Published: 02 March 2022

A week in the life of a postgraduate on our MSc in Information Security

From lectures to laboratory-based practicals, discover what a typical week looks like for a student on our MSc in Information Security.

How you'll learn

Your teaching will be delivered by academics working at an institution that has been acclaimed as an Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Education by the National Cyber Security Centre. You’ll learn through a combination of:

  • Group work
  • Laboratory-based practical's
  • Lectures
  • Online learning.

Outside of these, you’ll be expected to carry out independent study, including coursework, essays and reading.

We’ve also introduced hybrid learning, a mix of online and face-to-face sessions, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

A typical week

You'll receive approximately 14 contact hours each week.


  • 9am - 11am: Database Systems – Lecture


  • 12 noon - 1pm: Information Security Management – Lecture
  • 1pm - 3pm: Information Security Management – Lab Workshop.


  • 10am - 12 noon: Database Systems – Lab Workshop.

Please note, Wednesday afternoons are left free for sporting and other University society activities.


  • 10am - 12 noon: Symmetric Cryptography – Lecture
  • 1pm - 3pm: Symmetric Cryptography – Lab Workshop.


  • 9am - 12 noon: Architectural Thinking for Security – Lecture.


Learn more about postgraduate study in our Department of Computer Science.

Disclaimer: The timetable and modules listed are indicative, reflecting the information available at the time of publication and may be subject to teaching availability, student demand and/or class size caps. Given the changing nature of the Covid-19 pandemic, our hybrid learning model is under continuous review. See the latest information on all changes.

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