Published: 14 November 2019

Surrey Business School welcomed into CFA Institute University Affiliation Program

Surrey Business School, at the University of Surrey has become the latest university to be welcomed into the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Institute University Affiliation Program. The CFA Institute is the global association of investment professionals that sets the standard for professional excellence and administers the industry gold standard CFA charter.

The CFA Institute University Affiliation Program signals that Surrey Business School’s curriculum is closely tied to professional practice and is well-suited to preparing students for the CFA examinations. Students will be well positioned to obtain the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation, which has become the most respected and recognised investment credential in the world. 

This affiliation enables Surrey Business School to award selected students studying Accounting and Finance MSc, Investment Management MSc, International Financial Management MSc and International Corporate Finance MSc, with scholarships to sit the CFA examinations at a substantially reduced fee. 

“Professor Bonnie Buchanan, Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting, said, “This is excellent news. It is a wonderful opportunity for postgraduate students in these programs to qualify for the CFA charter - an internationally recognised professional designation. Surrey Business School looks forward to a fruitful collaboration with the CFA Institute”.


Find out more about Surrey Business School’s Accounting and Finance Postgraduate programmes.

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