Dr Ahu Ece Hartavi Karci

Reader, Head of the Centre for Automotive Engineering
+44 (0)1483 682895
16A AA 03

Academic and research departments

School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences.


University roles and responsibilities

  • Reader, Head of the Centre for Automotive Engineering

    Previous roles

    Seniour Lecturer
    University of Surrey
    2015 - 2018
    University of Surrey
    2014 - 2015
    Assistant Professor
    Istanbul Medeniyet University
    2011 - 2014
    Assistant Professor
    Yeni Yuzyil University 2011-2014
    2010 - 2011
    Assistant Professor
    Istanbul Arel University


    Research interests

    Research projects


    Sustainable development goals

    My research interests are related to the following:

    Gender Equality UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 logo
    Sustainable Cities and Communities UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 logo
    Climate Action UN Sustainable Development Goal 13 logo
    Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions UN Sustainable Development Goal 16 logo


    Research and Scholarly Activity
    1) Bernardis M. D., Rini G., Bottiglione F., Hartavi A. E., Sorniotti A., On nonlinear model predictive direct yaw moment control for trailer sway mitigation, Vehicle System Dynamics, 61:2, 445-471, 2023.
    2) Rini G., Bernardis M., D., Francesco Bottiglione, Hartavi A., E, Sorniotti A, On The Comparıson Of Centralızed And Multı-Layer Archıtectures For Nonlınear Model Predıctıve Torque-Vectorıng And Tractıon Control, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2023.
    3) Shao, L., Hartavi A.E., Tavernini D., Sorniotti A., Design and optimization of energy-efficient PM-assisted synchronous reluctance machines for electric vehicles. IET Electr. Power Appl. 1– 14, 2023.
    4) Armengaud, E., Brandstätter, B., Biček, M., Buh, J., Hartavi A.E. et al., Towards Brand-Independent Architectures, Components and Systems for Next Generation Electrified Vehicles Optimised for the Infrastructure, SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 4(5):1906-1922, 2022.
    5) Shah Alias Sangani, A., Harman, C., Kinav, E., Göl, M. Hartavi A.E., "Commercial Viability Assessment and Planning of Safety-Critical Embedded SW of Electrified Road Vehicles," SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 4(1):86-97, 2022.
    6) K. M. So, P. Gruber, D. Tavernini, Hartavi A. E., A. Sorniotti and T. Motaln, On the Optimal Speed Profile for Electric Vehicles, in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 78504-78518, 2020.
    7) L. Shao, Hartavi A.E , D. Tavernini, A. Sorniotti and M. Cheng, Design Approaches and Control Strategies for Energy-Efficient Electric Machines for Electric Vehicles—A Review, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 116900-116913, 2020.
    8) Tavernini D., Vacca F., Metzler M., Savitsky D., Ivanov V., Hartavi A.E., Gruber P., Dhaens M., Sorniotti A.,An Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive ABS Controller for Electro-Hydraulic Braking Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 3990-4001, May 2020.
    9) Asef P., Bargallo R., A.E. Hartavi, Niknejad P., M.R. Barzegaran, Lapthorn A.C., Correlation of Solar Power Prediction Considering The Nominal Operating Cell Temperature Under Partial Shading Effect, Measurement, Volume 147, 2019.
    10) Gao J., Tian G., Sorniotti A., Hartavi A.E., Di Palo R., Review of thermal management of catalytic converters to decrease engine emissions during cold start and warm up, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol 147, pp 177-187, 2019.
    11) Vacca, F., De Pinto, S., Hartavi Karci, A.E., Gruber, P., Viotto, F., Cavallino, C., Rossi, J.; Sorniotti, A. On the Energy Efficiency of Dual Clutch Transmissions and Automated Manual Transmissions, Energies, 10, 1562, 2017.
    12) Ahu Ece Hartavi, İsmail Meriç Can Uygan and Levent Güvenç, A Hybrid Electric Vehicle Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator as a Development Platform For Energy Management Algorithms, International Journal of Vehicle Design Vol. 71, No. 1-4, pp 410-429.2016.
    13) Kahraman K., Hartavi A. E., Guvenc L., et al. Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Implementation of Team Mekar at the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol:13, 3, 2012.
    14) Uygan I. M.C, Hartavi A.E., Guvenc L., Sezer V., Acarman T, Propulsion System Design of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, International Journal of Vehicle Design Vol. 52, No. 1-4, 2009.
    15) Uygan I. M. C, Hartavi A. E., Guvenc L., Sezer V., Acarman T., Propulsion System Design of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, International Journal of Vehicle DesignVol. 52, No. 1-4, 2009.
    16) M. N. Sahinkaya and A. E. Hartavi, Variable Bias Current in Magnetic Bearings for Energy Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 1052-1060, March 2007.
    17) Hartavi, A.E., Tuncay N. R., Sahinkaya M.N., Burrows C.R., Rotor-AMY Sisteminin Bulanık Denetleyici ile Kontrolü ve Denge Akımı En İyileştirilmesi, ITU, Vol 5, 3, 2006.
    18) Hartavi A.E., Sahinkaya M. N, Tunçay R. N., Burrows C.R., Fuzzy Supervisory Control and Bias Current Optimization of Rotor Active Magnetic Bearing System, Journal of ITU , 2006.
    19) Ozgurs Ustun, R. Nejat Tuncay, A. Kerem Dogueri, A. Ece Hartavi, An Integrated Approach for Linear Actuator Design, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Volume 35, Issue 2, 2002, pp 37-42,2002.

