Published: 15 November 2021

Video: Dr Lucas Vieira's lecture on societal implications of machine translation

Watch the full video recording of Dr Lucas Vieira's lecture. This lecture was delivered on the 10th of November 2021 as part of the Centre for Translation Studies' Convergence lecture series.

Title of the lecture: Some societal implications of machine translation

Abstract of the lecture: Research on machine translation’s human factors has in many cases focused on how students and professional translators use machine translation systems. Machine translation has a much larger user base, however. Translation tools have significant implications for cross-cultural communication, for information accessibility and for the conceptualisation of translation as a practice and disciplinary area. This talk will examine some of these implications. The discussion will draw on three sources: a review of machine translation use in legal and medical settings, an analysis of how machine translation is portrayed in the English-language press, and a nationally representative survey of 1,200 UK residents on their uses and perceptions of machine translation systems. The talk is hoped to raise awareness of different social factors in machine translation use and highlight areas of priority for human-centric machine translation research.

Speaker's short bio: Dr Lucas Nunes Vieira is a Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies at the University of Bristol. He researches the use of machine translation in human translation processes and in communication. He has a PhD on post-editing of machine translation and is Principal Investigator of IMPETUS (Improving Products and Processes in Translation Technology Use), a project funded by the UK's Economic and Social Research Council.

This lecture was delivered as part of the Centre for Translation StudiesConvergence lecture series and took place on the 10th of November 2021.

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