Published: 19 February 2025

New scholarship for Social Research MSc

We are delighted to announce a new scholarship for students from a low-income or less advantaged background who wish to study the MSc in Social Research and who would otherwise struggle to fund their study. 

The £10,000 Scholarship has been funded by an alumnus of Sociology at the University of Surrey. This alumnus is funding this scholarship because of the recognised quality of our MSc in Social Research course and the national and international standing of sociology at Surrey. In 2024, sociology at Surrey was ranked 17th in the world-renowned Shanghai Global Subject Rankings, placing it 3rd in the UK for sociology.   

Professor Andrew King, Head of Sociology, said: “We have a well established history for teaching social research here in sociology at Surrey, and are proud of our reputation, so we are delighted to be launching this new, cutting-edge programme. We’re also delighted that an alumnus has made a donation to support a student from a low-income or less advantaged background who would otherwise struggle to fund their study.” 

Programme Leader, Dr Maria Adams, added: “This is an innovative course that delves in to tackling real world research challenges and provides opportunities for students to learn about a diversity of methods and how this informs policy and practice”.   

See here for more information about the scholarship.  

For more information about our Social Research MSc, watch this video

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