Workshops on developing circular and sustainable tourism priorities for Cabo Verde
As part of our UNIDO GCF funded project ‘Country Programming Support for Circular and Sustainable Tourism Planning for Cabo Verde’ (SAP: 200198), Dr Albert Kimbu and Dr Alector Ribeiro were in Praia, Cabo Verde on 4-8 June 2024 to deliver two stakeholder engagement, training and validation workshops.

The first workshop focused on understanding and identifying the gaps required to develop and embed gender, unconscious bias and social inclusion sensitisation, and environmental and social safeguards in developing circular and sustainable tourism in Cabo Verde. The second workshop validated a road map for promoting circular and sustainable tourism in Cabo Verde following intense discussions on the challenges and opportunities for the improvement of environmental policy and regulatory environment in fostering circular and sustainable tourism in the country.
The workshops brought together selected senior administration officials from the Cabo Verdean ministries of finance, tourism and transport, gender and women’s affairs, and environment, as well as destination managers, municipal authorities and civil society organisations, country representatives of international organisations (FAO, UNIDO, World Bank). The recommendations for action which will feed into the Green Climate Fund country readiness programme priorities that are being developed for circular and sustainable tourism in Cabo Verde.

During the trip we paid a courtesy call, to one of Africa’s living monuments and Cabo Verde’s national treasure, HE Pedro De Verona Rodriguez Pires, the former President and first Prime Minister of Cabo Verde and 2011 laureate of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation Prize for Achievement in African Leadership, in recognition of his role in making Cabo Verde a "model of democracy, stability and increased prosperity". The photo shows, from left to right, Dr Albert Kimbu, HE Pedro De Verona Rodriguez Pires, Dr Alector Ribeiro.