Published: 01 November 2023

Top jobs with a microbiology degree

The minute world of microbiology can reveal the answers to some of the biggest challenges we face as a global community. Discover what roles our graduates have gone on to and who they’re working for. 

Job roles 

From detecting the threat of emerging diseases to researching antibiotic resistance, microbiology plays an important role in the world today. Our research-led microbiology course will help you prepare for a wide range of careers, including scientific and technical roles in specialised areas, and roles that draw upon the breadth of microbiology, such as teaching and science journalism. Typical roles also include:

  • Government and public health scientist
  • Research analyst
  • Scientific data analysis specialist
  • Technician. 

With the critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills learnt throughout the course, several of our graduates have sought careers in business, healthcare, teaching and tourism.

94% of our biosciences and medicine graduates go on to employment or further study (Graduate Outcomes 2023, HESA).


You can find our alumni in academic and industrial research laboratories across the world, including:

  • Leatherhead Food Research
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Public Health England
  • Sanofi. 

"Ultimately, my driver in life was always to try and have a positive impact on the health of the public and I knew that I could really accomplish this at Sainsbury’s. I'm now the Head of Quality, Safety and Supplier Performance, responsible for teams managing the safety, quality and nutrition of Sainsbury’s products and, with over 24 million customer transactions a week, I’m pretty much living my dream of being able to protect and enhance the health of the nation."

Alec Kyriakides, Microbiology BSc 

Supporting your career journey  

Our award-winning Careers and Employability team supports students to find the right career after graduating and, over the last decade, our employment figures have been among the best in the UK. We offer careers information, advice and guidance to all students whilst studying with us, which is extended to our alumni for three years after leaving the University. 



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