Published: 06 August 2018

UKRI Policy Internships Scheme

The Policy Internships Scheme provides a fantastic opportunity for PhD students funded by any of the research councils to work for three months in one of a selected group of highly influential policy organisations.

For successful applicants the University would pause PhD registration and UKRI would continue to pay stipend at the usual rate. Even if you are not considering a job in policy these openings will give you real-world experience that would enhance any CV.

It is a current Research Council Policy Internships Call. These internships are open to current Research Council-funded PhD students to work at partner host organisations on one or more policy topics relevant to both the student and the host.

Please note that the closing date for applications is 13 August 2018. Any questions about the internship should be addressed to

Further details can be found on the Policy Internship Scheme site.

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