    Book Chapters
    1) Hillbrand, B. , Innerwinkler P., Stettinger G., Hartavi, A.E., Rodoplu K., Demir A., Buyukakin T.,Sozen E., Aydemir E., Clement P., Zaya J., Sahimäki S., Tarkiainen M.,TrustVehicle Verification Procedure, Enhanced Trustworthiness and End User Acceptance of Conditionally Automated Vehicles in the Transition Period. Springer, 2021.
    2) Hartavi, A.E., Kabbani T., Sarhadi P., Sangani A.S.A.,Zaya J., Maroun S., Saleh M., Shanmugam S.,Krishna A., Ou J., Sozen E., Aydemir E, Ahiad S., Reliable Sense-Plan-Act Approaches for TrustVehicles, Enhanced Trustworthiness and End User Acceptance of Conditionally Automated Vehicles in the Transition Period, Springer, 2021.
    3) Schicker, L.M., Watzenig, D., Hartavi, A.E., Troglia, M., How Should TrustVehicles Behave? Trustworthiness, User Acceptance and Expectations. Enhanced Trustworthiness and End User Acceptance of Conditionally Automated Vehicles in the Transition Period. Springer, 2021.
    4) Clement, P., Danzinger, H., Quinz, P., Hillbrand, B., Hartavi, A.E., Kasikci, K.Z., Assessment Concept for TrustVehicles, Trustworthiness and End User Acceptance of Conditionally Automated Vehicles in the Transition Period. Enhanced Trustworthiness and End User Acceptance of Conditionally Automated Vehicles in the Transition Period, Springer, 2021.
    5) Innerwinkler P, Hartavi A.E.,Tarkiainen M.J., Troglia M., Kinav E., Ozan B., Aydemir E., Derse C., Stettinger G., Watzenig D., Sahimäki S., Druml N.,Nahler C., Metzner S., Gopi S., Clement P., Macher G., Zaya J.,Groppo R., Ahiad S., TrustVehicle – Improved Trustworthiness and Weather-Independence of Conditionally Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Scenarios: Smart Systems for Clean, Safe and Shared Road Vehicles, Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2018.
    6) Hartavi, A., Uygan I.M.C, Sezer, V., Güvenç, L., Acarman T.,Kilic V., Yildirim M., Electric Regenerative Power Assisted Brake Algorithm for a Front and Rear Wheel Drive Parallel Hybrid Electric Commercial Van, Advancements in Steering Systems, Braking Systems, and Advanced Chassis Control and Rollover Stability, Chapter 7, SAE International, ISBN: 978-0-7680-2092-2, October 2009.
    7) Sezer, V., Uygan, I.M.C., Acarman T., Kilic V., Yildirim M., Hartavi, A., Güvenç, L., Chapter 7: Maximizing Overall Efficiency Strategy (MOES) for Power Split Control of a Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Simulation of Commercial Vehicles, Chapter 7, SAE International, ISBN: 978-0-7680-2094-6, October 2008.

