Published: 15 December 2021

What you need to know about the School of Law

Confront the concepts of justice, fairness and equality and challenge the norm. Law should not be considered immutable, but something to be questioned and examined. Our students learn the skills to do this, to tackle law and reasoning in our societies.

"Challenging us, challenging orthodoxy, challenging law’s continued deficiencies in a world of environmental, economic, and sometimes civic uncertainty. Writing with growing maturity, precision, and fluency. Making fun of us! Having worlds that we know nothing about. All this makes us a community."

Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov, Head of the School of Law

We think big

Studying law is not just a memory game. Our students are encouraged to understand how the legal system works across all key areas of law – and also to question it. How could reform make the law work better for society? We think creatively about solving problems with the law – both nationally and internationally – and scrutinise concepts, laws and forms of reasoning.

We prepare you for work

A law degree can lead to a range of successful careers, and we support our students all the way. As well as working on real cases at our law clinics, there’s the opportunity to take a year-long placement, gaining valuable legal work experience, at places like Shoosmiths, Penningtons Manches or Disney. Many placements have led to permanent positions for our graduates.

"I cannot recommend the Law and Technology module enough. This practical module seeks to understand how the role of technology can and is impacting the future of the law profession. For those seeking to pursue a future career in law, understanding both the practical and theoretical implications of technology will be vital in shaping the ‘21st-century lawyer’."

Matthew Mayes (graduate)


We challenge orthodoxy

Through traditional seminars, inquiry-based learning and teamwork, we encourage debate about contentious issues. We acknowledge law’s continued deficiency in a world of environmental, economic and sometimes civic uncertainty; and encourage our students to think creatively about how law can be reformed and relied on to make society better.

"The Evidence module is a must for any aspiring trial advocate! It provided me with an essential understanding of the rules of evidence in the criminal courts, along with valuable insights of how the lawyers and judges apply the rules in practice. It left me well equipped for the Bar Course when I was presenting my own applications and submissions."

Mark Sheppard (student)

We are an international community

We’re proud of our friendly community, where both students and staff feel well supported. There are opportunities for coffee get-togethers and even pet therapy days! And our staff come from around the world – including Poland, Venezuela, Hong Kong, Germany and China – bringing a global perspective to our research and teaching.


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