Published: 28 February 2024

Intraspect event offers alternative concert for Surrey electronic music fans

The trio 'Ion Tarkus', formed of Creative Music Technology (CMT) students from the Department of Music and Media, opened the seventh Intraspect event last week, with a stunning live electronic improvisation set. Intraspect is an event held annually at the University of Surrey, which showcases the electronic and alternative musical talents of special guests and our CMT students.  

The University of Surrey also welcomed Ed Bennett and Xenia Pestova Bennett to Guildford for the first time, as headliners for the event. Performing as "Bubo Bubo" the duo explores layered acoustic and electronic sounds (piano, desk bells, music boxes, live electronics) to create quirky and intricate sonic journeys. Senior lecturer Bill Thompson debuted a new work for Moog guitar and electronics, his first solo for the series.

Bill comments:

“When I first established the series, my goal was to create an event where professional artists who work with electronics can share the bill with myself and students on our Creative Music Technology course."

Concerts featuring experimental/creative use of electronics are common in London and other major cities in the UK and I wanted my students to have real-world experience performing at a similar event, while also contributing to the culture of the University and Guildford itself.” 

In the past, the range of artists featured at Introspect have included laptop musicians such as John Wall, live electronics audio/visual duos like Harmageddon and large electroacoustic ensembles, as well as the latest guests Bubo Bubo performing their quirky blend of electronic/piano/handbell infused music. 

Bill continues, 

“What I particularly appreciate about the series, as an artist, curator and educator, is the way that it bridges the gap between professional arts practice, education and public engagement in a way that feels genuine and authentic.”

The event is always well attended across all years and music courses in the department, as well as members of the public. The next Intraspect will take place in 2025. 

Learn more about the Creative Music Technology degree programme here

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