    White Papers
    8) Hartavi A.E., Sangani A.S.A., Trustvehicle Catalogue of Critical Scenarios, Trustvehicle, Grant agreement ID: 723324, 2020.
    9) Hartavi A.E., Alkan E., Sangani A.S.A., Catalogue of Assessment Criteria for Level 3 Autonomous Vehicles, Trustvehicle, Grant agreement ID: 723324, 2020.

    Conference Papers
    10) Gol M., Camci M.,Serbes D., Santuci E., Mörtl P., Ozan B., Hartavi A. E., Empowering SAE Level 4 Autonomous Trucks: The Decision-Making System, International Congress on Transportatıon Research, ICTR, Heraklion, Crete, 2023.
    11) Kim. S, D.Serbes, T.Kabbani, Hartavi A.E. R. Egmond, Designing sounds to support visual Human Machine Interface for automated vehicles: A study for truck drivers, The Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference-Europe, Torino, Italy, 2022.
    12) Mohamed Y., Gol M., Kabbani T., Ghazali M., Demir A., Sangani, Rodoplu K., Derse C., Hartavi A. E., Real-Time Implementable Intelligent Trajectory Controller Design for a Light Commercial Vehicle, Transport Research Arena Conference Lisbon, Portugal, 2022.
    13) Kabbani T., Sarhadi P., Ghazali M., Gamagea C., Serbes D, Sozen E., Ozan B., Hartavi A. E., Model Validation of Articulated Heavy-Duty Vehicle via IPG for Tracking Controller Design, Transport Research Arena. Lisbon 2022.
    14) Ghazali M., Gupta I., Ben Abdallah M., Clarke J., Hartavi A. E., Performance Comparison of Three Rival AI-Powered Intelligent Trajectory Tracking Controllers for an Autonomous Delivery Van, Accepted for Transport Research Arena. Lisbon 2022.
    15) Ghazali M., Chaghazardi Z., Daryabari S, Harman C., Vukotic M, Miljavec D, Hartavi A,E., Quantitative Analysis of the Effect of Operating Temperature on Energy Performance of an Electric Heavy Commercial Vehicle, Transport Research Arena. Lisbon 2022.
    17) A. Kanak, S. Ergün, A. Serdar Atalay, S. Persi and A. E. Hartavi, A Review and Strategic Approach for the Transition towards Third-Wave Trustworthy and Explainable AI in Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility, 27th Asia Pacific Conference on Communications, Jeju Island, Korea, Republic of, 2022.
    18) Kim, S., Kabbani, T., Serbes, D., Happee, R., Hartavi, A.E, & van Egmond, R., A new approach to sound design in automated vehicles. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe, pp. 149-159, 2022.
    19) İnal T. T., Yalçın B., Çetin G., Abdallah M. B., Ghazali M., Cansever G., Hartavi A.E., Energy Benefit Analysis of Independent Torque Variation in Fully Electric Off-Road Tracked Vehicles, 10th International Automotive Technologies Congress, OTEKON 2020.
    20) Hartavi, A.E., Gol M., Electrified Auxiliary System Demand Control Of A Hybrid Electric Refuse Truck, 10th International Automotive Technologies Congress, OTEKON, 2020.
    21) Kabbani T, Sarhadi P., Sozen E., Ozan B, Kinav E., Hartavi A.E., Fully Automated Reverse-Parking System for a Level 3 Autonomous Heavy-Duty Vehicle, Virtual ITS European Congress, 9-10 November 2020.
    22) Kaşıkcı K., Hartavi A. E.,Sorniotti A., Evaluatıon Of Automatıon Inıtıated Drıvıng Control Authorıty Transıtıon Tıme In Level 3 Automated Vehıcles, OTEKON’18, 2018.
    23) Giannakou P., Hartavi A. E., Energy Harvesting Estimation of a Piezoelectric-Charging Structural Supercapacitor, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress, 2017.
    24) Hartavi A.E, Akyuz B., Gol M., A Comparative Study of Different Electric Drive Systems and Their Effects on Drive Cycle Performance of an Electric City Bus, EVS’28, 2015.
    25) Gol M., Inal T., Hartavi, A.E., An Effective Tool for Evaluating the Impact of E-Powertrain on Energy Consumption and Performance, OTEKON’14, 2014.
    26) Uygan I. M. C, Hartavi A. E., Yildirim M., Guvenc L.,Development and Use of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Hardware-in-The-Loop Simulator for Power Management Controller Design and Testing, OTEKON’14, 2014.
