Published: 26 August 2021

Springboard 2021: the women’s personal development programme - applications open

Springboard is the award-winning, globally recognised, personal development programme for women.

About Springboard

The aim of Springboard is to enable women to develop personally by learning and thinking deeply about their skills, their values, their world, skills for assertiveness; how to network, to put themselves across positively, build personal image and set goals.

At the end of the four-day programme, women testify to increased levels of confidence; increased ability to create and embrace change; strive for new qualifications, promotion and how to achieve new skills and develop fresh attitudes.

Springboard is open to women working at all levels and in all job families at the University of Surrey, offering a unique opportunity to work and network with a range of colleagues from across the University community.  

For further information and details on how to apply, visit our Springboard SurreyNet page.  

Applications close on the 31 of August 2021.


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