Published: 20 November 2022

Surrey Speaks season 2 episode 5 - Digital health: What does the future of our healthcare look like?

The podcast episode titled "Digital Health: What does the future of our healthcare look like?" delves into the transformative power of technology and innovation in shaping the way we receive and manage healthcare. 

This episode showcases the invaluable work being done at the University of Surrey to revolutionise healthcare. By highlighting projects like improving symptom monitoring during chemotherapy and enhancing the handling of emergency calls, it becomes evident that technology is not just a disruptor but also a tremendous enabler in healthcare. Professor Jo Armes, Professor Richard Lyon, Professor Cath Taylor, and alumnus Jon Bradshaw, all esteemed experts in their respective fields, provide insights that shed light on the groundbreaking advancements being made. 

One of the most compelling aspects of this episode is the focus on patient-centric care. The incorporation of digital tools for symptom monitoring during chemotherapy demonstrates a commitment to improving the patient experience, empowering individuals to actively participate in their care. 

The discussion on enhancing the handling of emergency calls highlights the potential for technology to save lives and improve the efficiency of healthcare services. This resonates deeply in a world where every second can be crucial in emergency situations. 

The ultimate question posed in this episode is of profound importance: What does the future of our healthcare look like? The answer, as provided by these experts, points toward a future that is increasingly patient-centred, technologically driven, and capable of addressing healthcare challenges with innovation and determination. As we embrace the digital health revolution, the University of Surrey's contributions serve as an inspiring testament to the limitless possibilities that await in the future of healthcare. 

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