Published: 10 June 2024

Professor Iis Tussyadiah awarded an honorary doctorate

Professor Iis Tussyadiah has been awarded an honorary doctorate in Business Studies by the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) in recognition of her significant contributions to research on information technology and tourism business. An honorary doctorate is the highest distinction the university may confer upon a person

Iis Tussyadiah UEF honorary doctorate

During the doctoral conferment ceremony held at the Joensuu Campus from 6-8 June, UEF selected 13 individuals distinguished in science or society to receive honorary doctorates. The honourees included a Nobel Laureate and the President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, among others. 

Over the years, Iis has collaborated extensively with researchers from the UEF Business School, particularly through her involvement with the International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT), where she served as President.

Iis said: "I am deeply honoured to receive an honorary doctorate in Business Studies from UEF and take great pride in becoming a member of this esteemed academic community."

The Finnish academic community upholds many traditions originating from Academia Aboensis, founded in Turku in 1640 by Queen Christina of Sweden. These traditions are especially evident during conferment ceremonies, which are rich with symbolism and pageantry. The elaborate programme includes planting "seeds of knowledge" in the botanical garden, a hat-fitting ceremony, the main conferment ceremony where degrees are formally awarded, a procession through town, a banquet, and a ball culminating in an address to the rising sun. The following day features a cruise. Participants adhere to a strict dress code, including wearing a doctoral hat, which symbolises academic achievement and the pursuit of truth. These traditions emphasise the significance of advancing science and contributing to society. 

To read more about the ceremony, please follow this link.

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