lymphatic Research and Biology.
MOFFATT, C.J., GASKIN, R., SKYOROVA, M., DRING, E., AUBEELUCK, A., FRANKS, P., WINDRUM, P., MERCIER, G., PINNINGTON, L., QUERE, I. (2019) Prevalence and Risk Factors for Chronic Edema in U.K. Community Nursing Services. Lymphatic Research and Biology.
HORROCKS, MICHAIL., M., AUBEELUCK, A., WRIGHT, N., MORRISS, R. (2018) An electronic clinical decision support system for the assessment and management of suicidality in primary care: Study Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols (JRP)
CARTER, T., MANNING, J., WALKER, G., & AUBEELUCK, A. (2018) "Assessment tools of immediate risk of self-harm and suicide in children and young people: A scoping review" Journal of Child Health Care
STACEY, G., BALDWIN, V., THOMPSON., B., AUBEELUCK, A. (2018) Focus Group Study Exploring Student Nurse’s Experiences of an Educational Intervention Focused on Working with People with a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
AUBEELUCK, A., WATERALL, J. & LYMN, J. (2017) The unconscious bias that’s keeping men out of nursing. Nursing Standard, 32 (13), 18-20
SHEPPARD, F., STACEY, G., AUBEELUCK, A. (2017) The importance, Impact and influence of group clinical supervision for graduate entry nursing students, Nurse Education in Practice
STACEY,G., AUBEELUCK, A, COOK, G and DUTTA, S. (2017) A case study exploring the experience of resilience-based clinical supervision and its influence on care towards self and others among student nurses, International Practice Development Journal 7 (2) [5]
BASTOUNIS, A., M, CALLAGHAN, P., MICHAIL, M., & AUBEELUCK, A. (2017) Exploring students' participation in universal, depression and anxiety, prevention programmes at school: a meta-aggregation, School Mental Health.

MOFFATT, C., AUBEELUCK, A, FRANKS, P.J, DOHERTY, D.C, MORTIMER, P and QUERE I. (2017) Psychological factors in Chronic Oedema: A case control study. Lymphatic Research and Biology.
MOFFATT, C., MURRAY, S., KEELEY, V. & AUBEELUCK, A. (2017) Non-adherence to treatment of chronic wounds: patient versus professional perspectives. International Wound Journal
LUGBOSO, A., & AUBEELUCK, A. (2017) Nursing Student’s attitudes towards patients with borderline personality disorder. Mental Health Practice, 20(9), 23-29
OLIVEIRA, D, VASS, C & AUBEELUCK, A. (2017) Quality of life on the views of older family carers of people with dementia" Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice
OLIVEIRA, D, VASS, C & AUBEELUCK, A (2017) The Development and Validation of the Dementia Quality of Life Scale for Older Family Carers (DQoL-OC) Journal: Aging & Mental Health (CAMH), Article ID: CAMH 1293004
STUPPLE, E.J.N., MARATOS, F.A., ELANDER, J., HUNT, T.E., CHEUNG, K.Y.F. & AUBEELUCK, A. (2017) Development of the Critical Thinking Toolkit (CriTT): A measure of student attitudes and beliefs about critical thinking. Thinking Skills and Creativity.
TOPCU, G., BUCHANAN, H., GARIP, G. & AUBEELUCK, A. (2016) Caregiving in Multiple Sclerosis and Quality of Life: A Meta-synthesis of Qualitative Research. Psychology and Health.
CHRISTENSEN, M. AUBEELUCK, A. FERGUSSON, D. et al. (2016) Do student nurses experience Imposter Phenomenon? An international comparison of Final year undergraduate Nursing Students readiness for registration. Journal of Advanced Nursing
AUBEELUCK, A., STACEY, G. & STUPPLE, E. (2016) Do student nurses experience imposter phenomenon? An issue for debate. Nurse Education in Practice
DOREY, J., URBINATI, D., CLAY, E., BRUNET, J., AUBEELUCK, A., SQUITIERI, F. (2015) Burden and drivers of health-related quality of life among French and Italian caregivers of Huntington’s disease patients. Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs, vol 2(2) pg 27-33
STACEY, G., OXLEY, R., & AUBEELUCK, A. (2015) Combining lived experience with the facilitation of enquiry based learning: a ‘trigger’ for transformative learning. Journal Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 22(7), 522-528
OLIVEIRA, D., VASS, C., & AUBEELUCK, A. (2015) Ageing and quality of life in family carers of people with dementia being cared for at home: A literature review. Quality in Primary care, 23 (10): 18-30
WILSON, E., AUBEELUCK, A., & POLLOCK, K. (2014) Applying a healthcare model to Huntington’s Disease; they keyworker approach. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 10(5), 214-218
WILSON, E., POLLOCK, K., & AUBEELUCK, A. (2014) Providing care services to people affected by Huntington’s Disease. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 10(3) 139-143
DYER, K., AUBEELUCK, A., YATES, N.L., NAIR, R.D. (2014) A multiple time point pre-post evaluation of a ‘sexual respect’ DVD to improve competence in discussing sex with patients with disability. Sexuality and Disability. 1-13
STACEY, G., McGARRY, J, AUBEELUCK, A., (2014) An integrated educational model for graduate entry nursing curriculum design. Nurse Education Today, 34(1), 145-149
AUBEELUCK, A., BUCHANAN, H. & STUPPLE, E. (2013) A Psychometric Comparison of Two Carer Quality of Life Questionnaires in Huntington's Disease: Implications for Neurodegenerative Disorders - A response to Hagell and Smith. Journal of Huntington’s Disease, 2(3) 315-322
AUBEELUCK, A. (2013) Neuroscience Nursing: an ever evolving field of practice
(editorial). British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 9(5), 213.
