Which economics masters is right for you?
You’d like to do a postgrad in economics? Great. And you’re reading this article… so you’re probably interested in the University of Surrey. Even better. Let us take you through the differences between our postgraduate courses so you know what makes them special. Of course, they all have some attractive things in common too, so we’ll run through those at the end. Sound good? Then, let’s do this…
What do they have in common?
- Economics produces graduates who are sought-after by leading economics departments, central banks, research institutions, consultancies and think tanks around the world
- Taught by staff from around the world, with around 70 nationalities
- Economics teaches in a hybrid fashion, providing video recordings, articles and digital polling when classes aren't face-to-face and connecting openly with students on Microsoft Teams
- Offer funding from the Alan Turing Scheme, so you can use it to work on four-week projects in, for example, a corporate bank, government institution or even a fintech, to get first-hand experience of working with policy, big data or blockchain technology
- Postgraduates are impressed by the high ratio of staff to students, typically 1:1. So, there is every chance to chat through ideas at length. Stopping the discussions is the hard bit!
- All students have access to a calendar of regular seminars that feature top academics, who publish in the leading journals worldwide.

The fun stuff
University isn't just about studying, we also offer fun activities throughout the year:
- Each December, we hold a large annual workshop where the course leaders present the work that won that year’s Nobel Prize for economics
- Our postgraduate social is a highlight of the year, with good food and drinks, where everybody can mingle in a relaxed environment
- There’s the masters’ dinner too – a black-tie event that brings together all of the students in the University for a proper party.
Join us
Economics is about life. This field reveals our human instincts for gathering resources and survival. It goes back to the very basic of what a person is. With the challenges of the modern world, from climate change to health security, globalisation to digitalisation, there’s no better time to call yourself an economist.
And Surrey is the place to make your name. You will be taught by dedicated economists and feel a strong sense of community. We are innovating fast, with a clear vision for the future. So, find the right course for you and apply today: