Published: 08 July 2021

Mastering your studies in business, marketing and management

Leanne Fitz, an MSc Digital Marketing and Channel Management student, shares why she chose Surrey, her favourite places to hang out on campus and what she did to prepare ahead of her studies.

What stood out about Surrey?

What really stood out to me is the amazing reputation the University has. Alongside being AACSB and AMBA accredited, Surrey Business School in ranked within the top 10 in the UK in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021. Some courses are also accredited by the Charted Institute of Marketing (CIM) providing credits towards this additional qualification that you can choose to take after leaving Surrey. This is something that I had not seen a university offer before so I found it very appealing.

What’s your favourite thing to do on campus?

PetSoc dog walks! The Pet Society hosts dog walks around the campus every single week. It’s a great chance to get some puppy love and meet new people. Everyone I’ve met has been so nice, and it’s such a nice break from studying.

Where’s your favourite place to study on campus?

The Library is great study space. The silent study spaces are very useful when you need to avoid distractions. I particularly like the final year study spaces, when everyone’s working so hard on their assignments it makes you feel like you need to do the same.

Where’s your favourite place to hang out with friends?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the University set up The Marquee on PATS Field. I love hanging out there with friends in the evening when they have DJs and music playing. It’s a great atmosphere. During the day I find myself with friends either at the Lakeside Café or The Hideout. They both have fantastic food and drink options (including lots of vegetarian/vegan choices) and the staff are so friendly.

Did you do anything over the summer to prepare for your studies?

Before starting at Surrey, I contacted the head of my course and asked for reading recommendations that would prepare me for my studies. I was recommended a book called ‘Principles of Marketing’ by Kotler and Armstrong and found it very useful to read through before starting. So many concepts came up during my course and I referred back to it multiple times. I also took part in the Bright Network 2020 internship in marketing over the summer to gain some added insight. I think anything you can do to prepare is worth the time spent.

If you could go back in time and do one thing before your studies, what would it be?

Read more! Although I managed to read a decent amount before starting there are so many books out there that can be beneficial to your course and I wish I got around to more before I was busy with assignments.

What 5 items would you recommend bringing?

  1. A disposable camera
    By the time you get around to developing the photos you’ll have forgotten what’s on there and have a great laugh looking through them.
  2. Anything that makes University feel like home
    Photos of friends and family, a cosy blanket, whatever it may be.
  3. Tea
    You wouldn’t believe how many chats I’ve had in the past with flatmates over a cuppa.
  4. Cake
    It’s a great way to break the ice and get to know your flatmates.
  5. Portable charger
    You never know when your phone might run out of battery, whether on a night out or just a long day at campus, having some sort of charger on you is a must have.

What other advice would you give to first-year students starting in September?

Get involved as much as you can! It might be terrifying to put yourself out there, but I’ve found that being busy and having lots of different activities and events going on is so much better for my mental health. Try new things, sign up to clubs, societies, whatever opportunities come your way. There is so much to choose from at Surrey, so try as much as you can.


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