    27) Gol M., Hartavi, A.E., Akyuz B., Impact Assessment of Electric City Bus Parameters on Driving Range over Various Drive Cycles, International Conference on Automotive Technologies, ICAT, 2014.
    28) Karabastık E., Akgün E., Savtur M., Hartavi A. E., Gelişen Teknoloji ve Karayolu Güvenliği, 4. Karayolu Trafik Güvenliği Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, Ankara, Turkey, May 8-10, 2013.
    29) Gol M., Abdal S., Ceylan H., Hartavi A. E., Asfalttaki Zekâ, 4. Karayolu Trafik Güvenliği Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, May 8-10, 2013, Ankara, Turkey, 2013.
    30) Demir M., Gezer I., Tarı O., Hartavi A. E., Karayolu Güvenliği Politikaları ve Stratejileri: Türkiye ve AB Karşılaştırması, 4. Karayolu Trafik Güvenliği Sempozyumu, May 8-10, Ankara, Turkey, 2013.
    31) Boltürk S. T., Yıldırım G. Ö., Balata A., Hartavi A. E., İleri Sürücü Destek Sistemleri, 4. Karayolu Trafik Güvenliği Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, May 8-10, Ankara, Turkey, 2013
    32) Hartavi A.E., Uygan I.M.C., Turan M. C., Karaahmetoğlu R., Senturk M., Tas O. S., Kahraman K., Güvenc L, Guvenc B.A, Ozguner U., Altug E., Efendioglu B., Design and Control Basics of a Cooperative Vehicle, Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi (OTEKON’12), June 4-5, Bursa, Turkey, 2012.
    33) Turan M. C., Hartavi A.E., Altug E., Development of Rule Based Upper Level Control Algorithm for an Intelligent Vehicle in Automated Highway System, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES’12), Istanbul, Turkey. July 24-27, 2012,
    34) Hartavi A.E., Turan M. C., Gol M., Tarı O., Pre-Competition Determination of Performance Effective Parameters for a Fuel Cell Electric Race Vehicle, International Workshop on Challanges and Opportunities for Green and Smart Vehicles, July 24, 2012.
    35) M. C. Turan, A. E. Hartavi and E. Altuğ, Development of a Rule Based Upper Level Control Algorithm For a Co-Operative Vehicle in Automated Highway System, IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, ICVES, 2012.
    36) Hartavi A.E., Uygan I.M.C., Güvenc L, Bypass Based Rapid Control Prototyping of Hybrid Brake Control System, Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi (OTEKON’10), June 7-8, Bursa, Turkey, 2010.
    37) Altındemir E., Hartavi A.E., Güvenc L, Göktan A., Yıldırım M., Development of an Auxiliary Pressurized Hybrid Brake System for a Parallel Hybrid Electric Commercial Van, SAE ,Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress and Exhibition (SAE COMVEC 2009), Rosemont, Illinois, USA, 2009.
    38) Sezer V., Biliroğlu A., Demirci M., Uçarol H., Kural E., Özsu E., Kilic V., Koçkan I., Yildirim M., Hartavi A.E., Uyagn I.M.C., Acarman T., Guvenc L., Design and Implementation of a Series-Parallel Light Commercial Hybrid Electric Vehicle,EVS24, 2009.
    39) Uygan I.M.C., Hartavi A.E., Güvenc L, Powertrain Design for Hybrid Electric Vehicles, 4. Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi (OTEKON’08), Bursa, Turkey, June 1-4, 2008.
    40) Hartavi, A., Uygan I.M.C, Sezer, V., Güvenç, L., Acarman T.,Kilic V., Yildirim M., Electric Regenerative Power Assisted Brake Algorithm for a Front and Rear Wheel Drive Parallel Hybrid Electric Commercial Van, SAE Technical Paper 2008-01-2606, 2008.
    41) Sezer, V., Uygan, I.M.C.,Acarman T.,Kilic V.,Yildirim M., Hartavi, A., Güvenç, L., Maximizing Overall Efficiency Strategy (MOES) for Power Split Control of a Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle, SAE Technical Paper 2008-01-2682, 2008.
    42) Hartavi A.E., Uygan I.M.C., Sezer V., Acarman T. , Güvenc L, Goktan A.G., Development of an Electric Power Assisted Brake Algorithm for Electrically Driven Land Vehicles, 9th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control, (AVEC’08), October 6-9, Japan, 2008.
