Published: 22 March 2021

A week in the life of an interpreting student

From simultaneous interpreting, to interpreting and technologies, to research methods, discover what a typical week looks like as an Interpreting MA student at Surrey.

How you'll learn

Your teaching will be delivered through a combination of:

  • Hands-on interpreting classes (including role plays and simulations of real-life tasks and scenarios)
  • Lectures
  • Tutorials
  • Seminars
  • Group work (e.g. discussion groups)
  • Online learning.

Outside of these, you’ll be expected to carry out independent study, including coursework, hands-on practice, essays, and reading.

A typical week on the course

In your first semester, you'll receive approximately 10-12 contact hours each week.


  • 10am to 1pm – ‘Consecutive and Dialogue Interpreting’ tutorial
  • 2pm to 5pm – Independent study (primarily used for interpreting practice).


  • 9am to 11am – Independent study
  • 4pm to 6pm – ‘Principles and Challenges of Translation and interpreting’ lecture.


  • 10am to 12 noon – ’Academic Research Methods’ seminar
  • 2pm to 4pm –‘Translation Studies’ seminar.


  • 9am to 12 noon – ‘Simultaneous Interpreting’ tutorial
  • 1pm to 4pm-– Independent study (primarily used for interpreting practise).


  • Full day of independent study.

Find out more about our MA Interpreting course.


The timetable above is based on the typical week of an Interpreting MA student. There are multiple module options to choose from and two different pathways for students to study (Multilingual pathway and Chinese pathway), so hours and classes may vary. The timetable and modules listed are indicative, reflecting the information available at the time of publication and may be subject to teaching availability, student demand and/or class size caps.

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