Published: 02 September 2024

Top tips for successful Executive MBA applications

Wondering what you need to apply for our Executive MBA programme? Look no further: here we list our top tips on how to apply....

MBA students sitting around a laptop

Start now

We can accept applications right up until 30 September, but if we fill all the places on the course before then we will close to new applications.

What we’re looking for

  • There is no such thing as a typical MBA student. We’re looking for a diverse group of professionals, from all backgrounds, and business sectors. We welcome applications from those working in the public sector, charities or not for profit organisations or with a military background. 
  • You’ll be willing to share your experiences in the classroom and to learn from your fellow students. 
  • You will have a high level of commitment to working with your fellow students and completing your studies.
  • Your application should showcase your experience and your willingness to learn.
University of Surrey MBA students in class

Preparing for a successful application

Avoid the temptation of AI! We use your applications to understand you, and to decide if the Surrey Executive MBA is right for you. We also use it to support decisions about scholarships.  We need an honest picture of the real you, not a perfectly polished AI-generated version of you.

Start by dusting off your CV and making sure it’s up to date. We’ll be looking at this to see what kind of management or leadership experience you have. This doesn’t always mean that you’ve managed staff. Project management or other kinds of management level responsibility are relevant too including many roles in the military. 

MBA students sitting at a desk smiling at unseen speaker

Now write up a personal statement. This should be no more than one side of A4, no smaller than point 11 text. Your statement should answer three questions but there are no right or wrong answers. Your personal statement is unique to you. 

  1. Why do you want to do the Surrey Executive MBA? Tell us about your ambitions, what you see yourself learning from your studies and your MBA experience. Is there a goal that your MBA studies will help you to achieve. 
  2. How will the Surrey MBA benefit you? What do you think you will get from your MBA journey? Are there benefits beyond your career goals and aspirations?
  3. What can you offer the Surrey MBA? Can you pick out some experiences that you could share for others to learn from. Are there skills that you have in group or team work? Have you had some unique life experiences that could inspire or help fellow students? Could your organisation offer a project for students to apply their new knowledge to.

Find two referees, and make sure you have their full, up to date contact details. At least one of these will need to be your current or most recent employer, unless you are self-employed. We’ll be contacting them as soon as we receive your application. This helps us to be sure that you are who you say you are and that your CV is accurate. 

Evidence of English language skills, but we only need this if English is not your first language. We accept several English language qualifications and full details can be found on our website.


  1. Start work on your application now.
  2. Get in touch if you have any questions – mba@surrey.ac.uk
  3. Stay away from AI and make sure your application is unique to you
  4. There is no such thing as the typical or perfect MBA student: we’re looking for students willing to share their experiences, work with their fellow students and who are ready to commit to their studies. 

We’re looking forward to reading your application!

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