University of Surrey living lab experiment results in reduced shower times
Innovative water sensor helps promote sustainable behaviour change.

To help address the growing pressure on water supplies and to achieve our water reduction target, the University has partnered with Aguardio ApS to conduct a living lab experiment between February and June 2020.
The innovative Aguardio G2 shower sensor was used in student accommodation to test the effectiveness of real-time feedback and messaging. Initial results indicated that real-time feedback led to a 20% reduction in shower time and that a 30% reduction in shower time was achieved when real-time feedback was combined with messaging encouraging selfless pro-environmental behaviour. Annually, in each communal shower that has the device installed, this will result in savings of over 29,000 litres!
Due to the water and gas savings provided, the devices were commended by the experiment participants. The project is also helping to drive forward our commitment to achieving Sustainable Development Goals 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, 7 Affordable and Clean Energy and 13 Climate Action.
The second phase of the project is underway, with the University increasing the number of shower sensors to 550 whilst refining the messaging accompanying them. Concomitantly, the University of Surrey is proud to be the first place in the UK to pilot Aguardio’s new toilet leak sensors, which will support us to identify leaking cisterns.
To find out more about the project, please visit the Showering Smartly website. For more information and other enquiries, please email