The University of Surrey has been awarded €1.4 million to undertake cutting edge research into infectious disease and antimicrobial resistance
The University of Surrey’s School of Veterinary Medicine continues its collaboration with the One Health European Joint Programme to undertake pioneering research recognising that human health is closely linked to the health of animals and the environment.

Over the next 3 years, researchers will continue to undertake collaborative and interdisciplinary research with European partners to address the global threats of foodborne diseases, antimicrobial resistance and emerging infectious diseases. Six new research projects and two PhD projects were funded in January 2020 and work continues on other projects first funded in January 2018.
The One Health EJP is a landmark partnership consisting of 37 partners from acclaimed medical, veterinary and food laboratories across the EU, and the Med-Vet-Net Association. At its core, the One Health EJP recognises that the implementation of the ‘One Health Concept’ through targeted research will be able to harmonise approaches to infectious diseases across the EU, and globally.
In addition to laboratory and field research, the University of Surrey has also been integral to the organisation of One Health EJP Education and Training activities, including workshops and summer schools. These activities aim to train the next generation of ‘One Health’ scientists, something the University is proud to lead.
Professor Roberto La Ragione, Deputy Head of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Surrey, said “Recent emerging infectious disease outbreaks and antibiotic resistance highlight why this research is urgently required. Transmission of infectious diseases and AMR from animals to humans poses a significant global threat to public health and it is important that we act now to ensure we are prepared for any future outbreaks.”
Dr Dan Horton, Research Director in the School of Veterinary Medicine, said “With the recent emergence of a novel coronavirus, most likely from an animal reservoir, the importance of One Health research has never been clearer. International and interdisciplinary collaboration to is imperative to prevent and respond to such disease threats.”
Professor David Sampson, Vice-Provost, Research and Innovation, at the University of Surrey said “This research continues the close collaborative partnership with the One Health EJP, highlighting the central role played by The University of Surrey’s veterinary scientists. The Education and Training activities will promote the One Health concept not only in the UK and Europe but worldwide, making a vital contribution to the sustainability of this important programme.”
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