Published: 11 July 2023

Investing in Nutrition - "Innovating Finance for Nutrition"

By Ali Niklewicz (ANutr), Postgraduate researcher, University of Surrey, STAR Hub contributor 

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The article unequivocally highlights that existing public sector resources fall short in delivering on the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to nutrition. Consequently, we must turn to the private sector to crowd-in innovative finance and mobilize additional resources. However, the article aptly points out that funding commitments alone are insufficient. We must also focus on maximizing the impact of these resources by employing tools such as nutrition public expenditure reviews, results-based financing, and nutrition-responsive budgeting.

One of the key takeaways is the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to enhance both financing and its impact. By creating enabling environments that incentivize stronger public–private partnerships, we can unlock the potential for market conditions to shape food and nutrition security, revolutionizing the game.

This research urges global action and proposes concrete steps that can be taken at the upcoming G7 and G20 meetings in 2023. These platforms provide an ideal opportunity to rally substantive innovative financing for nutrition. To make this vision a reality, four essential actions are recommended: the establishment of robust metrics, strong advocacy, catalytic financing, and strategic capital for private sector companies operating in the food sector.

The article proposes the creation of a 'nutrition investment fund' to be launched by the G7 and G20. This fund would not only support the setup of an independent monitoring body but also develop and enforce appropriate metrics. These measures will help level the playing field and hold food companies and investors accountable, dissuading nutri-washing and ensuring real oversight and incentives.

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