Published: 19 January 2023

Top jobs with a criminology degree

Find out what you could do with a degree in Criminology, Criminology with Forensic Investigation and Criminology with Sociology and discover some of the jobs our graduates have secured.

Ninety-eight per cent of our students are in employment or further study after they graduate from the Department of Sociology. The most popular sectors they work in are those concerning public order and safety, as well as in general public administration activities. On average, their starting salary is £26,100 (Graduate Outcomes report, 2022).

"Our courses give our students the knowledge and skills they need to go on to pursue careers and further study in a wide range of areas. Some of our students work in criminal justice roles, while others benefit from applying their transferable skills in other settings.

As a student with us, you will have support from the department to explore your passions and interests and we love seeing our students go into roles that enable them to contribute positively to society. You will get to hear from academics and experts from the world of criminal justice and elsewhere about what you can do with your degree and there will be endless opportunities to develop the skills and experiences you need to identify and achieve your dreams. "

Dr Emily Setty, Programme Leader, Criminology

Graduate roles

Some of our graduates have gone on to start their careers in the following roles:


  • Crime Journalist
  • Crime Researcher
  • Crime Scene Investigator
  • Police Officer
  • Prison Officer
  • Probation Officer.

Alumni apply the social research methods they have learned in their degree and gone onto pursue careers in and outside of the criminal justice system as:

  • Data Analyst
  • Market Researcher
  • Office for National Statistics Researcher
  • Social Researcher
  • Survey Interviewer.

Related professions

The skills you gain are also highly relevant in other roles, including:

  • Civil Service Administrator
  • Community Development Worker
  • Human Resources Officer
  • Policy Analyst
  • Social Worker
  • Youth Worker.

Some of our graduates go on to complete a masters investigating criminology or a related area. Graduates have a grounding in research methods so can go onto study a research methods masters or MPhil. Many go onto do law or psychology conversion courses to pursue these professions, whilst others train as therapists and counsellors working within and outside of the criminal justice system.


Discover more about our undergraduate criminology courses, and what it’s like being a student at Surrey in the Department of Sociology.

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