DURO, E., ELANDER, J., MARATOS, F.A., STUPPLE, E.J.N., & AUBEELUCK, A. (2013) In Search of Critical Thinking in Psychology: An Exploration of Student and Lecturer Understandings in Higher Education. Psychology of Learning and Teaching, 12 (3), 275-281
HYDE, A., McGARRY, J., THOMPSON, S., WILKIE, K. & AUBEELUCK, A. (2013) The development of a shared e-learning resource across three distinct programmes based at universities in England, Ireland and Scotland, Innovations in Education and Teaching International
WILSON, E., & AUBEELUCK, A. (2013) Residential Care for those with neurological conditions: An exploration of three specialist neurological care facilities in the UK. Journal of Care Services Management, 7 (2), 61-71
AUBEELUCK, A, DOREY, J, FERDINANDO, S, CLAY, E, STUPPLE, E.J.N, ANNUNZIATA, N, BUCHANAN, H, TIZIANA, M and TOUMI, M. (2013) Further evidence of reliability and Validity of the Huntington’s disease Quality of Life Battery for Carers: Italian and French translations Quality of Life Research, 22(5), 1093-1098
McGARRY, J., & AUBEELUCK, A. (2013) "A Different Drum: a UK experience of developing a research based educational resource to facilitate ‘understanding’ in complex care encounters," Nursing Science Quarterly, 26(3), 267-273
AUBEELUCK, A. BUCHANAN, H. & STUPPLE, E. (2012) “All the burden on all the carers” – Exploring the notion of Quality of Life with family caregivers of Huntington’s Disease patients. Quality of Life Research, 21(8), 1425-1435
AUBEELUCK, A., WILSON, E., & STUPPLE, E. (2011) Obtaining Quality of Life for Huntington’s Disease Patients and their families. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. 7(5): 634 – 638
WILSON E. SEYMOUR J. & AUBEELUCK A. (2011) Perspectives of staff providing care at the end of life for people with progressive long-term neurological conditions. Palliative & Supportive Care 9 (4), 377-385
MCGARRY J, AUBEELUCK A, JAMES V, HINSLIFF-SMITH K. (2010) Maximising Graduate Status in Pre-registration Nursing Programmes: Utilising Problem Based Learning. Nurse Education in Practice. 11(6), 342-344
WILSON, E, POLLOCK, K and AUBEELUCK, A. (2010) Gaining and maintaining consent when capacity can be an issue: a research study with people with Huntington’s Disease. Clinical Ethics, 5(3), 142-147.
AUBEELUCK, A. (2009) A holistic and multidisciplinary approach to Huntington's disease
management. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 16(7), 360-361
AUBEELUCK, A. (2009) Management and Therapies for HD-related Dementia. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 15(3) 4-9
CRAWFORD, P, AUBEELUCK, A, BROWN, B, COTREL-GIBBONS, L, POROCK, D & BAKER, C. (2009) An evaluation of a DVD trigger based assessment of communication and care delivery skills. Nurse education today, 29(4), 456-63
MCGARRY, J., AUBEELUCK, A., SIMPSON, C., & WILLIAMS, G. (2009) Nursing Student’s experiences of care. Nursing Older People, 21(7), 16-22
AUBEELUCK, A. and BREWER, H. (2008) Huntington's disease. Part 2: treatment and management issues in juvenile HD. British Journal of Nursing, 17(4), 260-263
AUBEELUCK, A. and MOSKOWITZ, C.B. (2008) Huntington's disease. Part 3: family aspects of HD, British Journal of Nursing, 17(5), 328-331
AUBEELUCK, A and WILSON, E. (2008) Huntington's disease. Part 1: essential background and management. British Journal of Nursing, 17(3), 146-151

AUBEELUCK, A. and BUCHANAN, H. (2007) The Huntington’s Disease quality of life battery for carers: reliability and validity. Clinical Genetics, 71(5), 434-445
COULSON, N.S., BUCHANAN, H., AUBEELUCK, A. (2007) Social support in cyberspace: A content analysis of communication within a Huntington’s disease online support group. Patient, Education and Counselling, 68(2), 173-178
AUBEELUCK A and BUCHANAN, H. (2006) Developing a scale to measure the impact of Huntington’s Disease on the quality of life of spousal carers. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 2(2), 126-33
AUBEELUCK, A. BUCHANAN, H. (2006) Capturing the Huntington’s Disease spousal carer experience: A Preliminary investigation using he photovoice method. Dementia: The international Journal of Social Research and Practice, 5(1), 95-116
AUBEELUCK, A. and BUCHANAN, H. (2006) A measure to assess the impact of Huntington's disease on the quality of life of spousal carers. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 2(2), 88-95
MILLS, J. AUBEELUCK, A. (2006) The experience of nurses caring for a family member with a life-threatening illness: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. British Journal of Nursing, 13(3), 279-282
AUBEELUCK, A., Buchanan H. (2005) The Huntington's Disease Quality of Life Battery for Carers (HDQOL-C). Health Psychology Update, 14(1), 2-4
AUBEELUCK, A. (2005) Caring for the carers: quality of life in Huntington's disease. British Journal of Nursing, 14(8), 452-454
AUBEELUCK, A. (2003) Spousal caregiving in Huntington's Disease: An issue for health psychology. Health Psychology Update, 12(4), 20-27
AUBEELUCK, A., MAGUIRE, M. (2002) The Menstrual Joy Questionnaire items alone can positively prime reporting of menstrual attitudes and symptoms. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 26 (2), 160-165
O'TOOLE, S., AUBEELUCK, A., COZENS, B. and CLINE, T. (2001) Development of Reading Proficiency in English by Bilingual Children and Their Monolingual Peers. Psychological Reports, 89(2), 279-282