    43) Uygan I.M.C., Hartavi A.E., Güvenc L., Acarman T., Kılıç V., Özelgin İ., Yildirim M., Sezer V., FOHEV II - The Ford Otosan Hybrid Electric Research Prototype Vehicle, International Conference on Automotive Technologies, (ICAT’08) , November 13-14, 2008, Turkey.
    44) Uygan I. M. C, Sezer V., Guvenc L, Goktan A.,Acarman T., Hartavi A. E., Kılıç V., Yildirim M., Electronic and Safety Structural Design of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Electronic and Safety Structural Design of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, ICVES08, Columbus, USA, 2008.
    45) Uygan I. M. C, Hartavi A. E., Sezer V., Guvenc L, Goktan A., Energy Recuperation in Electrically Driven Road Vehicles through Regenerative Braking, AVEC08, Kobe, Japan, 2008.
    46) Uygan I. M. C, Hartavi A. E., Sezer V., Guvenc L, Acarman T., Kiliç V, Yildirim M., Regenerative Braking Algorithm for Energy Efficiency Enhancement of a Front and Rear Wheel Drive Parallel Hybrid Electric Commercial Van, COMVEC08, 2008.
    47) Hartavi A.E. Uygan I.M.C., Sezer V., Acarman T. , Güvenc L., Kiliç V, Yildirim M., Signal interfacing for hybrid electric vehicular electronics and an implementation study, IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, Columbus, OH, USA, pp. 151-156, 2008.
    48) Hartavi A.E., Uygan I.M.C., Sezer V., Acarman T. , Güvenc L., Development of Hybrid Braking Algorithm for Electric/Hybrid Electric Vehicles, The 3rd AUTOCOM International Workshop on Hybrid Electric Vehicle Modeling and Control, June 12, 2007.
    49) Hartavi A.E. , Sahinkaya M. N, Tunçay R. N., Variable Current Control of A Five Axis Magnetically Levitated Turbomolecular Pump, International Conference on Electric Machines and Drives, (ICEM'06 ), Chania, Greece, September 2-5, 2006.
    50) Hartavi A.E., R. N. Tuncay and M. N. Sahinkaya, The Effect of Current Control Strategies on Power Consumption of a Magnetically Levitated Turbomolecular Pump, CES/IEEE 5th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Shanghai, China, pp. 1-5, 2006.
    51) Hartavi A.E., R. N. Tuncay and M. N. Sahinkaya, Burrow C. R., Bias Current Optimisation and Fuzzy Controllers for Magnetic Bearings in Turbo Molecular Pumps, Ninth International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, August 3-6, 2004, Lexington, Kentucky, USA, 2004.
    52) Hartavi A.E., O. Ustun and R. N. Tuncay, A comparative approach on PD and fuzzy control of AMB using RCP, IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, IEMDC'03., Madison, WI, USA, 2003, pp. 1507-1510 vol.3, 2003.
    53) Üstün Ö,. Tunçay R.N. , Dogueri A.K. , Hartavi A.E., An Integrated Approach To Design of Linear Actuators, Mechatronics 2002 Conference, 9-11, Berkeley, USA, December 2002.
    54) Hartavi A.E., O. Ustun, R. N. Tuncay and F. Gurleyen, The design, simulation and experimental study of active magnetic bearing, IEMDC 2001. IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 492-495, 2001.
    55) Hartavi A.E., Üstün Ö., Tunçay R.N., Modelling and Control Aspects of Active Magnetic Bearing, European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’01), Graz, Austria, 27-29 August 2001.
    56) Hartavi A.E., Üstün Ö., Tunçay R.N., Dynamic Simulation of Attractive Type Suspension Systems, International Aegean Conference of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics (ACEMP’01), Kuşadası, Turkey, 26-29 June 2001.
    57) Hartavi A.E., Üstün Ö., Tunçay R.N., Gürleyen F., The Design Simulation and Experimental Study of an Active Magnetic Bearing, International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC'01), Cambridge, USA, 2001.
    58) Hartavi A.E., Ö. Üstün, R.N.Tunçay, Design and Simulation of DC type Active Magnetic Bearing System, Elektrik, Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (ELECO 2000), Bursa, Turkey ( in Turkish), 2000.