Surrey Speaks season 1 episode 2 - Does the UK have a food problem?
With 20 per cent of Year 6 children being classed as overweight, that might seem like a fairly obvious question. So, we've spoken to Professor Jane Ogden, Dr Veronica Giancintucci and Dr Adam Collins to see what they think we can do to get the UK back on track.

Regarding the UK’s food problem, Dr Veronica Giancintucci, Teaching Fellow in Food Science at Surrey said:
“We might have a food education issue, so people need to be more aware of what they’re supposed to eat and what is actually healthy for them and especially what are the good habits in terms of eating habits, not just related to what we eat but also how we eat. We need to understand our relationship with food…we need to have a diary of how we feel when we eat…to try to understand why you’re eating that…and switch snacking of fatty and sugary foods with carrots and raw peppers!”
Professor Jane Ogden, Professor in Health Psychology at Surrey said:
“I think the Government needs to tackle the food industry, I think that there’s a dynamic between us as individuals and the obesogenic environment that needs to be tackled head on. And the responsibility at the moment tends to be to go back to the individual and say “you need to make better choices around kinds of food that you eat”, but they need to help us make better choices by tackling the food industry and that has to be around managing portion control, it has to be around food pricing and it has to be around food labelling.”
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