Published: 15 March 2021

A week in the life of a Surrey Business School PGT student

From accounting and finance to investment management, discover what a typical week looks like as a Surrey Business School postgraduate student at Surrey.

How you'll learn

Your teaching will be delivered through a combination of:

  • Group work (e.g. discussion groups)
  • Lectures
  • Online learning
  • Seminars
  • Tutorials.

Outside of these, you’ll be expected to carry out independent study, including coursework, essays, and reading. We’ve also introduced hybrid learning, a mix of online and face-to-face sessions, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

I’ve gained theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of digital marketing, social media, channel management, entrepreneurship and the most important aspects that every marketer should know regarding marketing analytics. The course offers flexibility around the optional modules, so I’ve been able to match to my career interests and aspirations. Ivalena Martinova - Digital Marketing and Channel Management MSc

A typical week in your first year

In your first year, you'll receive approximately 12 contact hours each week.


9am to 11am – 'Internet of Things' lecture

12pm to 1pm – 'Digital Marketing and Social Media' tutorial

4pm to 6pm – 'Marketing' lecture


9am to 12pm – 'Global Strategy Implementation' lecture


1pm to 2pm – 'Entrepreneurship and The Digital Economy' lab session

3pm to 5pm – 'New Business Venturing' seminar


4pm to 5pm – 'Marketing' seminar


Find out more about our postgraduate courses on offer within Surrey Business School.



The timetable above is based on the typical week of an Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management MSc student. The timetable and modules listed are indicative, reflecting the information available at the time of publication and may be subject to teaching availability, student demand and/or class size caps.

Given the changing nature of the Covid-19 pandemic, our hybrid learning model is under continuous review. See the latest information on all changes.

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