Published: 28 May 2021

Video: Dr Claudio Fantinuoli's lecture on Human-Machine Interaction in the Interpreting Workflow

Watch the full video recording of Dr Claudio Fantinuoli's lecture. This lecture was delivered on the 26th of May 2021 as part of the Centre for Translation Studies' Convergence lecture series.

Speaker's short bio: Dr Claudio Fantinuoli is researcher and lecturer at the University of Mainz and Head of Innovation at KUDO Inc. He researches in the area of Natural Language Processing applied to human and machine interpreting (computer-assisted interpreting, speech recognition, speech translation). He lectures Language Technologies and Conference Interpreting at the University of Mainz and at the Postgraduate Center of the University of Vienna. He is the founder of InterpretBank.

Abstract of the lecture: Artificial Intelligence is becoming integral part of computer-assisted interpreting (CAI) tools and is now allowing machine learning to enter the workflow of professional interpreters. CAI tools can create ad-hoc linguistic resources, suggest translations, numbers and proper names in real-time and automatize several aspects around the service provision. In this presentation I will discuss the promise of AI for the interpreting profession, its potentials and risks.

This lecture was delivered as part of the Centre for Translation StudiesConvergence lecture series and took place on the 26th of May 2021.